That is not a definition of bodily autonomy that any reasonable person would use.
I literally gave the definition at the beginning of the thread
And the definition you gave does not fit into the example you provided.
"*Bodily Autonomy refers to each person’s right to make decisions about their own body, without coercion or limits imposed by outside forces*"
Your argument was that being forced to cover up ones genitals violates this, it doesn't. Making decisions about your body does not mean you get to do whatever you want with it, especially to and around other people.
If you don't want to engage in that then don't leave your house. You have a choice, that's called bodily autonomy.
This doesn't work for the same reason as saying "if you don't want to get pregnant don't have sex"
These are not similar examples. You're invoking a causality argument to justify adverse consequences, that has nothing to do with it. The justification for enforcing one to cover their genitals is that they are actively choosing to be in a space where they are around others and are therefore subject to the rules that apply. Pregnancy isn't an activity, nor can you cut it on and off as you choose. That's very different.
Self ownership taken to its extreme is a logical impossibility.
I haven't defended self ownership in this thread or from my memory any thread.
I wasn't attacking any defense of self ownership, I was drawing the contrast for clarity.
The only actual criticism you have made but I think it fails if you consider the fetus a person because if wearing a mask to protect the health of others is fair than telling a woman to carry a baby until birth as long as it is safe to do so to save a human life seems fair.
Whether it's fair is a different question, and yes the personhood question plays a large role in that. It's why I often say that abortion debates are futile until we can agree on whether and/or at what point the fetus is a person because we will probably never see eye to eye on anything that follows till that is resolved. But what you are pointing to here is hypocrisy, which is why the self ownership vs bodily autonomy distinction is important.
In addition to the arguments I've already offered, if you are looking for the biggest reason why your mask or vaccine arguments are fundamentally different I would ask you to think about a simple question; if an inmate was suffering from a medical condition for which treatment was available and practical, would it not be incumbent upon us to provide it? The answer according to every civilized developed nation on earth is a clear yes. This is why we offer medical care to inmates.
So even in any scenario where a person's actions were deemed so egregious and so irresponsible that we found it justifiable to remove their freedom, we still do not force them to endure the suffering that comes along with any ailment within their bodies. That is the literal difference between punishment and torture.
Forcing a woman to go through the physical discomfort, pain, and risk to their own heath and life of creating another human being, when done against their will, is in fact torture on a scale well worse than what we have put some terrorists through. It's not a joke.
And what's worse is that the justification offered for this enforced torture is the fact that the woman had the audacity to engage in one of the most basic human activities there is. We are literally programmed biologically to desire sex, so punishing someone simply for giving into that desire is absurd.
And all of that is before considering the fact that it isn't even the woman who was in control, the man is the one who ultimately had to make the decision and is the one who acts out on the first step of creating a baby, so the woman's involvement in that decision is minimal at the outset.
Now I get that the issue is complicated, the counter balance if you believe in life at conception is another life so I never said it was easy, but what it is not is hypercritical. Forcing someone to use their body to make another human being is not comparable in any way at all to forcing someone to wear a mask.