YOUR WASTE OF TIME QUOTE REGARDING YOU COMMITTING THE UNPARDONABLE SIN!, #107: “ It is clear you do not understand the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. If you recall from Matthew 12 the context is a healing of a demon …….
.blah, blah, blah, blah ………. possessed man. the crowd asked "can this be the messiah"? The Jewish leaders said "he does this by the prince of demons”…blah, blah, blah, blah blah … Their words obscured the real truth which was that the Spirit of God was Jesus' source of power and this implicitly meant the kingdom had come. He had tied up ……. ……
blah, blah, blah, blah ……… the strong man and was taking hold of his possession, proving …..
blah, blah, blah b blah ………….forgiven including anything said against Jesus, (which is what you accused me of) but anyone who speaks against the Spirit of God will ………….
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah ………..verses discussing good fruit and bad fruit and how they reveal a good tree or a bad tree. His point was the healing of the demon possessed…. …….
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah …………….. Spirit but certainly he warns them to be careful for this was close to doing it. They could see what was going on and were afraid for their position and power. Jesus……..
blah, blah, blah, blah …………Jesus totally relied on the Holy Spirit in all things. Hence, your spurious and false allegation comes to nought. On the other hand, you need to heed Jesus warning …….
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah ………..condemned.” - reckless and careless words do matter.
Whew! You can thank me later in shortening your embarrassing non sequitur spin relative to the UNPARDONABLE SIN that you have committed!
“I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.” (Matthew 12:31-32)
BLASPHEMES: the act or offense of speaking
sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; sacrilege, irreligiousness,
irreverence, taking the Lord's name in vain, swearing, curse, cursing, impiety, impiousness, ungodliness, unholiness, desecration,
Below is a partial list of where you have BLASPHEMED against the Holy Spirit entity of Jesus’ Triune Doctrine, therefore committing the Unpardonable Sin by the definition of “Blasphemes:”
1. You sacrilegiously slap Jesus in the face by taking the
sacred thing of Jesus birth and questioning it with your Satanic quote of:
“IF” Jesus was born through Mary…” therefore you are calling the birth narrative of Jesus in
Matthew 1:18-25 AS A LIE! 2. In an absolute sense, you really don’t know if Jesus was born with original sin or not! You embarrassingly keep wavering back and forth upon this topic as shown in your post #97 and others. In the name of Jesus, quit showing irreverence to Jesus and
make up your mind in an absolute sense for Christ’s sake!
3. You blatantly deny our Jesus as a man AND as Yahweh God incarnate in your Satanic post #5 and others as well. Therefore, you have
disrespected Jesus as God of the bible and being a serial killer, because of your Satanic churches doctrine that you have erroneously swallowed to the contrary!
4. You blatantly
HIDE from telling the membership in which church has fed you your wrongful Satanic doctrine where it thinks Jesus is just a man, whereas, the bible teaches that Jesus was man AND Yahweh God incarnate in many verses and narratives that you are obviously unaware of, which in turn you show
irreverence towards Jesus the Christ AS GOD! No wonder you don’t want to expose your Satanic church!
Therefore, since Jesus is Yahweh God incarnate in the flesh, as many biblical passages so state at your expense (1 Timothy 3:15-16), then the Holy Spirit entity of Jesus’ Godly Triune,
WAS BLASPHEMED BY YOU! Now, you can sit here all day and night and try to weasel out of this biblical axiom, but I will show you more verses and narratives o embarrass you once again in the fact that JESUS IS YAHWEH GOD INCARNATE!
You call it, do you need more embarrassment or not?