This seems to be the case and perhaps could lead somebody to God. We do appear to live in a holographic universe and the hologram is just a visual representation of the data.
This is the cosmovision I hold in regards to this reality.
There is a book of Neville Goddard that outlines this vision, "Consciousness is the only reality", which is a perspective that is not far away from what eastern philosophies preach.
Neville says that consciousness is the only real thing that exists, the rest is just a creation of this consciousness or mind so to speak. And the consciousness we have is actually this mind that created the virtual universes (yes, in plural). So, if we call this mind "God" as religions do then we have to say that we all are this "God". The fact that we feel we are an independent being, that we are seperated from the rest, is just an illusion. It seems to be that we all are a unity, an only mind that works in different ways and experiences different things, that you are me and I am you. We are seperated in many minds but interconnected forming one only consciousness. It's like an operating system that has different programs and small computational processes, all of them are interconnected and use the resources of the CPU, but in the end it's only one computer.
To me this is the best approach to this reality, a description in terms of data or information. I mean, I don't see other way to describe this universe, it's the best explanation so far. Besides, this is exactly the same explanation the aliens have given to the contactees. If you ckeck some books of famous contactees you will see the same description, that we are ONE. And I'm pretty sure this has been taught to ancient civilizations, unfortunately humans misinterpreted the lessons and turned it into religions.