- Poll tax on militarily able free adult males non-Muslim permanent residents who can afford it under Islamic rule, of the base amount of 2 dinars (~$750) & 4 dinars (~$1500) from the rich.
What is life like for Jews or Christians who live in mostly Muslim countries?
- Depends. If you mean by a Muslim country, a current Muslim majority nation state, then I suppose not much different from a Christian living in a Western state; with probably the added bonus they are afforded their own civil courts & own religious schools in some (like Egypt & Lebanon). This applies to every Muslim nation today without exception. All are nation states more or less secular, egalitarian & liberal, more or less peaceful or stable. Afghanistan might be an aberration here.
- If you mean by Muslim country as in a nation under Islamic rule –like say the Ottoman Empire or al-Andalus or the Abbasid Empire– then that is NOT a nation state. To highlight some differences between a West style nation secular liberal state & the Islamic state:
- That subjugates Church to State, this has no legislative authority –in the hands of ulama. (at the onset of the 20th century, there were 7 million Assyrians, now there are barely 1 million after 100 years of secular rule).
- That is majority based, this is community based. (over 60 pre-Islamic ethnic groups down from 120 a century ago still survive today in the Middle East – the Ottomans recognized over 30 millet under their rule)
- That grants religious freedom in belief but not in practice, this grants religious freedom in both belief & practice. (Christians in the ME shrunk from ~50% to 20% at the onset of the 20th century after 13 centuries of Islamic rule, & from 20% to 5% under a 100 years of your western style rule).
- That is egalitarian, this is legally pluralist to each community their own laws. (this does not extend to capital punishment, only the state has that jurisdiction)
- That promotes melting pot "diversity", this promotes segregation based diverse, i.e. each live among their own. (Hence, the majority population in the MENA region speak other languages than Arabic after 13 centuries of Arabic rule & domination, in the West almost all lose their ethnic language by the 3rd generation)
- That requires you to fight for the cause of the government despite your beliefs, this requires you to fight for your beliefs (Christians are not required to fight for a Muslim cause, as an American you die for the whims of the powerful).
How great are Muslims treated by Christians and Jews when they flee their own countries for theirs?
- Dude, you need to get real. It's all a lie. But if you insist, here is the caricatural image:
• The US "prints" trillions of dollars per year expanding the currency pool & thus deflating the value of all other monies in the world (since it's the reserve currency), which is essentially trillions of of dollars of wealth transfer from all those who save their money across the globe into US treasury.
• USD being reserve currency causes other currencies to depreciate constantly & all other nations to absorb & suffer the inflationary effect keeping US inflation at minimum. This in turn affords the average American relatively cheaper goods from abroad & cheaper workforce, affording US multinational companies large margins of profits impossible for others to compete with.
• US having a trillion dollar of trade deficit a year literally means free stuff for Americans, $10k per household a year. The US "prints" money which was never earned that other countries are willing to take in exchange for real goods & services.
• The US undermines any polity in the world even attempting to seek alternatives to US interests, by funding oppositions or revolutions, by assassinations, by regime change, by sanctions, by blockages, & even by full blown invasions if nothing else works.
* The US uses the trillions it constantly steals from the rest of the world to give loans to countries which suffer from the resulting inflation, to be paid forward to US companies in the hope of building much needed infrastructure in these countries, which never come to fruition, forcing these countries to pay back the loans (which already made it into US companies banks) to international banks like the IMF with their citizens savings.
• US & Western companies in general use their legacy to sell luxury products under brand names (made in USA) to people across the globe charging insane margins no other country does, further funneling wealth from the rest of the world to their banks.
• The USD being reserve currency affords the US such low inflation that the "central bank" can offer very low interest rate, which drives companies or even states across the globe to borrow from the US at the expense of their own nations.
Without talking about the thousand other ways Western nations suck the rest of the world & its resources...etc...etc.
- You might say it's the Jews. Although that is partially true, it is a fact that the Western Empire even before the Jews since the beginning of its incessant conquests (the Crusades, Reconquista, Invasion of America, then Africa, EastIndies, India, the Islamic World & China) was built on constant plunder & deception, accompanied by overwhelming violence. The Jews had a lot to do with the last two.
- All that might be beneficial now for the average American, but it isn't sustainable. It is beneficial for those who are at the positive end of the wealth transfer. & for those smart enough to realize this, it's a gold mine. However, the whole thing is a very big pyramid scheme. That is the bane of individualism. Immediate self-gratification at the expense of legacy & future. What happens when the US is unable to enforce its plunder? What happens when alternative to the USD appear (which isn't far in the future)? Countries will dump the USD, other currencies will appreciate against the dollar, the +15 trillion USD circulating abroad today becomes a ticking hyperinflation bomb, the average American will not be able to afford imports let alone free imports, brand legacy will cease to exist & there lies half US economy...