UPick Mafia DP4

Author: AustinL0926


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WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
e why shoot Earth over Pie? Earth backed off last second—the only logical explanation for this is that he thought Wylted was scum and Pie was town, which is why he vetoed the shot. There is no other explanation. If there is, please let me know.
no, I just don't care what order my POE's get lynched or killed in
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
It should also be noted it looked like casey was getting lynched without pie claiming to have watched the attempted NK. As town if i watched somebody commit an NK and they looked like they were getting lynched, I would just keep it to myself. It wasn't outted to secure a lynch but get town confirmation
I didn’t even know it was looking like Casey was going to be lynched. I just read the OP and my PM and made that post cause signal was bad.
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e why shoot Earth over Pie? Earth backed off last second—the only logical explanation for this is that he thought Wylted was scum and Pie was town, which is why he vetoed the shot. There is no other explanation. If there is, please let me know.
no, I just don't care what order my POE's get lynched or killed in

ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Let’s say Wylted is town. Would Wylted not think it’s odd that if Earth is scum, not agreeing to Vig shot Pie makes no sense? Cause if he does Vig Pie, scum Earth would have an easy lynch in Wylted. That thought didn’t even cross his mind.

Let’s say Wylted is scum. When Earth backs off on wanting to shoot me, that indicates to Wylted that Earth doesn’t scumread Pie, so getting Earth to lynch Pie will be harder next DP. That’s at the best. At the worst, the thinking is that Earth doesnt scumread Pie and scumreads me.
Lunatic's avatar
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He is pretty much using that argument already with the earth vig though. If it was just as scummy either way, why not just eliminate the bigger threat?
One is objectively more scummy than the other. Would Wylted be able to convince Barney to vote for Earth after Wylted shot you? Or would he be able to convince you to vote me, which is what he’s doing right now?

Why would he as scum try convince barney to lynch earth over you? If wylted is scum, he 100% uses earth to lynch you. Bringing me into the day phase was a wild card. Your argument that he was able to convince me, is based on the contingency that you think Wylted is big brained enough to hope that I would buy into night kill analysis so much that it changed my opinion on him being scum last day phase. You already indicated you don't think that highly of wylteds scum play for one. For two, leaving me alive in hopes that I would change my mind is a way bigger gamble than even you took with bussing casey assuming you are scum. I just don't see a world in which I am alive if wylted is scum.

By vigging me, he would have left earth alive in MYLO. Earth has been pretty open about wanting you dead, and even said he was going to vig you at the start of last day phase. In his POV he would have a way easier time getting a mislynch on you as scum by leaving earth alive here.
But you’re forgetting that Earth changed his mind per Wylted’s own words. Why would scum Earth not shoot Pie? Wylted didn’t even thing about this.
Changed his mind about vigging you, not that you weren't scum. That was probably only contingent on the fact casey flipped scum. I don't think earth was considering the possibility of a bus. That said, wylted still would have had a better time of convincing earth than me in LYLO, he even had an extra avenue of communication to allow him to do that. The fact that he paranoia shot him almost screams townie mistrust. 

Then he would 100% get lynched. Didn’t we have a conversation that involved this exact question. We did So why didn’t he shoot you? He’d be scumread instantly. Why shoot the only remaining people? He wouldn’t be scumread.
This is irrelevant, because I have obviously flip flopped this since then. I wasn't considering a bus last day phase, because I thoguht I was still a mislynch target until that day phase based on my lack of activity. It seemed to me at the time that you were town, because your actions were confirming mine, when I really had nothing going my way in terms of confirmation, and was likely a mislynch target at that point. I wasn't thinking outside of my personal bubble, and thinking in the broader scheme of things like you would have been if you were scum trying to plan for an endgame scenario, and thus was easily manipulated by the bus. My logic and statements were completely absent of the possibility of a bus. And wylted didn't seem to care much for my opinion last day phase, as he had repeatedly insisted I was scum even after I called him out for being caseys scum partner.  So I don't see him taking any stock in that threat at all. 

How can he use a cop power if he’s lynched.
Because he is lynchproof.

