I think it's likely malarkey,
But that placebos, culture, and how a concept can cause you to consider something,
Can be enjoyable.
A coworker of mine gave me a smoky black quartz once,
Claimed it helped keep away bad luck.
I found a thought amusing, and a bit reassuring, despite being false.
That by keeping the smoky black quartz on my person, I could ward off an bad luck from outside sources, and thus any bad luck I would encounter, would be formed purely of my own action and volition.
Which 'is true in a sense,
I view my thoughts, reactions, and actions,
As all due to my own will,
Should I spill a glass of milk, I have the option to rage and make the situation worse, or I can shrug and mop up the mess.
Figure that it should serve as a cautionary warning for next time, and to pay better attention when having cups containing liquid about me.
Certainly something within my control.