Your questions will never end, because you don't really accept what the faith is about.
That's neither here nor there. I am questioning the scripture not your faith. I am more than well aware of your faith.
You Argue over letter issues when Christianity is religion of the spirit.
No, that would be whole verses full of contradictory letter issues.
Tell me,what is spiritual about someone in the scriptures saying “honour thy mother and thy father” and then saying “He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.”?
You Seem to be ignoring the fact that these New Testament scriptures are suppose to ACTUALLY be telling the ACTUAL story of the ACTUAL words and ACTUAL deeds of the Son Of God and THE ACTUAL ACTS words and deed OF HIS Disciples. Yet, when put under the microscope they don’t ACTUALLY not ring true. And that is just the New Testament
No Matter how many questions of yours that are answered, they will never be enough.
Wellyou haven’t answered any yet, although you insist that you have. And I Agree, there are so many anomalies, half told stories and enigmatic statements in these scriptures that they, for me have to be ironed out, discussed and explained by someone who should know.
You Don't ask because you intend to be wrong. You ask questions because you are sure you are right.
How could you possibly know that? I ask a question to get a answer to my question. You just can’t handle my questions, so , that, somehow, in your faithful eyes,makes wrong FOR ASKING!!!?
The Scriptures themselves give instructions on how to handle such as you
Well I Haven’t seen anything that describes what you claim. I have read certain dictates “turn the other cheek” and sell you clothes and buy weapons” are those the instructions to which you refer?
Tell Me, if the end of time/the world was approaching as these poor suckers ofthe time were led to believe, then what was the point of giving all your belongings and everything you owned away to the so called “poor”?
"But Avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain.
Yes from Titus. and would say that wouldn’t he? He probably, like you, simply couldn’t address or answer some of these problematic scriptures himself so came up with something as bland and dismissive as you do.
My Religion is Truth worship.
If you worship truth, then get to know that these gospels do not ring true on the surface.
Truth Worship is the religion of Christianity.
That’ll Be Christianity then. Yes I think I got that.
You don't know my faith, nor can you as long as you believe you know it is false.
You’redoing it again. I understand you have faith in these scriptures. I understand that you have faith in at least in one of the many gods of the bible. It is the scriptures I am questioning, not your faith.
You remain unteachable.
I am open to all kinds of teaching, but it appears you are in any position to provide the simplest of teaching, not even to a child. You repeating over and over that you are a lover of “truth” and a believer of "truth"wouldn’t even answer a child’s basic questions such as, why did my motherdie? Why have I got a illness that is going to kill me before I get to school age?
It's My hope that you one day come to understand what the faith is really about
I know perfectly what faith is about, it is believing something is true without evidence.
that you come to repentance and acknowledgment of The Truth.
I believe I Am slowly acknowledging the truth of the scriptures and am revealing what Iacknowledge. And that seems to be annoying you and a few others here.
Your Questions will never end,
That’ll be down to the hundreds of inconsistencies in the scriptures. I don’t believe you have even read the bible and certainly not as closely as I have.
and you have had several answered already
stop saying that, it just isn’t true , truth lover!!!
You Don't ever accept the answers you are given because you think you know better.
I have given you examples how one of your so called answers simply leads to another question because your answers do not add up. Telling me that biblical hypocrisy in some cases is “GOOD” and the blatant contradictions are “GOOD” are not answers, THEY'RE MORE CONTRADICTIONS!!!!!
Whatthis tells me is that you aren't really interested in learning, but instead youare playing a game of rhetoric.
So let me get this straight, when I quote a verse from your own scriptures, that is me being rhetorical? But when you do the same it is something else entirely.: Truth? This again is hypocrisy. And this is the nature of the scriptures, they continually throw up questions. Are you trying to tell everyone here that you have never ever questioned the bible ?
You are a typical case of being led to verses by someone else and by the same token you are also being led away from those verses that contradict those verses you have been led to and directed towards. Now that is the "TRUTH"