He said that at the end of the DP, if there are any votes on him, he can choose to investigate them. He didn’t do that DP1 cause of lynchproof. Fine. But he didn’t do it DP2 or DP3 either. Why? 
Look at the end of every day phase. None of the lynch trains have him as a wagon, so how could he have used his role? I'll agree with you that he probably should have advocated someone he suspects vote for him, but he would have had to give up his role for that to make any sense. He could have played the role better for sure. 

Your excuse for not outing your role is basically "my actions are my actions" essentially "it is what it is".
I knew I should’ve kept my mouth shut cause of bullshit like this.
Its not bullshit though. I might have understood it better if you had come out with it. It seems like you only claimed this as a nail in the coffin argument against wylted, and hoped no one would question it. And you already admitted that you thought it would cause an argument with me and you. But if you thought it would, then that means you see the similarity between the roles enough that it should have made you suspect me. 

So your answers leave me with two conclusions:

Conclusion 1: You knew I was town, and didn't want to get into with me because it would make one or the other of us look bad. If you knew I am town, its because I am not in your scum pm with you. And the reason you didn't mention it was because you wanted me alive to use towards a mislynch. 

Conclusion 2: The role is either fake (claimed for extra ammo), or is some variation of an actual scum information role which also makes sense considering town had two vigilante abilities at their disposal. 

Simply not having an answer for why you would hide this doesn't do you any favors.

Then why would I claim it. Honesty going to get me lynched and dishonesty going to win the game for Wylted. 
^^ reasons above

I don’t know why Austin added the role. Maybe scum has some role that counterbalances. I townread you cause your investigative roles are far more widespread. I scumread Wylted for lying about his role since the beginning of the day. 
And you don't acknowledge in the slightest that hiding abilities is literally the exact same thing your witch hunting wylted for doing? Your ability is almost worthless compared to wylteds sensor, it at least makes sense why he hid his, to some extent. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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1. It makes no conceivable sense for wylted to not have vigged me over earth. If he knew he was going into lylo and only needed one more mislynch, earth would have helped him lynch pie. I was deadset that wylted was scum last day phase. Wylted had scum read me until right towards the end when pie convinced him I was town. Wylted could have just as easily killed me and justified the kill, and then used earth to get an easy mislynch on pie, if he was scum and pie was town. Where on the other hand pie would have been much more likely to keep me alive to kill wylted, based on where I was at at the end of the day phase.
Cause Earth no long scumread me, which is why Earth backed out.

2. Pie's passive ability makes no sense to me being town. It essentially functions like my role, but it just adds a bunch of extra information to it. Why does town need all that information? Why did pie hide that part of his role until dp4? When I asked him his answer was basically "I did what I did" or to downplay it, but it really doesn't make sense imo to hide that part of his role. It's not like it increases his threat to scum severely, he already had basically used an ability that was suppose to "town confirm" him with his magistrate ability. Which I am now questioning is a magistrate. It doesn't publicly announce that the person using it is town, it could just as easily been used to prevent scum from being mislynched. Its a role that functions as a way to give mafia some role confirmation though, and I don't think it's actual title is magistrate. 
I can’t use the Magistrate on myself, and with Casey’s role, I physically cannot target him at night. The only reason #2 exists is because I told the truth. Remember that one of Austin’s friends thought it was town sided. Other thought it was scum sided. You also know that I don’t like claiming my role. Even when I claimed magistrate, I claimed just that, not the Watcher. This whole argument wouldn’t even exist if I didn’t say anything, which is why I’m so annoyed when there are objective truths with Wylted’s play. He’s not even trying to argue that I’m scum, just that I’m scum, period. I know that you and Barney are town. Wylted was sussing you all of yesterday.
Lunatic's avatar
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What? Okay let’s say Wylted is town. Then he is telling the truth about Earth not wanting to shoot me right? In that case why shoot Earth over Pie? Earth backed off last second—the only logical explanation for this is that he thought Wylted was scum and Pie was town, which is why he vetoed the shot. There is no other explanation. If there is, please let me know.
Like I said, earth was blinded by the bus like I was. Earth not wanting to vig you doesn't mean he thought wylted was scum though. We are still back to why wylted though I would be easier to manipulate than earth, given my stance at EOD.

