Uncalled for --unnecessary-- violence is dumb.
If the evidence shows the shooter is guilty as charged I would vote guilty
If the evidence shows the shooter is guilty as charged I would vote guilty
If the evidence shows the shooter is guilty as charged I would vote guiltyWTF?Are you a neocon or neoliberal? I thought you were worthy of being considered a human!!!
On what grounds could the shooter be found not guilty ?
On what grounds could the shooter be found not guilty ?On the grounds that the evidence fails to show beyond a reasonable doubt that the individual sitting in the defendants chair is guilty of killing the victim.I haven't had time to read this thread, is there something I'm missing here? Why are you hoss asking me these questions?
Yes but the initial question was whether I would vote to convict, the follow up was under what circumstances would I not convict. My answers were straight forward and quite simple, I don't understand what the issue is.You point out the fact that he's on video... Ok... They still have to prove that the person sitting in the defendants chair is the person on that video. In theory that should be easy, that doesn't mean it's ok to prejudge any criminal trial.It's easy to sit here on debateart spouting whatever we think and feel, it's an entirely different thing when you're sitting in a jurors chair and another human beings life is in your hands (I would know). It's the latter situation I was asked about so that's what I addressed.
I never said I had doubts. I pointed out the fact that they still have to prove the person sitting in the defendants chair is the person on that video. That's not a controversial idea, it's common sense.You seem to be concocting disagreement where none exists.