So the Prophet Mohammad used the transcribed version of the Quran read to him by many scribes. But never read the Quran directly.
- He (pbuh) did not "use" it. He (pbuh) himself is the author. The Quran (literally The Recitation) is the spoken words recited by the beloved Prophet (pbuh) in formal prayer & revised in the Last Recitation (the year of his death). Particularly, he recited it to his companions for memorization, who recited it back to him for confirmation (Oral Quran); & also dictated it to the scribes among them to be written down, who then read it back to him for confirmation –as he was illiterate (Textual Quran). The histories of the Oral Quran & Textual Quran evolved independently.
Is Jesus a prophet in Islam?Jesus in IslamThe Quran places Jesus among the greatest prophets and mentions him with various titles.
- Indeed. "The Messiah, Jesus the son of Mary, was but a messenger of Allāh and His word" (4:141)