JESUS condemns entire cities to dreadful deaths in HELL

Author: BrotherDThomas


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Dr. "C&P" Franklin,

YOUR QUOTE: "Where's the link for your school?"

You will get the link in question when you make your first $5000.00 payment through PayPal, understood?


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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TRADESECRET, the runaway FAKE Christian,
YOUR BLASPHEMOUS QUOTE #90:  "Where did I usurp the Scripture or Jesus' authority? Firstly, I used the words "not sure" because I don't know. I said he was sinless because the bible clearly states this. Jesus was God Incarnate - but he was also FULLY man. As God he cannot sin - as man he must have been able to. Otherwise his claim to defeat sin is a façade." 

Listen up you biblically blasphemous fool, your ungodly term of “NOT SURE” in questioning whether Jesus was born in original sin or not, as the serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, CAN NEVER WORK! How dare you even go further and say you “DON’T KNOW!”  Pay attention you Satanic Jesus questioner, when Jesus becomes God AND man, He has to be pure without any sin whatsoever, whether original sin, or any type of sin, because there had to be a pure and clean sacrifice on the cross to save mankind because it was God’s will, which in turn is Jesus’ will since he is God (Hebrews 10:7-10).  DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS SIMPLE GODLY PREMISE. OR NOT?

Where did you get your assumed bible knowledge, out of a Cracker Jack Box?  I can’t believe that you are taking your unchristian like stance to the God of the universe and in front of the membership of DebateArt!

Then if you already haven’t removed one foot to insert the other again in positing that Jesus may have been born with original sin, then you explicitly state “As God he cannot sin - as man he must have been able to.” WHAT?!!!  You have the audacity to now state that Jesus as a man sinned???!  Where does your Satanic ways stop in disparaging Jesus as God of the universe?  PURE BLASPHEME!


You know that he appeared to take away sins, and in him there is no sin.” (John 3:5)

We have a high priest who was tempted in every point like we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15)

Yes, "he who knew no sin was counted as sin in order that we might become the righteousness of God." So he knew no sin.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)  

"He committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth.”  (1 Peter 2:22) 

“Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me?” (John 8:46)

Your disparaging Devil Speak towards our Jesus has gone off the rails! As I have said before, you were obviously sent here from Satan Himself, therefore, what has Satan promised you in return for stating the ungodly things you have done about Jesus?  Has Satan promised you a cooler place in Hell when you arrive?  Maybe Satan will provide air conditioning as you stew in the sulfur lakes of Hell for eternity, is that it?


In prayer with Jesus last night, we want to know when you are going to change your moniker to save further biblical embarrassment on DebateArt?  Anytime soon? Huh? You are a despicable excuse for a Christian, of which, you have already paid for this with committing the Unpardonable Sin, congratulations on your one-way E-ticket ride to Hell upon your earthly demise!

BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

TRADESECRET, the runaway FAKE Christian,

Pssst, Jesus and I noticed that you are still too embarrassed to address the link below. Since my post #92 above is showing you to be a minion of Satan, maybe the both of you would be able to address the following post, okay?

As if DebateArt didn't see you continually running away from said post above!  LOL!


Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
wow. Why not 50,000
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

Dr. "C&P" Franklin,


You are correct, I am underselling myself with only asking $5000.00!

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
Awesome!, how about a website to go with it!
Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
 "Where did I usurp the Scripture or Jesus' authority? Firstly, I used the words "not sure" because I don't know. I said he was sinless because the bible clearly states this. Jesus was God Incarnate - but he was also FULLY man. As God he cannot sin - as man he must have been able to. Otherwise his claim to defeat sin is a façade." 

Your term of “NOT SURE” in questioning whether Jesus was born in original sin or not, as the serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, CAN NEVER WORK! How dare you say you “DON’T KNOW!”  
I can say I don't know or I am not sure. It is easy. Read my words - I don't know or I am not sure. I don't know who the serial killer Yahweh God incarnate is. Sounds like a dog poopy demon.  He sounds like he needs to have his bottom wiped. He sounds like a sinner to me. Serial killers are sinful per se. 

Jesus however is God and Jesus is Man.  I said above he has not sinned and that indeed he was sinless. But was he born with original sin? Probably. I am not sure. Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin. After all, how is original sin transmitted from one generation to the next? It is not biological. It is not in the DNA. We call it the estate of sin. It is something which is inherited. Something that is passed to you by declaration or gift. Perhaps you can explain how else it is transmitted? And also why Jesus was immune to it as a Man?

When Jesus becomes God AND man, He has to be pure without any sin whatsoever, whether original sin, or any type of sin, because there had to be a pure and clean sacrifice on the cross to save mankind because it was God’s will, which in turn is Jesus’ will since he is God (Hebrews 10:7-10).  DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS SIMPLE GODLY PREMISE. OR NOT?
I totally agree that Jesus had to be pure to die on the cross for the sins of the world. Yet God did not die on the cross. Man did. Jesus as God could not sin. As Man it was possible for him to sin. If it were not possible then the temptations in the desert are a lie. Now I don't believe Jesus did sin and your verses which you provided below demonstrate that. Yet, unless it was possible for Jesus to sin - the entire Christian message is a joke. It is the fact that he overcame all temptations and still did not sin which makes his story more profound. 

you explicitly state “As God he cannot sin - as man he must have been able to.” WHAT?!!!  You have the audacity to now state that Jesus as a man sinned???! 
There is no reason for you to lie. I never said Jesus sinned. I said Jesus was sinless. 

