I am just saying that by given definition of rape, its not rape. I know that a woman is likely going to prison for life, which is horrible.
prison for life
Not looking good for the teacher
She'll probably be out and raping again in a few years.
Such is the stupidity of law and adults, let alone the immaturity of 12 year olds with pro-active penises
there are young boys who you call victims that enjoy themselves in these situations
it is possible there's actually no harm done compared to a predator molester abuser situation.
I mean not looking good because she'll probably be convicted. But her sentence might not be long. I guess you're right about aging in jail though.
Sex rarely does.In fact, it's known for procreation.In fact, that's the real reason for it.
Correction: Bet that he is mature to handle a gun. You play with guns when you're immature.