YOUR BIBLICALLY IGNORANT QUOTE IN YOUR POST #17: “The bible also describes God as good. It also says he is not the author of sin.”Since you had the laughable ignorance of posing that Jesus is not the author of sin, which is "logically" wrong, I am going to go real slow in your behalf so you can hopefully understand that Jesus did create sin in the Garden of Eden, okay? You can thank me later for this enlightenmen, although it is discouraging for a TRUE Christian like myself to accept this outcome.First and foremost, Jesus, as Yahweh God incarnate (1 Timothy 3:15-16), is omniscient (1 John 3:20), and He created EVERYTHING (Colossians 1:16), therefore, when Jesus is omniscient, He knew beforehand that Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden were going to be the first to use His inception of sin at the onset of His creation.In essence, not only did Jesus know that A&E were going to sin, but He set up Adam and Eve by placing the serpent with vocal cords within the confines of the Garden to tempt the first couple with Jesus’ newly founded and never used before notion of sin. Then since Eve transgressed and partook of the forbidden fruit and handed it to Adam, she was firsts to commit the Original Sin, and subsequently, Jesus cursed her with pain on her child bearing years with the added precept of Adam shall rule over her. Ouch!Now, put your thinking cap on, who CREATED the yet to be used sin in the first place at the onset of the Hebrew peoples Creation? YES, it was Yahweh/Jesus, therefore deducing it to its irreducible primary, Jesus created sin, and then used it at the onset of His Hebrew creation by allowing Eve to transgress against Him! 2+2=4.
Romans 5:12 clearly states that sin entered the world through one man (not God). God is not the author of sin. Nor is he the creator of sin. Sin is not part of creation. Sin is not a thing. Sin is defined as that "which falls short of a defined standard". It is impossible logically for God to fall beneath his own standards. Sin is error. God is perfect. Surely you have read that God is perfect?
Nor does it seem that you have an appreciation for the Reformed view of first and second causes. That provides a valid explanation for much of your inaccurate picture of God. You can go and read about it and produce your refutation. I am content until you do.
YOUR BIBLICAL IGNORANT QUOTE #2: “If his executions or judgments were carried out in a vindictive manner or a whimsical manner or an arrogant manner or an unjust manner - then perhaps your views may have some merit”First off, please show respect to our Jesus and capitalize the pronoun “His,” because Jesus is watching you disrespect Him, understood? (Hebrews 4:13).Now, addressing your continued biblical ignorance, I will bring forth one of many examples of our Jesus being what you stated He is allegedly not in your quote above, with vindictiveness coming to the forefront in His behalf. In Exodus 12:29, our Yahweh/Jesus intentionally murdered every first-born child of every family in Egypt, including the first born of livestock, simply because he was upset with Pharaoh. The irony is the fact that our Yahweh/Jesus caused the Pharaoh’s actions in the first place. Nonetheless, when is it ever loving and forgiving for our Jesus as Yahweh God incarnate to brutally murder innocent first born children that knew not of Pharaoh’s actions that upset our Yahweh/Jesus? Besides, our Jesus contradicted His inspired words this case by not following this passage: "Fathers are not to be put to death for their children or children for their fathers; each person will be put to death for his own sin.” (Deut 24:16)Since TRUE Christians need a laugh now and then, what is your latest Satanic apologetic spin doctoring to the biblical axioms above, but when giving them, remember, you have to try remain intelligent looking in the aftermath, okay? TRUE Christians like myself just have to accept that our Jesus was truly a SOB brutal serial killer at times.To save us both from further embarrassment towards our Jesus as Yahweh God incarante, I will NOT bring forth in detail the actions of our Lord when He Murdered innocent zygotes, fetus’ and babies in the Great Flood as their mothers watched in horror, and when He unjustly murdered innocent fetus’ within the womb of the women of Ephraim because He was not pleased with them and their husbands, and if said women gave birth, Jesus would murder the babies afterwards. Vindictive? Yes, the true definition of this word.
I am amused that you think that using a small letter in a pronoun is likely to incur the wrath of God on me and yet you seem to have no trouble defaming and lying about God. I am pleased that God is not only just and holy but also compassionate and merciful.
In respect to your responses to my statements, I make the following comments:
Would you care to define vindictiveness and how it relates to the death of every firstborn son and animal in Egypt? God's judgment on Egypt was not simply because God was upset with Pharaoh. Secondly, it was not murder. It was Judgment. Judgment by definition carried out by justly is not and cannot be murder. Moreover it cannot by definition be vindictive either. God did not cause Pharaoh's sin. When the bible talks about Pharaoh's heart being hardened - this is not God making him do something - it is God allowing Pharaoh the freedom to do what Pharaoh wants to do. The word in the Hebrew is akin of "letting go of restraints". Prior to this time, God has been preventing Pharaoh from doing what he wanted to do. He had been holding him back as it were. Hence there is not a sense of vindictiveness in this story.
more to come.