In short, If I believed that there was an all powerful being that created absolute moral truths, then I would do exactly as the being said to the best of my ability.
Why would you do that? WOuld it be because you thought that the all powerful being was also perfectly right? OR would it be because you were afraid of being punished?
This is why I don’t understand Christian churches that accept gay people and treat women as equals. Not that those are bad things, but if you believe that the Bible is the word of god, then you should follow its teachings.
I think that all Churches ought to accept anyone. The gospel is about transforming broken people and restoring them to God. That includes everyone including you and me.
Treating people as equals doesn't mean accepting that they are right or that their behaviour ought to be condoned or supported. It means - at least in my view, that the same law, applies to all people everywhere. This of course means less laws. Not more laws.
We ought to obey what God has required us to do and believe. We also need to consider how those laws apply in different contexts.
I hate Christian’s who demean women and gays, but I respect them more than I do liberal Christians.
Hate is such an ugly word. I must say that I never really know what it means. I certainly find some things disgust me. But does that mean I hate them? There are some things that I know are evil. Even then I think the word hate doesn't quite fit. But perhaps it does.
Is hate the opposite of love? It could mean that. I don't hate anyone. Not even the devil.
I think what you are saying is that you respect "consistency". I can concur with that position.