You know that he appeared to take away sins, and in him there is no sin.” (John 3:5)

We have a high priest who was tempted in every point like we are, yet without sin.” (Hebrews 4:15)

Yes, "he who knew no sin was counted as sin in order that we might become the righteousness of God." So he knew no sin.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)  

"He committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth.”  (1 Peter 2:22) 

“Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don't you believe me?” (John 8:46)

I have clearly indicated that I believe Jesus is without sin. I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin. That is your conjecture. Yet you don't even understand the difference between sin and sins. I think it was possible that Jesus as Man could have sinned. The bible clearly says he did not sin - he overcame the temptations of sin. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
TRADESECRET, the runaway FAKE Christian,

Pssst, Jesus and I noticed that you are still too embarrassed to address the link below. Since my post #92 above is showing you to be a minion of Satan, maybe the both of you would be able to address the following post, okay?

As if DebateArt didn't see you continually running away from said post above!  LOL!

I didn't reply or address your #88 post because there was nothing of substance to address.  I reject your assertions that unless I give you my background details that I am running away or denying Christ. I have nothing to be ashamed of.  I honestly don't see the point of providing you with canon fodder. And material which is irrelevant to our discussion. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Tradesecret, the RUN AWAY FAKE Christian,

YOUR EMBARRASSING AND REVEALING QUOTE REGARDING THE REASON YOU CAN’T TELL US YOUR CHURCH AFFILIATION, POST #98:  I didn't reply or address your #88 post because there was nothing of substance to address.  I reject your assertions that unless I give you my background details that I am running away or denying Christ. I have nothing to be ashamed of.  I honestly don't see the point of providing you with canon fodder. And material which is irrelevant to our discussion. 

Your simple-minded quote above shows without any doubt that you are too embarrassed about your church and how they represent Jesus the Christ, and where your Satanic church is obviously as ignorant of the bible as you are.  The adage of “like attracts like” rings true with you and your Satanic church, because your blatant misconceptions relative to the bible are obviously taught by your churches Devil Speak!

Additionally, you remove one foot to insert the other AGAIN with your admittance that if you did tell us your church affiliation, then you would provide cannon fodder and material for any astute TRUE Christian like myself, or an Atheist, to bury you in further embarrassment, therefore admitting that your church is open to embarrassment!  THANK YOU VERY MUCH TRADESECRET FOR ADMITTING THIS TACIT INFORMATION! PRICELESS!  LOL!!!!

Your assumed credibility within this forum is severely waning by going against Jesus' words!


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Tradesecret, the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,

YOUR QUOTES REGARDING JESUS BEING BORN INTO ORIGINAL SIN IN YOUR POST #97:  “I can say I don't know or I am not sure.” “ But was he born with original sin? Probably.” “Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin” “I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin"

Barring your wavering and embarrassing position on whether Jesus was born into original sin or not, you strike out with your Satanic Devil Speak quote herewith:  “If he was the true child of Mary….”   What did you just say?!!!

You have the audacity to say “IF” Jesus was the true child of Mary?!  As if we haven’t seen enough of your disgusting Devil Speak, you are now questioning whether Jesus was born from Mary with His godly attributes?!  Tradesecret, you are now calling the inspired by Jesus passage below as a LIE!  TOTAL BLASPHEME, YOU WILL PAY UPON JUDGMENT DAY!

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:” (Matthew 1:18-25)

Notwithstanding, you capitalize Mary’s name, but slap Jesus in the face AGAIN by not capitalizing His pronoun “he” in your statement.  You again show absolutely no respect for Jesus, and you seriously want to call yourself a Christian?! You are kidding, correct?!  Obviously your Satanic Church is teaching you these ungodly notions, where it is no wonder you do not want to tell us your Churches affiliation! LOL!

TRADESECRET, you are such an embarrassment to Christianity and this DebateArt religion forum.


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Tradesecret, the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,

CONTINUING WITH YOUR SATANIC POST OF WHETHER JESUS HAD ORIGINAL SIN OR NOT, #97: “I can say I don't know or I am not sure.” “ But was he born with original sin? Probably.” “Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin” “I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin"

Your revealing quotes above shows us that the cows have finally come home and you admit that Jesus, as the aforementioned serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, was born into original sin! Therefore, original sin imposes that Jesus has sin upon Him, disregarding your comical ruse of the differrence of original sin verse regular sin, SIN IS SIN!  You can weasel your words until Hell freezes over, BUT THE FACT REMAINS THAT JESUS THEREFORE HAS SIN UPON HIS BEING WITH ORIGINAL SIN, PERIOD!!!

JESUS IS GOD INCARNATE, EXHIBIT #1: Remember, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are not names for different parts of our Christian God, but one name for God  because three persons exist in God AS ONE ENTITY. They cannot be separate from one another. Each person is understood as having the identical essence or nature, not merely similar natures, understood?  Therefore, Jesus as a man, is the serial killer Yahweh God incarnate!

