I am sorry the retard can't understand forcing pregnancy is slavery or that pro choice is pro choice. I am not sure what he is abusing along with English but I apologize
So the Gov. of Alabama, want to force rape victims to give birth.
It does not matter if the fetus is a separate thing. A woman has a right to claim ownership of the fetus while it is still inside her body.
What about the father? Is it not his baby? Why doesn't he have a right to decide the future of the baby?
Fathers should not be able to claim ownership of a fetus.
The Congress must pass a constitutional amendment allowing women to own the fetuses inside their own bodies.
It's not a baby and if he wants it let him have it when the woman has it removed.
Really? In that case,why do fathers have to forcibly pay for the baby in case the women decides to have it,even when the father doesn't want anything to do with it?
Women can steal a man's sperm and force him to pay for the baby afterwards. A woman can sue a sperm donor for child support. A woman can also accuse a man of being the father of her baby,and if he can't prove that he isn't in 30 days,he has to pay child support for life,even if he can prove that he's not the father after 30 days.
If you give women so much advantages in these things,then why shouldn't men be able to decide to keep the baby or not?
It most certainly is a baby. And she can give the baby to the father if she doesn't want it,or give it to a foster home,rather than killing it.
It's a fetus and nothing gets killed, your pathetic emotional arguments are nonsensical.
They can keep it, I've already given you that option when the woman aborts the father can keep the fetus.
Well,when you drive a knife through its head,the head of a fully-formed 9 month old baby....it certainly means killing someone. If it comes out of the womb and you drive a knife through its heart,you will be charged with first-degree murder and manslaughter,and yet you do the exact same thing inside the womb and you call it "empowering"? Despicable and disgusting.
Another ignorant fool who wants to discuss fantasy because reality is beyond his ken.
Well,the father should kill the mother and the child and then should pay the child support money for their funerals. That is also a valid option by your logic.
Fantasy? I am not the one who dreamed of Hillary Clinton becoming the President Of America,LOL.
I have the right to stand up for the small child's body. It is my business if you are murdering an innocent child. So if anything, you should stay out of the child's micro penis.
It is a life. It has all the components of a human being. You saying fetus has no effect because fetus actually means "little one" or "small child" in Latin.
Facts don't care about your feelings. Go and collect all the "humans" being aborted and look after them.
Who are you blathering to?
If that ain't the pot calling the kettle black....
All of your empty insults that have no logic or facts just shows that your IQ may be able to toast a piece of bread lightly
Elucidate all the insults hahahahahahaha
Just another platitude you don't know how to use.
Fantasy again, oh dear.
Are you going to say anything intelligent? What makes you think we can murder innocent life?
The guy hoping for Hillary to be the President is accusing me of being in fantasy...Hah.
Who is this Hilary?
I'm not discussing the fantasy of killing someone, you are.
What makes you think you have the right to every woman's body?
The leader of the children of the lie,of whom you are a part of......LOL.
That's just a part of your fantasy. I'm not a septic.
Well,you sure act like it.
hahahahahaha You're the one displaying gross ignorance and that's as septic as it gets.