Me and you were both like deadset he was the last scum with casey. There's no universe scum wylted leaves me alive, when he could have easily justified killing me and tried to use earth to mislynch you. Earth, who we know, already wanted to vig you because he had publicly stated that he would.
He can’t justify killing you if Pie and Barney already know you’re town. But if he kills Earth, well then that leaves the door open to Pie being scum. 
Let's be honest, if wylted was scum you would have only ever been the day's mislynch. It would have been way too much work to lead a lynch on barney, me or earth. No matter what town wylted would have killed me or earth. The fact that you convinced him I was town, and he was consistent with that logic going into the night phase screams townie to me. He had no reason to flip flop last minute after sticking to his guns all day phase that I was scum in the POE. 

Are you purposefully misunderstanding wylteds role? Or do you just not actually understand he needs to be lynched in order to sensor someone on his lynch?
I’m describing Wylted’s role as he said. He never said he had to be lynched to used it. He just said there have to be votes on him at the end of the DP to use it. Even then, what utility does a sensor provide if Wylted isn’t even say his results after death.
If he's lynchproof he doesn't die... So he would be able to provide results after death. 
Lunatic's avatar
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Let’s say Wylted is town. Would Wylted not think it’s odd that if Earth is scum, not agreeing to Vig shot Pie makes no sense? Cause if he does Vig Pie, scum Earth would have an easy lynch in Wylted. That thought didn’t even cross his mind.

Let’s say Wylted is scum. When Earth backs off on wanting to shoot me, that indicates to Wylted that Earth doesn’t scumread Pie, so getting Earth to lynch Pie will be harder next DP. That’s at the best. At the worst, the thinking is that Earth doesnt scumread Pie and scumreads me.
I think it just shows that earth was convinced by the bus and caseys flip. Town players tend to be pretty blind to busses. It shows that earth wasn't confident enough to kill you, that's all. Doesn't show that he wanted to kill wylted instead though, as you are implying. 
Lunatic's avatar
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Cause Earth no long scumread me, which is why Earth backed out.
Just shows that he wasn't confident enough to vig you, or that he couldnt. He still would have had to unanimously reached a vote with two other players, wylted being one of them, to get the vig shot to even go through. And im not sure if austin would have counted moozers vote with him being the night kill. Chances are he couldn't have vigged even if he wanted to. 

I can’t use the Magistrate on myself, and with Casey’s role, I physically cannot target him at night. The only reason #2 exists is because I told the truth. Remember that one of Austin’s friends thought it was town sided. Other thought it was scum sided. You also know that I don’t like claiming my role. Even when I claimed magistrate, I claimed just that, not the Watcher. This whole argument wouldn’t even exist if I didn’t say anything, which is why I’m so annoyed when there are objective truths with Wylted’s play. He’s not even trying to argue that I’m scum, just that I’m scum, period. I know that you and Barney are town. Wylted was sussing you all of yesterday.
OKay i'll give you that you couldn't use your role on casey, unless austin made scum have some wierd bypass for the role. As far as whether you could use it on yourself, all I have is your word on that, and as scum of course you would say that. At best it's a null thing
Lunatic's avatar
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To be completely fair here, I can see a world where you are town, and everything you've done makes sense as town. And I am worried about getting tunnel vision here. I could be underestimating wylted severely. I think I'll back off for a while and consider things, and I do want to see what barney's thoughts are and I don't really want them to be influenced by my own confirmation bias. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Why would he as scum try convince barney to lynch earth over you? If wylted is scum, he 100% uses earth to lynch you. Bringing me into the day phase was a wild card. Your argument that he was able to convince me, is based on the contingency that you think Wylted is big brained enough to hope that I would buy into night kill analysis so much that it changed my opinion on him being scum last day phase. You already indicated you don't think that highly of wylteds scum play for one. For two, leaving me alive in hopes that I would change my mind is a way bigger gamble than even you took with bussing casey assuming you are scum. I just don't see a world in which I am alive if wylted is scum.
You’re not understanding. If Wylted kills you and Moozer, then who remains? Pie, Earth, Wylted, Barney. Barney townreads Pie, Pie townreads Barney. Earth townread Pie, which is the only explanation for not killing me. Only person scum Wylted can lynch is Earth, when me, Barney, and you agree that Wylted was scummier than Earth. Thats why he couldn’t kill you is the point I’m trying to make.

Changed his mind about vigging you, not that you weren't scum.
But why would he do that if he is scum from Wylted’s POV? Why not allow the shot on Pie to go through and then lynch Wylted with Luna, Earth, Barney, Wylted alive?