JESUS STATED: I and the Father are one.’ (John 10:30-33)  See Exhibit #1

“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.”(Colossians 2:9) This is speaking specifically about JESUS. Can it get any clearer that Jesus is God, any further questions, see EXHIBITI #1

PAUL STATED: “But in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth. By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh, Was vindicated in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Proclaimed among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory.” (1 Timothy 3:15-16)  Without controversy, who was manifested in the flesh as our Christian God? You got it, Jesus!  See EXHIBIT #1

ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR DUMBFOUNDED QUOTES: “I totally agree that Jesus had to be pure to die on the cross for the sins of the world. Yet God did not die on the cross. Man did. Jesus as God could not sin. As Man it was possible for him to sin.”

Jesus is God that walked the earth, See EXHIBIT #1, then wipe the proverbial egg from your face once again.


Dr.Franklin's avatar
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whos the worst christian

Vote Franklin
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Tradesecret, the RUNAWAY FAKE Chrisitian,

YOUR BIBLE IGNORANT QUOTE AGAIN POST #97: “I think it was possible that Jesus as Man could have sinned.”

Just where in the Hell do you actually stand upon this topic? Whereas, you continually CONTRADICT yourself ad infinitum, as shown once again in your embarrassing post #97!

“I have clearly indicated that I believe Jesus is without sin” 

“I think it was possible that Jesus as Man could have sinned”


Then you further embarrassed yourself in front of the membership with these quotes below!

“I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin.”

“But was he born with original sin? Probably. I am not sure. Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin.”

TRADESECRET, you have yet to explain through your Satanic church in why you don’t think Jesus' original sin, as Yahweh God incarnate, is actual sin. We TRUE Christians need some laughter, therefore, can you explain your churches Satanic position on this topic?  Nonetheless, original sin was IMPOSED UPON JESUS AS GOD whether it is original sin, or regular sin, where again, SIN IS SIN! UNDERSTOOD? HELLO? (See EXHIBIT #1 in post #101 for the explanation of Jesus' Triune Doctrine)

YOUR SCARY QUOTE IN YOUE POST #77: “I preached from this passage recently - in the past 12 months - and was referring to commentaries and a book on word pictures.”

With all of the embarrassing and contradicting statements you have made within this thread alone, you actually preach to others as if you knew what you were biblically talking about?!  Are you kidding?!  Please tell the membership that your existence on his forum is just a ruse, a parody, where you are just pretending to be a Christian, okay? This is because myself and others have shown you to be one of the most  biblically ignorant FAKE Christians on DebateArt!  How can you sleep at night in preaching to others your outright bible gnorance that is taught by your Satanic church, whereas the only way that this could happen, is that your audience is as equally Bible ignorant as you are! LOL!

TRADESECRET, relative to your comical parody presence upon this forum, and as Jesus once stated, you represent Satan by questioning Jesus’ birth and other biblical axioms relating to Jesus, therefore,  BE GONE SATAN, .........” (Matthew 4:10).


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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Tradesecret, the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,

Hmmmm, we can't help but notice that you were silent to me saying that you have undoubtedly committed the Unpardonable Sin in my post #92! It must be "sinking in" by now, isn't it? You have blatantly gone against Jesus so many times, that I have lost count, where one of the standouts was questioning Jesus' birth through Mary in whether it was true or not in your post #97!!!  BLASPHEME!

You have blasphemed the Holy Spirit of Jesus' Triune Doctrine though your Satanic churches teachings, therefore your existence upon earth is just a waiting game for your demise, and hence, your one way E-ticked ride to depths of the sulfur lakes of Hell! 

Praise Jesus' revenge!


Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
“I can say I don't know or I am not sure.” “ But was he born with original sin? Probably.” “Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin” “I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin"

"you admit that Jesus, as the aforementioned serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, was born into original sin! Therefore, original sin imposes that Jesus has sin upon Him, disregarding your comical ruse of the differrence of original sin verse regular sin, SIN IS SIN!  You can weasel your words until Hell freezes over, BUT THE FACT REMAINS THAT JESUS THEREFORE HAS SIN UPON HIS BEING WITH ORIGINAL SIN, PERIOD!!!"
Hi Brother, glad to see you did not get lost elsewhere and pleased you have finally started to address some of my questions. Firstly, it is your god who is called "serial killer Yahweh God", not mine. My God is the God of the bible. Secondly, I never said and in fact deny that God was born into original sin. I agree that sin is sin - but original sin is not the same as sin. Hence why I have on several occasions asked you do to distinguish between the two. It is obvious that you can't or this would not be such a difficult strain on your brain. I have said - and I will repeat I am not sure whether Jesus as man was born inheriting original sin from his mother. Presently, I cannot see how he, as man, could have avoided it. And you certainly have not even been bothered trying to explain it. Obviously you don't think things through and just believe things in blind faith. 

JESUS IS GOD INCARNATE, EXHIBIT #1: Remember, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit are not names for different parts of our Christian God, but one name for God  because three persons exist in God AS ONE ENTITY. They cannot be separate from one another. Each person is understood as having the identical essence or nature, not merely similar natures, understood?  Therefore, Jesus as a man, is the serial killer Yahweh God incarnate!
Close but not correct. Jesus as man is fully man. When Jesus died on the cross, GOD did not die. Otherwise - the universe would have died along with GOD. You cant have it both ways. God cannot sin. God cannot tell a lie. God cannot die. Jesus as man did die. We know that. Yet Jesus as God did not die. Yes, another one of those apparent contradictory matters. 

