The Czech children 'not dying in 'war 'was the 'problem.
As they simply died in so called 'peace after,
The 'betrayal of Czechoslovakia Munich Agreement, the lack of mettle and lack understanding of the need of sacrifice by the betrayers 'was the problem.
"During the occupation, between 294,000[1] to 320,000[2] citizens were murdered, the majority of them Jews.[3] Reprisal killings were especially harsh after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich, including the infamous Lidice massacre. Large numbers were drafted for slave labour in Germany."
The betrayers were 'fine to sacrifice the Czechs, but this did not save them from Hitler's war.
. . .
Which Japanese deaths in particular?
If their deaths prevented Russia from occupying all of Japan,
Prevented a worse situation for Japan after the war,
Prevented their Emperor from being tried,
No. They were not 'meaningless.
I think many of their deaths and lives in various situations could have been better used,
'Some of the situations, the Japanese might have been better off surrendering, other situations, better off fighting.
The fallen are not forgotten,
The pride one feels in fellow countrymen of iron, is not lessened by their dying.
It can inspire, whether those who knew them yesterday, or those who know of them 100 years hence.