No, nothing you said is actually true, and you offer no argument or evidence to support it.
You repeatedly make lofty and bold assertions about what is true: You false equate your own opinion on what God is, or is not with God. All you have is your own, fallible conception of God that is wholly within your own head.
You yourself have repeatedly said that this is not correct - I’m just using your own argument.
Now, I’m not objecting to God specifically - I am pointing out your logic is nonsensical. You claim God is reality, them use this to say God exists because reality does.
As I have said repeatedly - while reality exists - we can’t tell reality has a mind - so the existence of reality doesn’t show God exists. You may want to actually pay attention to that one.
Fundamentally though: your conception of God refutes itself, because I can take these qualities you claim - apply them through the Razor - and demonstrate that if God was truly as your conception implies - he would have made a better universe. Which I did at the start.
So - you refuted yourself once by railing against conceptions - and conception is all your really have.
Your God refutes itself through the Razor. And finally the logic itself that you use is implicitly faulty.
So you’re wrong in three different ways. The illogical trinity!