JESUS STATED: I and the Father are one.’ (John 10:30-33)  See Exhibit #1

“For in Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.”(Colossians 2:9) This is speaking specifically about JESUS. Can it get any clearer that Jesus is God, any further questions, see EXHIBITI #1

PAUL STATED: “But in case I am delayed, I write so that you will know how one ought to conduct himself in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and support of the truth. By common confession, great is the mystery of godliness: He who was revealed in the flesh, Was vindicated in the Spirit, Seen by angels, Proclaimed among the nations, Believed on in the world, Taken up in glory.” (1 Timothy 3:15-16)  Without controversy, who was manifested in the flesh as our Christian God? You got it, Jesus!  See EXHIBIT #1
I am not in disagreement with those statements. Jesus is the second person of the Trinity. He and the Father and the Spirit of God are one. Nevertheless, Jesus was fully man. Not half man - half God. Fully MAN!. You continue to deny the humanity of Jesus - and that is heresy. And if you are not denying - you certainly are diminishing it, making it of no matter, giving his humanity no credit. That is pretty close to heresy.  

“I totally agree that Jesus had to be pure to die on the cross for the sins of the world. Yet God did not die on the cross. Man did. Jesus as God could not sin. As Man it was possible for him to sin.”

Jesus is God that walked the earth, See EXHIBIT #1,
Yes, confounded for any who do not have the Spirit of God. 
Tradesecret's avatar
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“I think it was possible that Jesus as Man could have sinned.”

Just where  do you stand upon this topic?  you continually CONTRADICT yourself ad infinitum,

“I have clearly indicated that I believe Jesus is without sin” 

“I think it was possible that Jesus as Man could have sinned”

Not contradictions. one describes the actuality. the other a possibility. Just because Jesus possibly could have sinned does not mean that he did. In fact we know he did not - which means he, unlike Adam, overcame the temptation of sin. If it was not possible for Jesus to sin, then his overcoming of sin would give Christians no comfort that they too are able to overcome sin. It is pretty basic Christianity 101. 

“I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin.”

“But was he born with original sin? Probably. I am not sure. Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin.”

You have yet to explain  why you don’t think Jesus' original sin, as Yahweh God incarnate, is actual sin.
Jesus as man inherited original sin. Jesus as God did not inherit original sin. Original sin is not the same as sins. Your problem, I think, is that you are unable to properly provide an adequate understanding of the Humanity of Christ. Until you can explore this - these things will remain troublesome for you. It is encouraging that you have a developed view of Christ's deity. Yet, your theology will remain skewed until you explore Christ's humanity, a doctrine which is absolutely vital for the Christian church and proper understanding of the atonement. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
[I] notice that you were silent to me saying that you have undoubtedly committed the Unpardonable Sin. You have blatantly gone against Jesus  where one  question Jesus' birth through Mary in whether it was true or not.  BLASPHEME!

You have blasphemed the Holy Spirit of Jesus' Triune Doctrine ... therefore your existence upon earth is just a waiting game for your demise,
It is clear you do not understand the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. If you recall from Matthew 12 the context is a healing of a demon possessed man. the crowd asked "can this be the messiah"? The Jewish leaders said "he does this by the prince of demons". At issue, apart from their careless and reckless use of words, was the source of Jesus' power to cast out demons.  Jesus destroyed their arguments, showing such logic was not only absurd but inconsistent with their own people who cast out demons. Their words obscured the real truth which was that the Spirit of God was Jesus' source of power and this implicitly meant the kingdom had come. He had tied up the strong man and was taking hold of his possession, proving the vulnerability of Satan and his kingdom. Their words obscured the truth that neutrality was not an option. This is where he talks about the blasphemy of the Spirit. Note he starts of by saying every sin will be forgiven including anything said against Jesus, (which is what you accused me of) but anyone who speaks against the Spirit of God will not be forgiven. Jesus then spends several verses discussing good fruit and bad fruit and how they reveal a good tree or a bad tree. His point was the healing of the demon possessed man was a good fruit - how can you Jewish rulers say it came from a bad tree? He calls them blind - I am not sure he said they blasphemed the Holy Spirit but certainly he warns them to be careful for this was close to doing it. They could see what was going on and were afraid for their position and power. Jesus threatened this. the point is - I have not blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I have not attributed the source of Jesus power to Satan. I actually attributed his overcoming of sin to the Spirit of God. I attributed his conception to the Holy Spirit. I absolutely take the view that as MAN, Jesus totally relied on the Holy Spirit in all things. Hence, your spurious and false allegation comes to nought. On the other hand, you need to heed Jesus warning "for by your words you will be acquitted and by your words you will be condemned." - reckless and careless words do matter. 

Tradesecret's avatar
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 I didn't reply or address your #88 post because there was nothing of substance to address.  I reject your assertions that unless I give you my background details that I am running away or denying Christ. I have nothing to be ashamed of.  I honestly don't see the point of providing you with canon fodder. And material which is irrelevant to our discussion. 

Your simple-minded quote above shows without any doubt that you are too embarrassed about your church and how they represent Jesus the Christ, and where your Satanic church is obviously as ignorant of the bible as you are.  The adage of “like attracts like” rings true with you and your Satanic church, because your blatant misconceptions relative to the bible are obviously taught by your churches Devil Speak!

Additionally, you remove one foot to insert the other AGAIN with your admittance that if you did tell us your church affiliation, then you would provide cannon fodder and material for any astute TRUE Christian like myself, or an Atheist, to bury you in further embarrassment, therefore admitting that your church is open to embarrassment!  THANK YOU VERY MUCH TRADESECRET FOR ADMITTING THIS TACIT INFORMATION! PRICELESS!  LOL!!!!


