So now you are arguing about what happens to your body vs what your body does?
I've been arguing this since the start of our conversation. Thank you for joining me.
So this violates the definition i presented
No, it falls perfectly in line with the definition you provided, as I've explained in detail now at least 3 times.
but i am willing to humor the fact that idiots don't understand the philosophical definition of bodily autonomy and are using it wrong.
It is irrelevant if the proponents of the bodily autonomy are getting the definition "wrong", this is what they're talking about. Again, if you're going to argue that someone else is inconsistent in what they believe, you need to work with what they actually believe, not the version of their beliefs you made up.
What happens to your body is something that you should be able to control? While the government controlling what you do does not violate your autonomy.
Am I understanding this correctly?
For the most part. This gets far more nuanced though.
Yeah cool. I brought up mask mandates not store policies. Are you conflating the two?
Yes it is okay for a store to prevent this. It doesn't violate bodily autonomy because you can choose a different store. It would be wrong for the government to pressure stores to have this mandate though in the eyes of anybody who both knows what bodily auto only is and who believes it Trump's consideration for the life and health of others to the point of murdering a child to ensure bodily autonomy
Well first of all, this conversation excludes a fetus being considered a person, so that's irrelevant to what we're talking about.
Second, part of why your inconsistency argument fails is because it is based on absolutes. That is, the idea that if you believe in bodily autonomy then you believe it trumps everything, all the time, no exceptions. No right works this way.
Mask mandates are not a violation of bodily autonomy, but there are some practical overlaps. Would it be a violation of bodily autonomy to pin someone down and force a mask over their face? I'd say yeah. Are there circumstances where that would be warrented? Yes conceivably. Is giving someone no practical alternative but to wear a mask similar to pinning them down and forcing it on their face? Yes similar, but not the same. Again, the difference is that even though the alternatives are impractical, there are still alternatives. A true violation of bodily autonomy like rape, forced pregnancy, etc. there is no alternative. There is no other choice.
Even if you go so far as to call a mask mandate a violation of BA the saying "the freedom to swing your arms ends at someone else's nose" still applies. And keep in mind, that saying presumes that the other person's nose is in that person's space. It does not apply to someone who is say, breaking into your house. This is another key difference to why BA advocates side with the mother. The baby may not have broken in, but it's definitely in the mother's space.
There's nothing inconsistent here.