Why are you godists so obsessed with R. Dawkins?
So you've decided before hand that all religions are wrong.
So how do you pick the right one?No because that would require too many contradictions.
There may not be a current "right" one. The right religion may not exist yet. Perhaps it existed sometime in the past. Perhaps no one can figure it out, because God is elusive.
The negative aspects of religion are more deeply felt by non-believers
(unbelievers of a particular religion or unbelievers in general) and often unknown or dismissed by believers.
Where else can a discussion about this be had if not forums meant for discussion?
I consider myself a theist, although sometimes I could technically be called an agnostic. If you asked me if I believed in God, my honest answer would be yes, it is my gut intuition, it is based on religious and spiritual experience. I believe in a personal God, who listens to us. I don't know the nature of God. I haven't figured it out.
ALL the evidence.
how long can you justify rejecting Theism because there are some negative sides to it