Tradesecret's avatar
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Tradesecret's avatar
  “I can say I don't know or I am not sure.” “ But was he born with original sin? Probably.” “Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin” “I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin"

Barring your ... position on whether Jesus was born into original sin or not, you strike out with your quote herewith:  “If he was the true child of Mary….”  

You have the audacity to say “IF” Jesus was the true child of Mary?! 
Seriously! Is that the best you can come up with? I was positing an argument? Not making a statement of proposition. I have no doubt about Jesus' parentage. 

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:” (Matthew 1:18-25)

Notwithstanding, you capitalize Mary’s name, but slap Jesus in the face AGAIN by not capitalizing His pronoun “he” in your statement. 
God does not judge Christians against a 20th century grammar textbook. 

The Greek was written entirely in Capital Letters - why are you disrespecting God by not writing everything in Capital letters? Oh it must be because you disrespect God. Don't get distracted by pathetic and stupid arguments - lets talk real stuff - substance. 
BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

Tradesecret, the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,

YOUR QUOTE RELATIVE TO JESUS BEING YAHWEH GOD INCARNATE, POST #105: “ Close but not correct. Jesus as man is fully man. When Jesus died on the cross, GOD did not die. Otherwise - the universe would have died along with GOD. You cant have it both ways. God cannot sin. God cannot tell a lie. God cannot die. Jesus as man did die. We know that. Yet Jesus as God did not die. Yes, another one of those apparent contradictory matters. 

When Jesus is just a man, as you wrongfully state, whereas the Bible shows Jesus was a human man AND GOD, is the reason that you remain so confused and dumbfounded.  You are WRONG once again when you use your tired out ruse of “God cannot die, Otherwise the universe would have died with Jesus (God)." Firstly, Yahweh/Jesus DID NOT DIE AS A TRUE SACRIFICE because He arose on the 3rd day, AND, the universe was already set in motion by Jesus in following the laws of physics whether Yahweh/Jesus was gone for 3 days or not!  In a TRUE SACRIFICE, the person REMAINS DEAD, like in WWII, understood?! Here, let me use your own words against you, obviously you don't think things through and just believe things in blind faith!

Do you see why you are shown to be one of the most biblically ignorant FAKE Christians on DebateArt? The reasoning and foundation behind this FACT is that you are following the Satanic doctrine of your embarrassing church that you don’t want us to know about, for obvious reasons, where as blatantly shown, it is operated by Satan Himself! 

YOUR SATANIC AND EMBARRASSING DENIAL QUOTE: “Firstly, it is your god who is called "serial killer Yahweh God", not mine. My God is the God of the bible.” 

NO BIBLE IGNORANT FOOL!  The God of the Bible is Yahweh/Jesus as God incarnate of the Trinity Doctrine definition,  therefore Jesus is the serial killer God as shown in the Old and New Testaments!  TRUE Christians like myself accept this fact.  If you don’t runaway, I will make you the continued biblical fool in the near future upon this topic as well, okay? I would suggest that you acquire a lot of extra underwear when this happens, so hang on, its going to be a bumpy ride for you!  Don't "chicken out," agreed?


BrotherDThomas's avatar
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BrotherDThomas's avatar

Tradesecret, the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,


“I have clearly indicated that I believe Jesus is without sin”  

“I think it was possible that Jesus as Man could have sinned”

“Not contradictions. one describes the actuality. the other a possibility.”

“Just because Jesus possibly could have sinned does not mean that he did.” 

“In fact we know he did not - which means he, unlike Adam, overcame the temptation of sin. If it was not possible for Jesus to sin, then his overcoming of sin would give Christians no comfort that they too are able to overcome sin. It is pretty basic Christianity 101.”

“I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin.”

“But was he born with original sin? Probably. I am not sure.”

“ Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin.” 

“Jesus as man inherited original sin.” “Jesus as God did not inherit original sin”. “Original sin is not the same as sins.” 

“Your problem, I think, is that you are unable to properly provide an adequate understanding of the Humanity of Christ. Until you can explore this - these things will remain troublesome for you.” 

“It is encouraging that you have a developed view of Christ's deity. Yet, your theology will remain skewed until you explore Christ's humanity, a doctrine which is absolutely vital for the Christian church and proper understanding of the atonement.” 

Tradesecret, I know, QUIT LAUGHING at your myriad of your NOT SURE statements above!  With your nonchristian like comical wavering upon Jesus being born into sin or not goes against Jesus’ inspired word once again,  to wit: “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” (Psalm 119:130). 

The simplicity that is supposed to be found in the Bible imparts understanding, and as said, even to the simple, like Dr. "C&P" Franklin. Conversely, the TRUE Christian is supposed to render Jesus’ words in a simple manner in its understanding as well, GET IT? Therefore your embarrassing attempt to accomplish this notion falls drastically short of it’s goal with your wavering gobbly-gook mish-mash shown above, and for that, you are made the bible ignorant fool once again!