That was probably only contingent on the fact casey flipped scum. I don't think earth was considering the possibility of a bus. That said, wylted still would have had a better time of convincing earth than me in LYLO, he even had an extra avenue of communication to allow him to do that. The fact that he paranoia shot him almost screams townie mistrust.
It’s not paranoia, it’s a scum shot. Town Wylted has no reason to shoot Earth after he back out of the shot on Pie.

Look at the end of every day phase. None of the lynch trains have him as a wagon, so how could he have used his role? I'll agree with you that he probably should have advocated someone he suspects vote for him, but he would have had to give up his role for that to make any sense. He could have played the role better for sure.
Wym give up his role? He could’ve done it DP3 but he didn’t. He could’ve asked to have a couple of votes put on him without even mentioning the sensor.

It’s not bullshit though. I might have understood it better if you had come out with it. It seems like you only claimed this as a nail in the coffin argument against wylted, and hoped no one would question it.
The fact that 2 kills happened is an objective truth. Me revealing my role added to my doubts of Wylted. That’s fine though, I see where you’re coming from.

And you already admitted that you thought it would cause an argument with me and you. But if you thought it would, then that means you see the similarity between the roles enough that it should have made you suspect me.
There’s similarity, but it’s different. Even if I did suspect you, saying that would’ve got me lynched DP2 cause you were lynchproof anyways, so I let it go cause I wanted to live, especially after you pulled the “wtf Pie is gearing up to mislynch Lunatic”. I considered the possibility that I have roles that are similar to two other townies for all of DP2 because it would in effect town confirm 2 players, but of course it’s not true. 

So your answers leave me with two conclusions:

Conclusion 1: You knew I was town, and didn't want to get into with me because it would make one or the other of us look bad. If you knew I am town, it’s because I am not in your scum pm with you. And the reason you didn't mention it was because you wanted me alive to use towards a mislynch.
I did suspect you little but I never said anything because we would fight and I would get lynched cause I made the decision of making you lynchproof, and if we were both town like Savant and I were, we would derail the DP. Me saying you’re scummy after I chose to make you Lynchproof would have gotten me lynched in 5 seconds, especially with all the noobs who go wherever the wind blows. I physically could not have talked about my role, which is why I kept it hidden. In hindsight, shouldn’t have said anything here. I made the decision to make you lynchproof after you said cop pie. I thought you were the cop. I didn’t expect your role being somewhat similar to mine. At that point the damage was done though. In DP3 I didn’t mention it either because you were confirmed town to me at that point.

Conclusion 2: The role is either fake (claimed for extra ammo), or is some variation of an actual scum information role which also makes sense considering town had two vigilante abilities at their disposal.

Simply not having an answer for why you would hide this doesn't do you any favors.
 I could’ve hidden it from you and Barney, but I came clean. Wylted is making excuses.
Lunatic's avatar
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I am just going to wait for you now. I am less convinced about pie, though still leaning him here. I am worried I am overthinking this, and I think another opinion or view on things could be helpful here. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
I think it just shows that earth was convinced by the bus and caseys flip. Town players tend to be pretty blind to busses. It shows that earth wasn't confident enough to kill you, that's all. Doesn't show that he wanted to kill wylted instead though, as you are implying. 
That’s fine. If he wasn’t confident in killing me, he expressed that to Wylted. Scum Earth would kill me no questions asked. Wylted didn’t even consider this, he just shot Earth. I never said Earth wanted to kill Wylted. Im providing hypotheticals.

OKay i'll give you that you couldn't use your role on casey, unless austin made scum have some wierd bypass for the role. As far as whether you could use it on yourself, all I have is your word on that, and as scum of course you would say that. At best it's a null thing
That’s fair, but I could’ve confirmed myself by making myself unlynchable especially after Savant publically advocated lynching me if he flipped town. Would’ve been the safer move for me. Also consider this: if I could self target, I’d be lynchproof, not Magistrate and would CC Wylted the very next day.

