187 Minutes

Author: Double_R


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Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Maybe tell your girl to start pretending to care about all poor people and not mostly POC, fags, or women with unwanted fetuses.

If she ignores the grocery problem adults of all shades of skin and genitalia suffer, she gonna lose bad. Just pretend to care. Simple.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
what do you think trump should have done to magically fix the situation ?
You're appealing to the same fallacious idea that ADOL tried.

No one is claiming Trump was magic. It's as clear by this point as it was in real time that many if not most of the rioters were there because they believed Trump wanted them to be there, so if he had posted a real commendation on Twitter by telling them not just "be peaceful" but adding that they were wrong to be there in the first place and to leave immediately (all common sense at the time) that would have gone a long way towards letting them know their actions would not be defended and many would have left then. A video address should have also followed minutes later, not 3 hours later.

In addition he should have been on the phone with the national guard and other defense officials giving them the approval they needed to mount an immediate response. We know from the testimonies which followed that the military response was severely delayed because high ranking officials within the administration could not get the approvals they needed, because everyone was waiting on the green light from the president, because that's how our government works.

So with all of that said just how much of a difference would that have made? Not all that much, most of the damage would have been done by that point so we would be talking only in terms of scale rather than kind. But again, the point here was never that Trump *at that point* could have stopped the whole thing, the point of this thread is to question what his purposeful inaction says about him and what his intentions were, and how that informs us about whether he has any business whatsoever near the oval office again.

So once again, up until those 187 minutes you can argue that Trump didn't intend this and that the rioters got the wrong idea, but Trump's inaction for three hours while the Capitol was under attack blows that myth out of the water. You cannot claim he was against what the rioters were doing when he actively refused to do his job in order to give them space to keep doing it.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Yeah, that pretty much sums up our entire conversation. When I accuse Trump of inciting and then allowing the attack on the Capitol your answer is essentially "no he didn't, but it's good that he did".
That does not describe the context of the above response in the slightest.
It does though. You have certainly argued he didn't incite the riot while also arguing that the riots were a good thing and expressing that your gripe about Trump is that he didn't go far enough, which means he did go in that direction and you like that. So yeah, it wasn't intended to be a literal take but it's pretty damn close.

you guys want Trump to be the guy he was on January 6th
I never said that, in fact I said things that directly contradict that statement.
Do you or do you not support the rioters? Do you or do you not recognize that Trump's inaction only further assisted the rioters?

while pretending he was never that guy because you know the overwhelming majority of the country doesn't want it.
No sane person could believe that I censor my opinions based on what the majority of the country does or does not want.
It wasn't a take on you individually, it was a generalization about the political right. Part of my point was that the republican party is not as explicit as you are because if they were the democrats would run the table in November.

No I don't know that. Notice "don't" not "didn't", because it's still the case.
And yet your defense was predicated on that premise, otherwise you would not be pretending that Trump (allegedly) offering troops to Nancy Pelosi shows that he was really trying to do something.

Did you see the video of Pelosi admitting responsibility?
Yes, it's insane how you guys use that to warp reality. She literally said in the video that she didn't know why they didn't have more security there, so smoking gun that is not. When she said she took responsibility she was clearly speaking in the context of them not being prepared saying they should have been, meaning she should Jane involved herself and not expected that they would know what they are doing.

This is basic leadership (something Trump does not have) - the basic instinct to say 'I could have done more' instead of jumping to and ending with 'wow those people suck and it's in no way my fault'.

Completely and totally made up.
There are only two other explanations:

1.) She refused because she wanted violence (for optics)
2.) She refused because she didn't see a threat

Take your pick
I'll go with

3) The offer was never made, it was made up by Trump after the fact as an excuse to pretend he was so concerned about Capitol security with no regard for logical consistency (cutting against the fact that he held the rally anyway and unleashed them on the Capitol).

The tweet? The fact that he and the secret service agree he wanted to go to the capitol?
He wanted to go to the Capitol to inspire the riotets, not stop them.

The fact that the US Capitol was under attack for three hours and the only evidence you have that he did anything at all during those three hours is a tweet...  tells me everything I need to know.

I should have started with that and not bothered to write anything else. 

This is the most pathetic excuse for a president I have ever seen. I suppose when I ask you what Trump's plan is to stop the war in Ukraine or Gaza you'll tell me he'll stop that with his Twitter account as well.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
He wanted to go to the Capitol to inspire the riotets, not stop them.

Fanfiction. Nostrodamus. Yawn. 