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Tradesecret the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,

YOUR WASTE OF TIME QUOTE REGARDING YOU COMMITTING THE UNPARDONABLE SIN!, #107: “   It is clear you do not understand the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. If you recall from Matthew 12 the context is a healing of a demon ……..blah, blah, blah, blah ………. possessed man. the crowd asked "can this be the messiah"? The Jewish leaders said "he does this by the prince of demons”…blah, blah, blah, blah blah … Their words obscured the real truth which was that the Spirit of God was Jesus' source of power and this implicitly meant the kingdom had come. He had tied up ……. …… blah, blah, blah, blah ……… the strong man and was taking hold of his possession, proving ….. blah, blah,  blah b blah ………….forgiven including anything said against Jesus, (which is what you accused me of) but anyone who speaks against the Spirit of God will …………. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah ………..verses discussing good fruit and bad fruit and how they reveal a good tree or a bad tree. His point was the healing of the demon possessed…. ……. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah …………….. Spirit but certainly he warns them to be careful for this was close to doing it. They could see what was going on and were afraid for their position and power. Jesus…….. blah, blah, blah, blah …………Jesus totally relied on the Holy Spirit in all things. Hence, your spurious and false allegation comes to nought. On the other hand, you need to heed Jesus warning ……. blah, blah, blah, blah, blah ………..condemned.” - reckless and careless words do matter. 

Whew! You can thank me later in shortening your embarrassing non sequitur spin relative to the UNPARDONABLE SIN that you have committed!

“I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”   (Matthew 12:31-32) 

BLASPHEMES:  the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; sacrilege, irreligiousness, irreverence, taking the Lord's name in vain, swearing, curse, cursing, impiety, impiousness, ungodliness, unholiness, desecration, disrespect;

Below is a partial list of where you have BLASPHEMED against the Holy Spirit entity of Jesus’ Triune Doctrine, therefore committing the Unpardonable Sin by the definition of “Blasphemes:”

1. You sacrilegiously slap Jesus in the face by taking the sacred thing of Jesus birth and questioning it with your Satanic quote of: “IF” Jesus was born through Mary…” therefore you are calling the birth narrative of Jesus in Matthew 1:18-25 AS A LIE!   

2.  In an absolute sense, you really don’t know if Jesus was born with original sin or not! You embarrassingly keep wavering back and forth upon this topic as shown in your post #97 and others.  In the name of Jesus, quit showing irreverence to Jesus and make up your mind in an absolute sense for Christ’s sake!
3.  You blatantly deny our Jesus as a man AND as Yahweh God incarnate in your Satanic post #5 and others as well. Therefore, you have disrespected Jesus as God of the bible and being a serial killer, because of your Satanic churches doctrine that you have erroneously swallowed to the contrary!

4.  You blatantly HIDE from telling the membership in which church has fed you your wrongful Satanic doctrine where it thinks Jesus is just a man, whereas, the bible teaches that Jesus was man AND Yahweh God incarnate in many verses and narratives that you are obviously unaware of, which in turn you show  irreverence towards Jesus the Christ AS GOD! No wonder you don’t want to expose your Satanic church!

Therefore, since Jesus is Yahweh God incarnate in the flesh, as many biblical passages so state at your expense (1 Timothy 3:15-16), then the Holy Spirit entity of Jesus’ Godly Triune, WAS BLASPHEMED BY YOU!  Now, you can sit here all day and night and try to weasel out of this biblical axiom, but I will show you more verses and narratives o embarrass you once again in the fact that JESUS IS YAHWEH GOD INCARNATE! 
You call it, do you need more embarrassment or not?


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Tradesecret the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,

Your totally embarrassing outcome to your pathetic post #108:

BROTHER D QUOTE TO YOU:  Your simple-minded quote above shows without any doubt that you are too embarrassed about your church and how they represent Jesus the Christ, and where your Satanic church is obviously as ignorant of the bible as you are.  The adage of “like attracts like” rings true with you and your Satanic church, because your blatant misconceptions relative to the bible are obviously taught by your churches Devil Speak!


BROTHER D. QUOTE TO YOU:  Additionally, you remove one foot to insert the other AGAIN with your admittance that if you did tell us your church affiliation, then you would provide cannon fodder and material for any astute TRUE Christian like myself, or an Atheist, to bury you in further embarrassment, therefore admitting that your church is open to embarrassment!  THANK YOU VERY MUCH TRADESECRET FOR ADMITTING THIS TACIT INFORMATION! PRICELESS!  LOL!!!!


Finally you are realizing that you cannot fight against godly logic and reason regarding the FACT that you continue to HIDE from the obvious embarrassment that your church represents, otherwise, you would have told the membership of it’s name by now to save further embarrassment!  

Upon this topic, you have thrown in the towel of defeat, well done Tradesecret!


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Tradesecret, the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,

YOUR GOBBLY GOOK QUOTE OF INEPTNESS IN POST #109: “Seriously! Is that the best you can come up with? I was positing an argument? Not making a statement of proposition. I have no doubt about Jesus' parentage.”

Tradesecret, there are times within these religious forums where the FAKE Christian like you has been caught in an embarrassing situation, and therefore tries in vain to come up with an excuse to bow out of said situation like you are so desperately trying to do as shown above.  Your obvious scared wording as shown is trying to ward off the poo that you have stepped in once again. Sorry, it will not work because of the fact of “syntactical sentence structuring and word meanings.”  

Your embarrassing gobbly-gook aside, in your “look over here, instead of looking at my blatant mistake in using the word “if in my explanation of questioning whether Jesus was the true child of Mary, the conjunction “if,” means “used to discuss the imaginary result or effect of something that did not happen or that is or was not true,” UNDERSTAND? Therefore, when you erroneously state;  I have no doubt about Jesus' parentage,” YOU BLATANTLY LIED to the membership here on DebateArt as explicitly shown herein!

