cut the workforce? sure, but dont just start slashing it. set a goal, and say you want ten or twenty percent reduction in cost within six months, on the aggressive side. even if you insisted on fifty percent reduction, do it in an orderly way and let the people who know how the agencies are run, call those shots. when bill clinton cut the workforce of the feds, that's the way he did it. elon and trump are just firing really good talent and acting arbitarirly. what do MAGAts say? 'well we need a reduction in costs and trump is sticking to his word'. that's obviously something a brainwashed person would rationalize, cause there's no good argument that this is being done in a smart way. plus the fed work force is only a percent or so of our budget, so it's causing dysfunction with no real gain unless they can find a real way to cut the deficit
cutting medicaid and food stamps etc? trump has insisted that medicaid wont be touched. the only way the republians can cut the 1.5 trillion they want per year, is to cut medicaid, there's no question about that. it's basic math. when you point out to trump supporters that the only way to do this math is to cut these vital programs that affect red states the most, they deny it. if medicaid gets axed, will they change their tune? they'll prob think it is necessary pain. every other developed world knows it's basic humanity to prvoide healthcare to the poor and disabled, so the ones that want it axed aren't more enlightened that the rest of the developed world, they're just brainwashed hacks.
does it help that the tax cut only benefits the wealthy and not the middle class? if they aren't too ignorant to know that, they dont care. does it matter that the tax cut is dollar for dollar dependant on cutting welfare programs and things for our society? they're usually too ignorant to know that, or they think pain is necessary, even though we spend less on taxes than the rest of the develeoped world already, and the bush and trump tax cuts spiraled the debt, where the economy would be growing much faster than the debt if they didn't do those tax cuts. this pain is totally self inflicted, in other words, but MAGAts dont know that, and wont care if you told them, as they are part of the cult.
we've had the first measles death in over ten years, when we thought we had it eradicated twenty five years ago. trump put an anti vaxxer in the spot to run the health agencies, which in addition he has no background in healthcare or policy. which is a recurring them with trump appointeees, comepletley no relevant experience in the agency they're running other than loyalty to trump. magats think expertise doesn't matter and loyalty to their dear leader is good enough. kids are dying because of the ignorant decisions of adults, back on the measels point. what does the anti vax leader say about it? those things happen all the time, even though that's verifiably untrue.