You guys are all panty twisted for the Trump that never was, and most likely never will be. Real problems need to be fixed, and fanfiction won't cut it in 2024.
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
Fanfiction. Nostrodamus. Yawn. 
Gee, I wonder why you’ve never been with a woman 

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
You have certainly argued he didn't incite the riot while also arguing that the riots were a good thing and expressing that your gripe about Trump is that he didn't go far enough, which means he did go in that direction and you like that. So yeah, it wasn't intended to be a literal take but it's pretty damn close.
You described a contradiction

"no he didn't, but it's good that he did"

There is no contradiction in saying "no he didn't, but they were a good thing" <- which also isn't precisely what I said

"Churchill didn't order the assassination of Hitler (pick an attempt), but it's good that someone tried" <- no contradiction

you guys want Trump to be the guy he was on January 6th
I never said that, in fact I said things that directly contradict that statement.
Do you or do you not support the rioters?
Their cause of action was correct, they were justified in using violence, but there was no chance of violence being successful. That is what I think, it doesn't get any simpler without loss of accuracy.

Do you or do you not recognize that Trump's inaction only further assisted the rioters?
Inaction doesn't assist. I recognize that Trump's inaction (for 73 minutes) assisted the rioters as much as the bedrock of the Himalayas and a rare species of New Zealand butterfly assisted them.

while pretending he was never that guy because you know the overwhelming majority of the country doesn't want it.
No sane person could believe that I censor my opinions based on what the majority of the country does or does not want.
It wasn't a take on you individually
".... and goes to show why folks like yourself have no coherent argument here, you...."

it was a generalization about the political right. Part of my point was that the republican party is not as explicit as you are because if they were the democrats would run the table in November.
True, like Tim Pool says violence scares the low-information normies; but if the left-tribe were honest they would lose even to an honest right-tribe. Again, actions speak louder than words.

We're all just about willing to kill each other but experiencing some serious barrier aggression. The normies may hope that reacting negatively to anyone who seems more violent is going to maintain peace but it's not a pressure valve and it will just mean the shift if the overton window to include violence will be swift and terrible when it does come.

The BLM riots were the close call with the left-tribe, Jan 6 was the close call with the right-tribe. In both cases leaders used incendiary rhetoric (left-tribe still worse, I'll bring out the compilation if you deny it). Then after they change their tune and start acting like innocent little puppies.

"Whoopsie did I say riots are the language of the unheard?"

"Ugh oh, when I said it's 1776 again I meant it was time to peacefully petition, you believe me don't you *big eyes*"

The day is coming, absent radical defeat of a tribe via cultural revolution/counter revolution, when the backlash will be less important than the doubling down. Every time we get closer. Did you notice Destiny saying?

It's hilarious watching them trying to catch each other disavowing the least. Rubin is a softie and may actually not want violence, but he is not representative. Both tribes feel themselves in an existential struggle for the future of civilization. Of course they'll use violence and feel themselves totally justified. To expect anything else is stupidity, and yes admitting that would cause you to lose an election; truth hurts, one of the flaws of democracy is that in many contexts liars have an advantage.

3) The offer was never made
and they just couldn't find enough security in the whole wide world... poor them.

The tweet? The fact that he and the secret service agree he wanted to go to the capitol?
He wanted to go to the Capitol to inspire the riotets, not stop them.
That is supposition.

The fact that the US Capitol was under attack for three hours and the only evidence you have that he did anything at all during those three hours is a tweet...  tells me everything I need to know.
Good, then you have your answers. Thread succeeded.

I should have started with that and not bothered to write anything else. 
Yep, or better yet not even start with that since there was no need for any other party to say anything. Really just a private thought that has no significance at all.

I suppose when I ask you what Trump's plan is to stop the war in Ukraine or Gaza you'll tell me he'll stop that with his Twitter account as well.
I would not. His failure to stop justified rioting is not a criteria I judge him on, and as you've pointed out an election is always a comparison so he only needs to be better than the other guy for the future of human civilization. That's what "support" means BTW. I have always thought I could do a much better job than him either as an honest executor of the constitution or as a liberal subversive.
Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
That is supposition.

I prefer fanfiction.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
That is supposition.
I prefer fanfiction.
Good fiction is still logical, it just has a few premises that might be (or could easily have been) true.

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Do you or do you not recognize that Trump's inaction only further assisted the rioters?
Inaction doesn't assist.
It absolutely does when you are directly responsible for intervening.

A security guard who purposefully looks the other way while shop lifters rob the store is assisting the shoplifters. If a person is drowning right in front of you and you watch them down without making any attempt to help them or get them help you can be charged for homicide.

