This is merely hair splitting
The difference between a political decision and a procedural decision is not hair splitting. The basis of the decision is the very thing that often determines whether it is proper or not.
A manager decides to award a contract to Party A because they're the best suited for the job - Proper.
A manager decides to award a contract to Party A because their spouse owns the company so they can benefit personally - Corruption.
A federal judge rules against Party A because their position is found to be in violation of the constitution - Proper
A federal judge rules against Party A because he belongs to an advocacy group and thought this would be a great opportunity to advance his cause - Improper
This isn't hair splitting.
A president of the United States determines that a traffic program is an improper use of federally subsidized roads - Procedural and therefore Proper (setting aside why the hell would a president involve himself personally in this decision, especially after it has already been made and the program already took effect)
A president of the United States decides to cancel a city's traffic program because he decided the program was not best for the city even though the local officials who were elected to deal with these very problems determined otherwise - Political and therefore Improper (if you believe in states rights and small government)
This isn't hair splitting, and if it were Biden personally interfering in a red states affair's in this exact way you wouldn't need me to write a 20 paragraph thesis to get it.
based upon your apparent ignorance of the fact that the head of the DOT is a cabinet level position who serves “at the pleasure of” the POTUS.
If it were proven that Biden was in regular contact with Jack Smith and personally instructed him to file charges against Trump would you have any issue with that, or would you be lecturing all the right wingers on how the DOJ servers at the pleasure of the president?
Allow me to clarify which hair is which: when I say “your position” on this matter, I mean the position which you impute to small government conservatives— which is YOUR opinion regarding how conservatives should view the matter
If I am wrongly interpreting how conservatives have been appealing to states rights and small government all these years, the way to address that is to explain how conservatives view the matter and explain how these two things are different. You haven't even attempted to do that, all you've done is strawman my arguments and now claim I'm misrepresenting the right.
The whole point of creating this thread is to give those small government conservatives the floor to explain it. Still waiting.