Listen up Tradesecret, you can play these lack of understanding of the syntactical sentence structuring of a sentence and word games with your equally ignorant of the English language friends, but you will NOT do this with me, DO YOU UNDERSTAND? I will continue in correcting your drastic lack of understanding of the English language, along with your blatant biblical ignorance!

YOUR SATANIC QUOTE TO DISPARAGE JESUS THE CHRIST AGAIN: “God does not judge Christians against a 20th century grammar textbook.”

Show within the bible where Jesus, as the serial killer Yahweh God incarnate, states what you proposed, where He does not judge upon a 20th century grammer book in showing Him respect?  Barring the fact of your continued misspelled words where it is "Grammar," In turn, when a TRUE Christian like myself capitalizes the pronoun “He,” we are showing respect towards Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate, whereas you don’t give a damn, and then you want to be called a Christian?  NOT! 

I have a great concept for you to help you take away your FAKE Christian status on DebateArt. Why don’t you follow the bible for a change and capitalize Jesus’ pronouns as this passage implies, GET IT BIBLE FOOL? I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever.” (Psalm 86:12)  He, His, Him are pronouns that are relative to Jesus’ NAME that are to be glorified as the passage so states, UNDERSTAND? HUH? MAYBE? YES?

YOUR TRYING IN VAIN TO LOOK INTELLIGENT QUOTE IN POST 109: “The Greek was written entirely in Capital Letters - why are you disrespecting God by not writing everything in Capital letters? Oh it must be because you disrespect God. Don't get distracted by pathetic and stupid arguments - lets talk real stuff - substance. “

Showing respect to Jesus as Yahweh/God incarnate of the universe is “Real stuff and substance” towards Him and Christianity, you bible ignoramus fool for Satan!!!  

TRADESECRET, what a pathetic example of a Christian you represent, why are we not surprised since your Satanic Church is the teacher of your Devil Speak!  Don't worry, I will follow you around to correct your insolence to Jesus the Christ by making you the continued bible fool that you are, you can count on this fact in Jesus' name!

Tradesecret, you are excused in embarrassment for now.


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Tradesecret the RUNAWAY FAKE Christian,

YOUR SCARY QUOTE IN POST #77: “I preached from this passage recently - in the past 12 months - and was referring to commentaries and a book on word pictures.”

With all of the embarrassing and contradicting statements against Jesus you have made within this thread, you have the nerve actually preach to others as if you knew what you were biblically talking about?!  Are you kidding?!  Please, for our sake, tell the membership at DebateArt that your existence on his forum is just a ruse, where you are just pretending to be a Christian as a parody, okay? This is because myself and others have shown you to be one of the most  biblically ignorant FAKE Christians on DebateArt! 

Truthfully, how can you sleep at night in preaching to others your outright biblical ignorance, whereas the only way that this could happen, is that your audience is as equally Bible ignorant as you are! LOL!  I have to admit though, your presence does add a lot of comedy relief, but at your expense as usual.

Tradesecret, relative to your ungodly presence upon this forum, and as Jesus once stated, you represent Satan by questioning Jesus’ birth and other biblical axioms relating to Jesus, therefore,  " BE GONE SATAN, ......."  (Matthew 4:10).

Tradesecret's avatar
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“Close but not correct. Jesus as man is fully man. When Jesus died on the cross, GOD did not die. Otherwise - the universe would have died along with GOD. You cant have it both ways. God cannot sin. God cannot tell a lie. God cannot die. Jesus as man did die. We know that. Yet Jesus as God did not die. Yes, another one of those apparent contradictory matters. 

When Jesus is just a man, as you wrongfully state, whereas the Bible shows Jesus was a human man AND GOD, is the reason that you remain so confused and dumbfounded.  
I have consistently maintained Jesus is fully God and fully Man. You are the one who diminished Jesus' humanity. Is there a reason you have not addressed my point????? you said God died. 

You are WRONG once again when you use your tired out ruse of “God cannot die, Otherwise the universe would have died with Jesus (God)." Firstly, Yahweh/Jesus DID NOT DIE AS A TRUE SACRIFICE because He arose on the 3rd day, AND, the universe was already set in motion by Jesus in following the laws of physics whether Yahweh/Jesus was gone for 3 days or not!  In a TRUE SACRIFICE, the person REMAINS DEAD, like in WWII, understood?! Here, let me use your own words against you, obviously you don't think things through and just believe things in blind faith!
God did not die full stop.  Your reference to the deistic watchmaker as authority is more scary than anything I say.  Your logic is for want of a better word - "DUMB"

“Firstly, it is your god who is called "serial killer Yahweh God", not mine. My God is the God of the bible.” 
 The God of the Bible is Yahweh/Jesus as God incarnate of the Trinity Doctrine definition,  therefore Jesus is the serial killer God as shown in the Old and New Testaments!  
Yes, I understand that is your position - but it is not mine and nor is it the majority of Christianity. It is your story to prove, not mine to disprove. 

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Tradesecret's avatar
“I have clearly indicated that I believe Jesus is without sin”  

“I think it was possible that Jesus as Man could have sinned”

“Not contradictions. one describes the actuality. the other a possibility.”

“Just because Jesus possibly could have sinned does not mean that he did.” 

