That’s interesting I guess. What do you think are the odds Whiteflame went for such a claim? Because he just made a very good argument to me about why he wouldn’t go for that claim if he’s scum.
Chances are pie just mis-understands or mis remembers certain things, or is selectively forgetting minor details of the book that don't seem important, which could make sense with some of the inconsistencies with the other characters. But the thing is with my own character and all the characters in the graveyard I feel like their roles fit the characters VERY accurately, so I'd have to buy that he just hit gold on some of them while missing the mark on others, and it convienently happens to be roles that aren't flipped yet that don't make as much sense.
As far as if Whiteflame was willing to WIFOM that role, yes I do believe him capable of it. I am not sure if pie makes a role like that though. After austin claims we can decide whose role justification out of the three of him, cerulean, whiteflame, and your own makes less sense. So far i'd say yours makes more sense than some of the others though, and I was initially more convinced by ceruleans Elva claim, but the more I think about it the more I think Oracle fits Angela better.