Trump was the president, he is directly responsible for intervening in the event we have an attack of the US Capitol and the authorization to intervene starts with him. If any of our other 44 (now 45) presidents were in office they would have intervened, Trump is the only one that wouldn't have and didn't. That is absolutely assisting them.

It wasn't a take on you individually
".... and goes to show why folks like yourself have no coherent argument here, you...."
Read again.

The BLM riots were the close call with the left-tribe, Jan 6 was the close call with the right-tribe.
Apples to orange comparison. The BLM riots was a violent response to violence, January 6th was a violent response to bullshit conspiracy theories that were adjudicated and disproven. The BLM riots was a grass roots rising, January 6th came straight from the president. The goal of the BLM riots was to stop the unlawful killing of black people. The goal of the January 6th rioters was to stop the certification of the president, an effective attempt to overturn American democracy.

They're not the same.

In both cases leaders used incendiary rhetoric (left-tribe still worse, I'll bring out the compilation if you deny it).
Not one single BLM rioter was out there because Maxine Waters told them to be. No January 6th rioter would have been there if Trump did not tell them to be. Big difference.

3) The offer was never made
and they just couldn't find enough security in the whole wide world... poor them.
Irrelevant to the fact that the offer was never made. Trump is lying as usual, the question is why? The answer is obvious: because the truth is too damming to admit, and lying will always work for him because he will always have people like you pretending his lies have merit.

The fact that the US Capitol was under attack for three hours and the only evidence you have that he did anything at all during those three hours is a tweet...  tells me everything I need to know.
Good, then you have your answers. Thread succeeded.
It did.
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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His failure to stop justified rioting 
Justified rioting? Based on the BIG LIE that Trump told. The country has to do something about the MAGA MORONS. These people may not be redeemable.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Do you or do you not recognize that Trump's inaction only further assisted the rioters?
Inaction doesn't assist.
It absolutely does when you are directly responsible for intervening.
So when the left-tribe leadership of Washington and Seattle did nothing to stop this murder that makes them accessories? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_of_Aaron_Danielson_and_Michael_Reinoehl

Trump was the president, he is directly responsible for intervening in the event we have an attack of the US Capitol and the authorization to intervene starts with him. If any of our other 44 (now 45) presidents were in office they would have intervened
The first one attacked the established government with insurgents and an army.

The oath is to defend the constitution, not a building or a corrupt proceeding.

The BLM riots was a violent response to violence, January 6th was a violent response to bullshit conspiracy theories that were adjudicated and disproven.
Difference between your violence and my violence is that I'm right. Yea, heard that one before; right back at ya.

Big difference.
The lack of a specific time and place merely meant it went on everywhere for a long time (and consequently a lot more people died and a lot more property was destroyed).

Irrelevant to the fact that the offer was never made.
There is no relevance in debating a point when no hard evidence exists.

It comes down to credibility and you won't acknowledge that your sources are pathological liars. End of story.
3RU7AL's avatar
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So with all of that said just how much of a difference would that have made? Not all that much,
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
So when the left-tribe leadership of Washington and Seattle did nothing to stop this murder that makes them accessories? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_of_Aaron_Danielson_and_Michael_Reinoehl
No. Tying someone to an action via a dubious chain reaction theory that could work in any circumstance is a not remotely the same as holding someone responsible for watching a crime in action and making a conscious decision to do nothing about it despite having both the means and responsibility to actively intervene.

Nice try (not really).

The oath is to defend the constitution
The exact thing they were trying to break.

Difference between your violence and my violence is that I'm right. Yea, heard that one before; right back at ya.
I present arguments to back up mine.

Big difference.
The lack of a specific time and place merely meant it went on everywhere for a long time
It also shows that this was a matter of civil unrest, not a plot orchastrated by the person who was supposedly swarn to protect against such actions.

There is no relevance in debating a point when no hard evidence exists.

It comes down to credibility and you won't acknowledge that your sources are pathological liars. End of story.
Calling my sources pathological liars while your source is Trump. Oh the irony.

Assessing the credibility of the statement is far more than just your opinion of the people providing the information. It also comes down to basic logic, like recognizing that the defendant's claim contradicts his own actions over the same time period, and a basic application of Occam's razor to determine what assumptions we would have to make in order to accept his claim. Like the fact that Nancy Pelosi wasn't even in charge of organizing Capitol security in the first place, so the idea that she would turn it down instead of telling Trump to talk to the people who are actually working on that already defies logic.