To be completely fair here, I can see a world where you are town, and everything you've done makes sense as town. And I am worried about getting tunnel vision here. I could be underestimating wylted severely. I think I'll back off for a while and consider things, and I do want to see what barney's thoughts are and I don't really want them to be influenced by my own confirmation bias.
And I need to get back to work.
Lunatic's avatar
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You’re not understanding. If Wylted kills you and Moozer, then who remains? Pie, Earth, Wylted, Barney. Barney townreads Pie, Pie townreads Barney. Earth townread Pie, which is the only explanation for not killing me. Only person scum Wylted can lynch is Earth, when me, Barney, and you agree that Wylted was scummier than Earth. Thats why he couldn’t kill you is the point I’m trying to make.
This is pre-mylo logic, and either way, he would have known he would have had to go into MYLO with one of me or barney. It just seems weird he would go into mylo with both of town reading you, just to kill earth who would be the only other potential mislynch here besides you, who would have been less likely to be mischopped by your own logic.

But why would he do that if he is scum from Wylted’s POV? Why not allow the shot on Pie to go through and then lynch Wylted with Luna, Earth, Barney, Wylted alive?
Because the shot on pie wasn't going through, according to wylted's information from the PM. It indicates that earth at least semi bought into the logic that you were town based on caseys flip. Also again, I am not entirely sure he could have vigged anyway as I pointed out already. He needed the majority of his mason pm to accomplish that, and if wylted suspected him and moozer was the night kill (would his vote have even counted?) then he couldn't reach a majority decision.

It’s not paranoia, it’s a scum shot. Town Wylted has no reason to shoot Earth after he back out of the shot on Pie.
Unless he actually thought earth was scum, which he probably did at this point. We weren't at MYLO at this point, so wylted had every reason to believe you were town prior to entering the day phase. He thought the last scum was between me and earth and you convinced him I was town, so logically he went after earth believing POE made him the last scum. You wouldn't have been a suspect at this point. 

Wym give up his role? He could’ve done it DP3 but he didn’t. He could’ve asked to have a couple of votes put on him without even mentioning the sensor.
Like I said, I agree he could have played the role better. But random votes wouldn't really help him anyway, he would need votes of people he suspects, or POE people. He would have needed like me and earth on his wagon for example for it to be worth anything. Casey was dead to rights, and you were looking like confirmed town, moozer was innocent, and barney is objectively town read. 

There’s similarity, but it’s different. Even if I did suspect you, saying that would’ve got me lynched DP2 cause you were lynchproof anyways, so I let it go cause I wanted to live, especially after you pulled the “wtf Pie is gearing up to mislynch Lunatic”.
I said that EOD1, before I claimed my role....

I considered the possibility that I have roles that are similar to two other townies for all of DP2 because it would in effect town confirm 2 players, but of course it’s not true. 
I am misunderstanding something, this doesnt make sense to me.

 I could’ve hidden it from you and Barney, but I came clean. Wylted is making excuses.
I mean he's come just as clean as you have. 
Lunatic's avatar
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That’s fair, but I could’ve confirmed myself by making myself unlynchable especially after Savant publically advocated lynching me if he flipped town. Would’ve been the safer move for me.
The counter wifom argument to this, is that it would have made you look scummier. When no one fessed up to the magistrate, it would have been obvious that either you did it, or scum did it. In which case, it wouldn't have really made you look better at all.

Also consider this: if I could self target, I’d be lynchproof, not Magistrate and would CC Wylted the very next day.
It would be a 1x thing. But yeah your and wylteds roles do feel like they play opposites, which I guess is already known at this point. One of you or wylted is scum. I can see one of your roles existing as town and the other as scum. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
This is pre-mylo logic, and either way, he would have known he would have had to go into MYLO with one of me or barney. It just seems weird he would go into mylo with both of town reading you, just to kill earth who would be the only other potential mislynch here besides you, who would have been less likely to be mischopped by your own logic.
POE was always going to make it Wylted, Pie, or Earth from either of our perspectives. If he shot either you or Barney, he’d definitely be lynched. He can’t shoot Pie cause Earth (who backed out last second) would have sided with Luna and Barney to vote Wylted. If he kills Earth, he still has a chance against me. High risk but high reward. Exactly Wylted’s play. I’m more calculative and conservative.