“In fact we know he did not - which means he, unlike Adam, overcame the temptation of sin. If it was not possible for Jesus to sin, then his overcoming of sin would give Christians no comfort that they too are able to overcome sin. It is pretty basic Christianity 101.”

“I don't believe that original sin means he was with sin.”

“But was he born with original sin? Probably. I am not sure.”

“ Yet it seems he must have been if he was the true child of Mary who herself had inherited original sin.” 

“Jesus as man inherited original sin.” “Jesus as God did not inherit original sin”. “Original sin is not the same as sins.” 

“Your problem, I think, is that you are unable to properly provide an adequate understanding of the Humanity of Christ. Until you can explore this - these things will remain troublesome for you.” 

“It is encouraging that you have a developed view of Christ's deity. Yet, your theology will remain skewed until you explore Christ's humanity, a doctrine which is absolutely vital for the Christian church and proper understanding of the atonement.” 
Absolutely and totally consistent. You laughing does not demonstrate contradiction. It is not my fault that you are uneducated. 

With your nonchristian like comical wavering upon Jesus being born into sin or not goes against Jesus’ inspired word once again,  to wit: “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” (Psalm 119:130). 
Again I deny that allegation. You need to prove that original sin - is the same as being born into sin and furthermore that that actually means a person sins. So far you have not attempted to do so. In not doing so - you diminish your own argument. and by not doing so - people are left perplexed by you actual argument. It seems you don't have one. 

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"forgiven including anything said against Jesus, (which is what you accused me of)"
I repost this because of your inability to read. Everything you accuse me of is about Jesus. Your ignorance of the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is astounding. Anyone who can read can see that I have not once criticised the Holy Spirit and certainly have not blasphemed him. 

“I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of an eternal sin.”   (Matthew 12:31-32) 

BLASPHEMES:  the act or offense of speaking sacrilegiously about God or sacred things; sacrilege, irreligiousness, irreverence, taking the Lord's name in vain, swearing, curse, cursing, impiety, impiousness, ungodliness, unholiness, desecration, disrespect;

1. You sacrilegiously slap Jesus in the face by taking the sacred thing of Jesus birth and questioning it with your Satanic quote of: “IF” Jesus was born through Mary…” therefore you are calling the birth narrative of Jesus in Matthew 1:18-25 AS A LIE!   
I have not questioned his birth. using "if" to mean I question something is the same as Jesus using "if". 

2.  In an absolute sense, you really don’t know if Jesus was born with original sin or not! You embarrassingly keep wavering back and forth upon this topic as shown in your post #97 and others.  In the name of Jesus, quit showing irreverence to Jesus and make up your mind in an absolute sense for Christ’s sake!
I don't know. This is not a problem. Whereas with you - you just duck for cover and pretend it is not an issue. blind faith is your MO.  In any event, I clearly indicated Jesus did not sin. 

3.  You blatantly deny our Jesus as a man AND as Yahweh God incarnate in your Satanic post #5 and others as well. Therefore, you have disrespected Jesus as God of the bible and being a serial killer, because of your Satanic churches doctrine that you have erroneously swallowed to the contrary!
Yes it is certainly true that I deny Jesus is a serial killer. Yet this is not disrespect and certainly not blasphemy of the Spirit. 

4.  You blatantly HIDE from telling the membership in which church has fed you your wrongful Satanic doctak viwhere it thinks Jesus is just a man, whereas, the bible teaches that Jesus was man AND Yahweh God incarnate in many verses and narratives that you are obviously unaware of, which in turn you show  irreverence towards Jesus the Christ AS GOD! No wonder you don’t want to expose your Satanic church!
I am not hiding behind anything. this is a total red herring by yourself. you want to throw spurious stuff at me. I choose not to give it to you. my background is irrelevant to this discussion. 


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BROTHER D QUOTE TO YOU:  Your simple-minded quote above shows without any doubt that you are too embarrassed about your church and how they represent Jesus the Christ, and where your Satanic church is obviously as ignorant of the bible as you are.  The adage of “like attracts like” rings true with you and your Satanic church, because your blatant misconceptions relative to the bible are obviously taught by your churches Devil Speak!

“Whatever!” - I might repeat it.  Whatever. You have nothing to say that actually means anything to me or requires a response. 

BROTHER D. QUOTE TO YOU:  Additionally, you remove one foot to insert the other AGAIN with your admittance that if you did tell us your church affiliation, then you would provide cannon fodder and material for any astute TRUE Christian like myself, or an Atheist, to bury you in further embarrassment, therefore admitting that your church is open to embarrassment!  THANK YOU VERY MUCH TRADESECRET FOR ADMITTING THIS TACIT INFORMATION! PRICELESS!  LOL!!!!

“Whatever!” Let me repeat it for you. Whatever. I think you are a joke. 

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“Seriously! Is that the best you can come up with? I was positing an argument? Not making a statement of proposition. I have no doubt about Jesus' parentage.”
LOL! It is a good statement - and one you did not refute. 

“God does not judge Christians against a 20th century grammar textbook.”

I spelt it correctly.  

I did not realise that inept people like you actually exist. 

The Greek was written entirely in Capital Letters - why are you disrespecting God by not writing everything in Capital letters? Oh it must be because you disrespect God. Don't get distracted by pathetic and stupid arguments - lets talk real stuff - substance. “

Well another post without any need to respond. You are a loser.