Trump's story makes no sense and him lying about it is exactly what we would expect him to do.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
So with all of that said just how much of a difference would that have made? Not all that much,
Bingo what? Did you read a word I said after that?
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
So when the left-tribe leadership of Washington and Seattle did nothing to stop this murder that makes them accessories? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killings_of_Aaron_Danielson_and_Michael_Reinoehl
No. Tying someone to an action via a dubious chain reaction theory that could work in any circumstance is a not remotely the same as holding someone responsible for watching a crime in action and making a conscious decision to do nothing about it despite having both the means and responsibility to actively intervene.
Oh, he had the means now? and the state of Washington and the city of Seattle didn't?

I present arguments to back up mine.
Then you ignore the fact that they are debunked.

Big difference.
The lack of a specific time and place merely meant it went on everywhere for a long time
It also shows that this was a matter of civil unrest, not a plot orchastrated by the person who was supposedly swarn to protect against such actions.
Civil unrest = attacking small family businesses in poor urban areas
Attacking the giant corrupt organization of traitors stealing half your money and trying to rule the world through military posturing = "a plot"

got it

There is no relevance in debating a point when no hard evidence exists.

It comes down to credibility and you won't acknowledge that your sources are pathological liars. End of story.
Calling my sources pathological liars while your source is Trump. Oh the irony.
bla la bla

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
No. Tying someone to an action via a dubious chain reaction theory that could work in any circumstance is a not remotely the same as holding someone responsible for watching a crime in action and making a conscious decision to do nothing about it despite having both the means and responsibility to actively intervene.
Oh, he had the means now? and the state of Washington and the city of Seattle didn't?
Whataboutism. If you're not going to address the point don't bother.

Civil unrest = attacking small family businesses in poor urban areas
That's generally what we see in times of civil unrest yes

Attacking the giant corrupt organization of traitors stealing half your money and trying to rule the world through military posturing
You have quite the imagination.

= "a plot"
Yes, it was a plot because it was orchastrated by one man and without that one man it would have never happened. That's the difference between January 6th and the BLM riots.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Double standards (yours).

= "a plot"
Yes, it was a plot because it was orchastrated by one man and without that one man it would have never happened. That's the difference between January 6th and the BLM riots.
and the civil war is more like jan 6 than the BLM riots since there are those who claimed that one man caused it, but what about all those people who elected and supported that one man?
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
what about all those people who elected and supported that one man?
We all must take responsibility for what the people we voted for do, that is irrelevant for the responsibility of the person who committed the act.

Supporting Trump before January 6th was one thing, supporting him after is another. The latter is the scum of this country and will be the reason it falls (if we don't stop it first).
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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what about all those people who elected and supported that one man?
We all must take responsibility for what the people we voted for do, that is irrelevant for the responsibility of the person who committed the act.
Yes yes, big chain of causality, but you keep saying "but for one man" like it matters; so clearly you think something special happens when the chain of causality passes through a single individual. You also seem to ignore the difference between a specific event and an event of the same import.

For example if Hitler didn't attack Poland he would have attacked Hungary. The order is hardly relevant, suppose Hitler was assassinated and his replacement was another nazi who attacked France first.

Suppose Hitler was assassinated and he replaced by a committee which left it up to the army general staff who to attack first.

I'm seeing no morally relevant differences here, just as I see no morally relevant differences between Trump telling people to "fight like hell" and a bunch of left-tribers using similar (or more violent) language; justifications aside of course.

Supporting Trump before January 6th was one thing, supporting him after is another. The latter is the scum of this country and will be the reason it falls (if we don't stop it first).
Nations rise and fall, the only true tragedy is diminished ethics.
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
Nations rise and fall, the only true tragedy is diminished ethics.
Gee, that’s deep.

You think Trump is ethical? 

Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
Yes yes, big chain of causality, but you keep saying "but for one man" like it matters; so clearly you think something special happens when the chain of causality passes through a single individual.
Chain of causality arguments are always fallacious because the same logic can be applied to anything. It's just another form of the nuclear method whereby one attempts to "blow up" all knowledge so they can argued we can't know anything.

We're not talking about chain of event causality. We're talking about how Trump is directly responsible for January 6th. He's the one who lead the charge for two months telling everyone the election was stolen (a brazen lie). He's the one who, after riling these people up, set the time and place for them to assemble. He's the one who then riled them up one last time before directing them to the Capitol. And once they attacked, he's the one who was supposed to send in the troops and instead spent three hours watching it on TV.

Pretending January 6th was just some coincidental thing that had little if anything to do with Trump is just dumbfoundingly stupid. Even Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell understood that on that evening, everyone did. But collective amnesia is a skill of the MAGA cult these days.

I see no morally relevant differences between Trump telling people to "fight like hell" and a bunch of left-tribers using similar (or more violent) language; justifications aside of course.
I know, that's because you pretend every action happens in isolation so you can ignore the big picture.