Because the shot on pie wasn't going through, according to wylted's information from the PM. It indicates that earth at least semi bought into the logic that you were town based on caseys flip. Also again, I am not entirely sure he could have vigged anyway as I pointed out already. He needed the majority of his mason pm to accomplish that, and if wylted suspected him and moozer was the night kill (would his vote have even counted?) then he couldn't reach a majority decision.
I don’t know how the Neighborhood works. I think he’s pulling stuff out of his ass that he randomly just for lols, said “vig Earth” and it worked. I just asked Austin “If I still had my Vig shot, would you tell.” Feel free to ask him the same question. Cause Wylted claims he didn’t even know he had it. If your shot didn’t work Casey, would you ask if you still had the shot or not?

Unless he actually thought earth was scum, which he probably did at this point. We weren't at MYLO at this point, so wylted had every reason to believe you were town prior to entering the day phase. He thought the last scum was between me and earth and you convinced him I was town, so logically he went after earth believing POE made him the last scum. You wouldn't have been a suspect at this point.
But Wylted said himself that the neighborhood agreed to shoot me, so clearly Wylted wasn’t convinced I was town. Then when Earth backed out, Wylted shot him with his own shot that he supposedly still had.

Like I said, I agree he could have played the role better. But random votes wouldn't really help him anyway, he would need votes of people he suspects, or POE people. He would have needed like me and earth on his wagon for example for it to be worth anything. Casey was dead to rights, and you were looking like confirmed town, moozer was innocent, and barney is objectively town read.
He could’ve done it DP2, but he claimed to be Vanillaized, remember? Killed two birds with one stone. Didn’t have to prove he was perma lynchproof and no one voted him.

I said that EOD1, before I claimed my role....
Ya, you said Cop Pie, which made me think you’re the town investigative role.

I am misunderstanding something, this doesnt make sense to me.
If I have two roles that are similar to two other town players. My thinking was they are both town or both scum, the later didn’t make sense at all. Essentially it was mod psyche

I mean he's come just as clean as you have.
Ya, and he still hasn’t answered why he didn’t ask someone who he thought was scummy to place a vote on him either in DP2 or DP3.

The counter wifom argument to this, is that it would have made you look scummier. When no one fessed up to the magistrate, it would have been obvious that either you did it, or scum did it. In which case, it wouldn't have really made you look better at all.
I disagree, but I agree it’s still WIFOM, which is why I keep pointing to the objective truths.

It would be a 1x thing. But yeah your and wylteds roles do feel like they play opposites, which I guess is already known at this point. One of you or wylted is scum. I can see one of your roles existing as town and the other as scum.
Well yes, but it proves that I couldn’t self target. What’s scummier? Being able to become unlynchable yourself or being able to choose someone else as being non-lynchable?
ILikePie5's avatar
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I really have to get back to work now
WyIted's avatar
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Let’s say Wylted is town. Would Wylted not think it’s odd that if Earth is scum, not agreeing to Vig shot Pie makes no sense? Cause if he does Vig Pie, scum Earth would have an easy lynch in Wylted. That thought didn’t even cross his mind.
By poe if scum earth kills pie than the remaining scum is between 

Earth and wylted

Why do you think that is preferable than maximizing the odds of a mistake by MAKING POE


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AustinL0926's avatar
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AustinL0926's avatar
Vote count:

Pie (1/3): Wylted

ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
By poe if scum earth kills pie than the remaining scum is between 

Earth and wylted

Why do you think that is preferable than maximizing the odds of a mistake by MAKING POE

What? Cause with the Vig shot it’s MYLO and Luna/Barney were already scumreading Wylted more than Earth.

Earth wanting to Vig Luna/Barney/Moozer would out him as scum. Scum Earth could only kill me or Wylted without blatantly outting. He refused to kill me. Why? Cold feet? Possibly. Caution? Possibly. Regardless, Scum Earth would have no issue shooting Pie but Wylted went yolo anyways.
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WyIted's avatar
What is with this new scum meta of fighting like this and just delaying the game. It was annoying when Austin did it last game also. It honestly needs to stop. I liked the good old fashioned, one mega post to defend yourself on the off chance somebody is dumb enough to believe you and quietly walking away.

There is also no need to tag me in posts. Neither one of us are going to add anything, and nothing either of us say is going to effect the final decision. It is just begging at this point. I am willing to make a pact with you.

