YES..the TIME has come....the time for HUMANITY to recognize that they do NOT need some "GOD" construct to worship in order to
Especially when humans create and discard "GODS" like they do all sound good, but once one of these Parasite VAMPIRES
attains POWER and CONTROL...a TRUE HELL ON EARTH is IMPOSED by them...this is a FACT for the
The Abrahamic "GOD" construct which is built and dedicated to inciting FEAR-INTIMIDATION-VIOLENCE towards all who do not accept the utter
INSANITY of the CULT DOGMA and Comic Book Bible-Torah-Koran VOMIT...
The result after the MOSES meets his idiot "GOD" at some burning bush farce ? = never ending CONFLICT and DIVISION over his "GOD" then
1500 years later..the "JESUS" hoax shows up in human form as a BABY through a VIRGIN illiterate Jewish tribe girl ! (how utterly STUPID !)
and as a result of this absurd act..the GLOBAL HUMAN calendar is reset and all of history is erased...only JESUS hideously childish....this is the stuff of really SICK HUMAN PSYCHOPATHS obsessed with POWER and CONTROL using this farce of a "GOD" a scapegoat...then 600 years more passes and another Middle East Moses meets his retarded "GOD" (this time it's the illiterate ARAB
MUHAMMAD) really ! 3 retarded "GODS" all based on the JEW version 1500 years before the JESUS farce and 2000 years before the ALLAH
farce...DISGUSTING...all 3 are STOLEN ideas from other civilizations...
Since the JEW GOD is for the JEW ONLY....just ask any ORTHODOX JEW....other "GOD" versions were necessary to unify the Middle East for the NON JEW....this allowed for the JESUS hoax to manifest...a new younger "GOD" a more gentle "GOD than the psychotic psychopath JEW "GOD"
A perfect choice for ROME...whose EMPIRE was fading from glory...what better than a "GOD" to use as a TOOL for power and control of the
masses of asses....and the ROMAN CATHOLIC Concentration Camp Church CULT was conceived ! well the arabs certainly were not going to
kneel to a JEW GOD or a CHRISTIAN "GOD" spin of the JEW "GOD" they needed their own version...what better way to slap the JEW with a similar wandering FOOL meets his "GOD"
farce just like MOSES ! but this "GOD" is ALLAH...not the JEW GOD ? regardless all 3 Middle East "GODS" are Comic Book garbage....
NONE are to be taken's so obvious what these Parasite VAMPIRE CULT leaders were up to...a GOD for everyone...except the JEW
GOD..he is for the JEW only...the other 2 JESUS and ALLAH are used to assimilate and divide humanity...into 2 factions...under control by the's all a SCAM...
All 3 Middle East "GOD" hoaxes have ORTHODOX FACTIONS...each are nothing more than glorified concentration camps...where the trapped
sheeple slaves are reduced to mindless brainwashed prayer and slave machines to the dogma...they have nothing but some
kind of retribution with the planted "GOD" hoax between their ears...the women are GARBAGE...flesh breeding bags to be ignored and trashed
The priority for the hypnotized males is PRAY--OBEY--PRAY....fall on the floor or stare like an imbecile at a wall and pray .....WOW ! totally retarded
sadly these SCUMBAGS have the audacity to completely write off 7 billion humans as UNWORTHY for not doing as they do...this insanity is
prevalent in the JESUS and ALLAH Orthodox CULTS all are totally INSANE and should be relocated to a walled in environment to ROT....
You can see right now the HAREDI JEW children spitting on other JEWS in ISRAEL because they are not TRUE GOD BELIEVERS ! disgusting
Strict OBEDIENCE or YOU will be SHUNNED for LIFE...FCK THEM...send them all to POLAND to a concentration camp converted for them into
their version of a maze without an exit...and let them ROT...
The same goes for all the retarded CHRISTIAN ORTHODOX CULT spins and ORTHODOX ALLAH GOD spins...all 3 are cheap shot CON GAMES
for CONTROL of the mind and life of the enslaved sheeple drone....DISGUSTING...
SO YES it is TIME ...TIME to rid EARTH of these 3 horrifically absurd and OBSOLETE "GOD" hoaxes....GO PRAY NOW for your SALVATION
it will not come from some JOKER in a Halloween Glory Gown that plays "GOD" for the CULT...
YOUR SALVATION WILL COME when and IF..YOU wake up to the deception of the Middle East JEW-JESUS-ALLAH God hoax construct...
flush the Bible Comic Book down a TOILET...trash all the absurd DOGMA...and live your life FREE of this CULT CAGE