Trump didn't just tell the crowd to fight like hell, that was one very small part of a two month long campaign to weak havoc on the certification process. There was nothing remotely similar to this happening on the left.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Yes yes, big chain of causality, but you keep saying "but for one man" like it matters; so clearly you think something special happens when the chain of causality passes through a single individual.
Chain of causality arguments are always fallacious because the same logic can be applied to anything.

Ok then Trump didn't cause Jan 6, you've been lying all this time. Case closed.

We're talking about how Trump is directly responsible for January 6th.
He created a calendar? Time itself? Oh he manifested as thousands of different people? Impressive.

He's the one who lead the charge for two months telling everyone the election was stolen
So by "directly" you mean "very indirectly"

he's the one who was supposed to send in the troops
Which troops again?

Pretending January 6th was just some coincidental thing that had little if anything to do with Trump is just dumbfoundingly stupid.
Trump told the truth, the truth inspired violence. That's the connection.

To you he told a lie, the lie inspired violence.

To me BLM (and top left-tribe personalities) told a lie (that racist cops go out looking to murder minorities), the lie inspired violence.

To the left-tribe that is a truth.

If controversial speech inspires violence what matters far more than what it inspires is whether it was true. Free speech often inspires violence, and it was through free speech inspired violence that the right of free speech was first enshrined.

If however a person clutches at pearls and advances false (double) standards to the effect of "any assertion that inspires violence is outside the overton window", showing that double standard is as simple as pointing out the consequence of caring about violent consequences rather than truthiness.

When you are willing to sacrifice what you see as the truth to avoid inspiring violence, then you can point fingers. Until then decrying people for not abandoning a leader because his speech inspired violence (this thread) is so much meaningless squawking.
ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Nations rise and fall, the only true tragedy is diminished ethics.
Gee, that’s deep.

You think Trump is ethical? 
It doesn't matter if he is ethical if what he does (and what people do to stop him) slows/reverses the collapse into tyranny.
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It doesn't matter if he is ethical if what he does (and what people do to stop him) slows/reverses the collapse into tyranny.
But you said the only true tragedy is diminished ethics. Trump is unethical. But you support Trump. That makes no sense.

And Trump is a subversive. He wants to be a dictator. He’s a convicted felon. He wants to be above the law. He violates the constitution.

Are you stupid?

Greyparrot's avatar
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Greyparrot's avatar
Captured slaves were once convicted felons too. Also bus riders. And Japanese.

Principles > "the law"
IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
Principles > "the law"
Trump doesn’t have any principles and he thinks he is above the law. And you haven’t objected to a thing he has done. Because you’re a MAGA MORON.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
Principles > "the law"

Captured slaves were once convicted felons too.
At least it was actually illegal to run away from your master.

Evil law is bad enough, but to just make things up and call it law is worse.

As it happens that exactly what happened after the war but before reconstruction (and a bit after reconstruction too). They call them "apprenticeships" and pretended like it was somehow legal to have exclusive revocable right to the unpaid labor of another person on pain of physical punishment. Also good luck finding a "jury" who will do anything but pretend like there wasn't coercion.

IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
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IwantRooseveltagain's avatar
Trump doesn’t have any principles and he thinks he is above the law. And you haven’t objected to a thing he has done. Because you’re a MAGA MORON.

But you said the only true tragedy is diminished ethics. Trump is unethical. But you support Trump. That makes no sense.

No response I see. So sad. The two MAGA MORONS 
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
To you he told a lie, the lie inspired violence.

To me BLM (and top left-tribe personalities) told a lie (that racist cops go out looking to murder minorities), the lie inspired violence.
Perfect encapsulation of the problem here.

The charge that the police are brutally mistreating black people is a charge the entire black community has been screaming about since reconstruction, coming to a head during the civil rights movement, then again in the early 90's along with the LA riots, and more recently with the amplification of this issue by social media. To claim it's the product of "top left-tribe personalities" is breathtakingly ignorant.

There is nothing like that when it comes to claims of a stolen national election. It used to be the case that the loser concedes and everyone  moves on. The only variable is Trump. Without him this is an issue only on the fringe corners of the internet.

These two example are not the same.

ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
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ADreamOfLiberty's avatar
The charge that the police are.... [bla bla bla]
= "It's not a lie so it's fine if it inspires violence"

There is nothing like that when it comes to claims of a stolen national election

(I know you like to pretend these things don't happen, but that is your point dying horribly, screaming for someone to save it)

Define the belief of the Trump deranged in a single statement:
The only variable is Trump.