If you will not read my posts there will be no reason for me to respond to you. Let me correct you.
Many cultures do not have monster stories.
Could you give examples. I am not aware any exist.
Many African cultures, and Eskimo cultures did not develop monsters. Where do you get the idea that every culture had monster stories? Because they are so common in your culture?
Yes, monsters and gods aren't the only possibilities, which is part of the reason why it is so significant that everyone chose god.
Again, and I realize this is a point you dispute (through assertion), but "everyone" did not choose god. eg. Piraha
Even if I were to grant you the Piraha, one culture out of all that have existed would not bother my claim.
Additionally, there are modern cultures in which god stories have little or no place.
I don't think you're using the word "culture" correctly.
So, all cultures 'coming up with god stories' is wonky and not a stable foundation for the conclusion.
"Wonky" is a precise argument.
I know you would like to only consider original god stories, but you nor I know where the "original god story" ends and the mishmash begins.
I do. For example, we know the story of a ressurection of a god man is not native to the Japanese. We have records of much of the history of these cultures.
I'm not sure we even know where the original god stories begin!
There is no "original" god story. Every culture had one.
So, there will be no quarter given for 'original god stories' as opposed to god stories in general.
I need no quarter given. You either accept truth or you don't. It's no skin off my nose.
In addition to these stumbling blocks, every culture shares things we know to be harmful or detrimental. Rape, hatred, ignorance,... etc.
So? Are you confused?
All cultures sharing something does not make that thing desirable.
No one has said it did. You are confused. Read slowly if that helps you.
Some humans creating god stories does not equate to a need for god much less the actual existence of a god.
Well, it's not some humans, it every culture.
There are much better arguments for god.
This is not an argument for god. But not to worry, I know the futility of getting an anti-theist off his "god does not exist" knee jerk.