Bruh, I can recommend a good AA therapist for all the wine you're going through
Why are you relying on my reads? This doesn't add up.
Then why aren't you deciding between them yourself? Why vtl for the one I tell you to vtl? Why follow my lead? Just because you depend on my survival doesn't mean you have to do that.
Very wellPress would be easiest, that is.
Zaradi is not getting lynched today.
He did what you asked and gave his results. What else do you have against him?
Then Sir jumps on the bandwagon because of my “illogical play”, despite the fact that I have already covered all of my “illogical plays” that he points out.
He said that he would provide reasons for VTLing me after he’s done work. He has yet to do that.
The only thing on press I can think of right now is, way back when in pizza Mafia, he purposefully waived the NK to put suspicion on the inactive playersI don't see him as scummy otherwise