You place your vote on me and both of us just quit contributing to the game unless we are asked a direct question from Barney or Lunatic
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
Also if anyone wants to bitch at Austin for making this town sided,  when you are so predictable that the effective doctor literally predicts every NK, then you don't get to bitch about the game being unfair
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
Also, Austin answered my question. If someone with a Vig shot were to ask him if they still have it, he would say yes. You two would have to assume that Wylted shot Casey NP2 and was passively roleblocked by Casey (thus not using up the shot, which makes no sense). Then he randomly says “Shoot Earth” and it goes through. He didn’t even consider asking if he still had the Vig shot when Casey didn’t die—just automatically goes to yolo haha shoot Earth. That’s seriously townie to y’all?

Wylted’s probably sitting in his chair laughing his ass off at the fact that yall believe this farce. He hasn’t even once tried to explain what makes me scum besides “muh POE.” The fact that he’s pulling shit out of his ass and sitting there all smug while you two create the case for him with your imagination is so incredibly frustrating. He’s not even trying to explain why I am scum. All he’s doing is defending. Because if he knows he defends successfully, he wins and town loses. 

Luna, I know you’re afraid of losing to me. But for once, take your ego out of it and just use the logic. Serial lying, manipulating, and cockiness is written into Wylted’s DNA. He’s said and done the most outlandish things, and he’ll continue to do it. What’s my one mistake? Claiming my passive ability. You know me as logical and methodical in my play. Is borderline CCing you at MYLO something I would do (I know this is WIFOM, but consider everything you know about me ever since we started playing Mafia). If we lose, it’s going to be my fault for not keeping my mouth shut, which is incredibly frustrating because without it Wylted would have been hammered by now. I implore you, please vote Wylted.

VTL Wylted
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
What is with this new scum meta of fighting like this and just delaying the game. It was annoying when Austin did it last game also. It honestly needs to stop. I liked the good old fashioned, one mega post to defend yourself on the off chance somebody is dumb enough to believe you and quietly walking away. 
Im going to defend myself because I know I’m town, and I’m 99.9999% sure you’re scum.

There is also no need to tag me in posts. Neither one of us are going to add anything, and nothing either of us say is going to effect the final decision. It is just begging at this point. I am willing to make a pact with you. 

You place your vote on me and both of us just quit contributing to the game unless we are asked a direct question from Barney or Lunatic
My vote is on you. You dont deserve to win, but you likely will because I couldn’t stay quiet. It’s actually stupid.
Lunatic's avatar
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Luna, I know you’re afraid of losing to me. But for once, take your ego out of it and just use the logic.
lmao if I had my ego in this I would have voted you already. I am patiently waiting for barney at the moment. 
Lunatic's avatar
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I am willing to look at this with a fresh set of eyes. I am aware wylted could just as easily be scum here. I have a couple mental blocks that I've explained I am having a rough time getting around in my head. I might be getting tunnel vision on those things. Luckily its not solely my decision. I want Barney to look at everything here and check my logic. Am I focusing too hard on this? Could it really just be as simple as it being wylted who just thought earth would be a bigger threat than me in the endgame? 

There are other things to consider here. Barney is a pretty smart guy, and I know he is busy atm, but when he is online I would like him to take a look at everything, tell me what he thinks and we can go from there. 
ILikePie5's avatar
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ILikePie5's avatar
lmao if I had my ego in this I would have voted you already. I am patiently waiting for barney at the moment. 
I pray to god that’s true.

Could it really just be as simple as it being wylted who just thought earth would be a bigger threat than me in the endgame?
The only reason you’re considering #1 is because of Wylted’s vig shot that he “randomly” used. He didn’t even think to ask the mod if he had the shot or not. He just yoloed.

#2 I admit was preventable on my part. I’ll give that to you. It’s just annoying that you’re willing to forgive Wylted’s behavior, especially with the unused cop but then scumread me for it. I’ll admit when I made a mistake, but Wylted is scum. He’s not even trying to mislynch me—just having you and Barney to the dirty work by forming arguments against me.
WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
It’s just annoying that you’re willing to forgive Wylted’s behavior, especially with the unused cop but then scumread me for it
It has nothing to do with forgiveness. The game is about finding scum not making ethical judgements on behavior. Why are you still posting after our silent agreement to just remain quiet and let them sort this out?

WyIted's avatar
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WyIted's avatar
I am going through the DPs, but if I am not mistaken every single one he attempts to set up a mislynch on the next day. prior to the lynch.