Oh no! A group of militant pacifists has rolled into town! They kinda hate the whole "lynching people in the day" and "killing people in the night" thing going on here.
In the name of pacifism, they have decided to beat the fuckin shit outta everyone in town, and take away any potential murder weapons. As a result, no killing will occur NP1! Additionally, they smashed the guillotine to pieces. There will be no lynch today!
We are now in twilight.
Mayor Greyparrot, a 2A advocate so staunch he scares the NRA, and lover of public executions, has decided to pass an ordinance: This town shall be committed to rebuilding the guillotine, and manufacturing new guns. However, he needs suggestions on how to get the job done in a way that:
-Rebuilds the 50 ft. tall guillotine quickly
-Gets a gun to every man, woman, and child ASAP
-Draws little attention to the rebuilding and rearmament (we don't want those militant pacifists coming back to use our stolen guns against us, do we?)
The "best" suggestion will be given a bulletproof vest. (After all, what if those militant pacifists come back? Surely they'd want to peacefully eliminate the man with the plan!)
As with the previous event, DM me your solutions and I'll send them over to Greyparrot, with your identity concealed.
I'm giving a small time extension for this. You have until 10:00 am (EST) to get these in.
A special thanks to Greyparrot for letting me forcefully volunteer him to do this!
DP1 will conclude after Special Event #2 has ended.