This DP will last 72 hours and will end on Saturday, February 1 at 11:30 EST.
Deceased players:
- Earth - You are Albert Einstein vs Stephen Hawking! "When I apply my battle theory, minds are relatively blown, so take a seat Steve, oop, I see you brought your own!" This classic rap battle has physicist fighting physicist. Hawking threatens to drop mad apples on Einstein’s head, though Einstein retorts that he’s the genius Hawking would be standing on – if he could stand. You, however, will be standing on my shoulders, as you are the Informed Townie. You will receive important information about this game not privy to the other members of the town at the beginning of DP2. You win with the Town.
- ILikePie5 - You are Eastern Philosophers vs Western Philosophers! "I'm coming off the Acropolis to start some pandemonium. Don't bring limp raps to a pimp slap symposium." This rap battle is a team battle, Socrates, Nietzsche, and Voltaire vs Lao Tzu, Sun Tzu, and Confucius. However, Sun Tzu manages to use his tactics to turn the westerners against each other, only for his team to immediately dissolve into infighting as well. Because of the way everyone turns on each other, you are the Even-Night Paranoid Gun Owner. On even-numbered nights, anyone who targets you with any action will be passively killed by you. You win with the Town.
Living players:
- Vader
- whiteflame
- Lunatic
- AustinL0926
- Savant
- WyIted
- Greyparrot
- iamanabanana
With eight living players, it takes 5 votes to reach a majority.
Additional information:
- WyIted has been SILENCED! He may vote up to three times today, but he may not post otherwise.