Plane Crash Near Washington, D.C. - 67 dead

Author: Sidewalker


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Sidewalker's avatar
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Sidewalker's avatar
I didn't say it directly caused the DC crash, but it is the kind of uninformed recklessness that will increase the likelihood of further aviation disasters.
Any radical organizational shakeup will produce chaos and harm its efficiency in the short-term. This doesn't make them not worth doing.
It appears Trump produces chaos for no other reason than heenjoys producing chaos, and chaos does reduce efficiency.  The simple fact is manufacturing chaos for noreason and without a plan is not worth doing.

For example, see the Air Traffic Controller Strike of 1981. Reagan fired more than 11,000 skilled employees whose job was to keep planes from crashing into each other. If there was ever a time for Democrats to scream bloody murder and accuse the Republican President of being a crypto-fascist who wanted to kill people, it would be then.
Another MAGA fantasy, you want to walk about what Democrats “would have done” 45 years ago, rather than what they actually did 45 years ago, that’s MAGA logic all right. Here is the real world, the Democrats did not “scream bloody murder and accuse the Republican President of being a crypto-fascist who wanted to kill people”, but hey, nice job of trying to radicalize the base by making shit up with “predictions” about what could happen in the past LOL.

But in the long run, Reagan's firing vastly improved the efficiency of air travel by preventing disruptive strike actions which grounded much of the United States and created uncertainty as to whether the towers needed to help planes already in the air land safely would be manned at the pivotal minutes in question.

My point being, the long-term ramifications of Trump Administration's shakeup of the Federal workforce remain to be seen. Right now the media wants you to panic and suppose that only horrible outcomes will result from whatever Trump is doing, but you shouldn't.
Yeah, it remains to be seen how his reckless creation of chaos will play out this time, but let’s recognize that this is not Trump’s first term and we have all seen this country wait to see the long-term ramifications of Trump’s uninformed and chaotic shake-ups. 

In 2018, Trump recklessly disbanded the White House pandemic response team, for no other reason that it was Obama who had put it in place, he also made funding cuts to the CDC at that time. In 2020 Covid hit an unprepared US and Trump’s hopelessly incompetent response resulted in the death of a million Americans.

But hey, there’s only been two plane crashes in the last two days, let’s wait and see what effect Trump’s gutting our aviation safety resources will have.  Who knows, maybe he can create no crash zones with a map and a sharpie pen.

cristo71's avatar
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cristo71's avatar
Here’s an enlightening take on the accident:

Swagnarok's avatar
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In 2018, Trump recklessly disbanded the White House pandemic response team, for no other reason that it was Obama who had put it in place
The Global Health Security and Biodefense unit, established in 2015, was abolished by John Bolton (not Trump), for what Wikipedia (the cited articles are hidden behind paywalls) described as "part of a plan to streamline the National Security Council and merge duplicate offices". Many/most of the personnel who worked for the Global Health Security and Biodefense unit were reassigned to different agencies subordinate to the National Security Council, including those which did pandemic-related work.
Furthermore, the idea that Covid (which plagued Europe at similar per capita rates as the US) could've been stopped had the Fed retained a few extra employees is absurd on its face.

he also made funding cuts to the CDC at that time
Incorrect. Trump stated in his budget proposal that he wanted cuts to the CDC, but Congress did not approve such. The CDC's FY2020 funding approved by Congress, and which Trump ultimately signed off on, stood at $420 million higher than in FY2019. Their FY2019 budget, likewise, was $261 million higher than in FY2018. The CDC's FY2017 and FY2018 budgets, meanwhile, were similar in size.

But sure, Trump wanted cuts, even if he didn't get them. To which I say: yeah, so what?
Before Covid, we'd gone a cool hundred years without a pandemic like it, and there had been such monumental strides in medicine and public hygiene/sanitation since the 1910s. There was stuff like SARS and Ebola, which were quickly contained, and HIV, whose victims more or less chose to infect themselves. Other than that? Zilch. It made intuitive sense up until the microsecond before Covid hit to treat pandemic response as a low budget priority. Every dollar that went into pandemic response was a dollar not spent on something else, or which got added to the national debt.

By analogy, the USFG today spends not a single dime on preparing to deflect asteroids which pose a threat to life on earth, because there probably won't be such an asteroid. And if, against all odds, one hit tomorrow and killed a billion people, the president(s) who oversaw said lack of investment in asteroid deflection wouldn't have been at fault. Why not? Because normal, rational people don't go to great pains to prepare for fringe anomalies which they have no reason to think will happen.
Shila's avatar
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By analogy, the USFG today spends not a single dime on preparing to deflect asteroids which pose a threat to life on earth, because there probably won't be such an asteroid. And if, against all odds, one hit tomorrow and killed a billion people, the president(s) who oversaw said lack of investment in asteroid deflection wouldn't have been at fault. Why not? Because normal, rational people don't go to great pains to prepare for fringe anomalies which they have no reason to think will happen.
Just like the normal, rational people didn’t prepare for a second Trump term.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Any radical organizational shakeup will produce chaos and harm its efficiency in the short-term. This doesn't make them not worth doing.
God works in mysterious ways.

Heard this argument before.