Self-defense or turning the other cheek?

Author: IlDiavolo


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RationalMadman wrote: . you can reply to people here while blocking them, without unblocking.

Stephen wrote: Nope.  He @-ed me. To do that the coward has to unblock me. I have raised this cowardly practice with moderation and they confirmed it.

RationalMadman wrote: nope he doesn't, if the other person hasn't blocked you and you block them, you can @ them without unblocking them.

Where is the logic in that FFS! This is a discussion forum!

If someone blocks me does it not mean that they want no contact with me? Or is it simply a case of being denied a right reply there by enabling the  blocker to say and claim just about anything and go unchallenged? 

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Reinterpreting history and the thoughts of 50 million anonymous persons is easy.

IlDiavolo's avatar
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Look at Stephen. And the Brother. They are two class A bullies. It doesn't matter whether I block them or engage with them. They just continue to try and attack. Of course they deny it. Just like they deny that they have ever said anything unpleasant. Yet the proof is there. 
This is interesting because as far as I see the attacks come from both sides. So, I think you're playing the victim card instead of standing up for your beliefs.

Stephen and the Brother stand up for what they consider it's wrong. It's your right to block them but what you're doing is to throw the stone to them while blocking them. This is unfair.

I don't know, man. It seems to me that you're always having a temper tantrum each time they find the way to make you fall into contradiction. That explains why you consider them as "sons of the devil" and that they sure will burn in hell for the eternity (I saw it in one of your comments). I mean, neither the devil exists nor the hell nor the eternal punishment, but these beliefs certainly exist as desires of the one who believes it.
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Tradsecret wrote @ IlDiavolo,  Just like they deny that they have ever said anything unpleasant.

Nope. I can't very well hope to get away with what I have written myself simply by denying it..  But the Reverend Tradesecret is of the belief that he can . Hence his utter  stupidity and backward thinking. 

I quite liked the idea that the Reverend clown posted my "unpleasant" remarks to certain members along with the links.  HERE>>>

Now members, if thy so wish, can go to them and read them in context and maybe learn something more accurate, factual and honest about scripture in the process.

I just started a new topic in response to something the Reverend clown wrote.
It offers more depth and background to what the actual scripture and that dulcet dunce Reverend will have us believe. I hope you enjoy it.

 It's your right to block them but what you're doing is to throw the stone to them while blocking them.

Indeed, hit  run and hide. Cowardly in my books.

Tradesecret's avatar
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Look at Stephen. And the Brother. They are two class A bullies. It doesn't matter whether I block them or engage with them. They just continue to try and attack. Of course they deny it. Just like they deny that they have ever said anything unpleasant. Yet the proof is there. 
This is interesting because as far as I see the attacks come from both sides. So, I think you're playing the victim card instead of standing up for your beliefs. 

Stephen and the Brother stand up for what they consider it's wrong. It's your right to block them but what you're doing is to throw the stone to them while blocking them. This is unfair.

I don't know, man. It seems to me that you're always having a temper tantrum each time they find the way to make you fall into contradiction. That explains why you consider them as "sons of the devil" and that they sure will burn in hell for the eternity (I saw it in one of your comments). I mean, neither the devil exists nor the hell nor the eternal punishment, but these beliefs certainly exist as desires of the one who believes it.
Well find it interesting if you like. the FACTS are not what you suggest. Firstly, I hardly if ever respond to the comments from Stephen or Brother. I have probably responded twice since I blocked them 12 months ago. The last one was recently. I don't care what they say. They say what they like. And from my point of view they don't actually have anything half decent to say. Brother never puts anything up. Yes, he quotes scripture. But he doesn't understand what he is writing and if me or anyone else engages with him, he doesn't engage back. He just requotes what he said previously. Which is why most people don't bother with him. Me I haven't even responded to him for months. In relation to Stephen, his views have been refuted by many people. He repeats what he does - he doesn't add anything new. And to be honest - I can't recall him trying to engage with me - except to throw his barbs for a long time. 

Hence, why I think you are incorrect about my point here. I am not the victim. But they are two class A bullies and not just towards me but many others. I have blocked them and I will continue to do so.  I don't make a habit of throwing stones at them. I pretty much ignore them. But please prove me wrong. Go back in the last 12 months or so - or since I blocked them and find all of the times I have directed my attention at them. You will find two at Stephen. And perhaps a couple of others that I have commented on - like this one - since someone else has asked me to address something. I don't have an issue with that. But honestly, that is all you will find. But prove me wrong.  I am happy for you to do that. I have nothing to hide. I just have the right not to have to deal with idiots. 
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Tradesecret wrote; "Stephen is a A class bully  but  I am not the victim".#35

IlDiavolo's avatar
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So, you refuse to turn the other cheek to Stephen. You're practically flushing all what you said down the toilet. 

Jesus would be very disappointed with you. 
Stephen's avatar
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You're [Tradesecret] practically flushing all what you said down the toilet. 

As I said. He's far too stupid to remember his own bullshit or recognise contradictions... Even when he has written them in the same sentence.
Such as here>>  

Tradesecret wrote; "Stephen is a A class bully  but  I am not the victim".#35
Tradesecret's avatar
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So, you refuse to turn the other cheek to Stephen. You're practically flushing all what you said down the toilet. 

Jesus would be very disappointed with you. 
So given what I said, the concept of "turning the other cheek" applies to Christians being persecuted for being Christians and following Jesus, are you suggesting that Stephen is persecuting me for being a Christian?  Is that what you are suggesting? And if so, do you condone such behaviour by Stephen or will you call it out? After all, I think if you suggest that - there is a case to suggest he has broken the rules of this site and he should well, be banned.

On the other hand, I don't think his bullish behaviour is to persecute me for being a Christian. I think he just is frustrated over a couple of things. Firstly, I have called him out for the fool that he is. In particular in relation to his gobbledly gook speculations about the Gospels. But more than that, he hates the fact that I am more educated than he is.  This is why he is constantly attempting to make me out to be a liar. And there are other matters too.  Exposing his crassness too. 

I don't think my blocking has anything to do with being persecuted for being a Christian. I don't see there is a need here to turn the other cheek.  I blocked him because I can't be bothered with his nonsense. I'm not the only one on this site who has found his tactics stupid and unpleasant. 

I've also given him a way out if he really wants to talk with me. He can apologise and then engage with our discussions. I am more than willing to unblock him if he desires that. But I know that will never happen. He doesn't want to do that. So surprise surprise, he can sit back and pretend he's waiting for me to just unblock him and in the meantime he will have his lackeys, that's you and Brother, attempt to guilt me to unblock him. He's the coward. I have no intention of unblocking him until he does. 

He might be English but he's no gentleman. He might be a grandfather, but he's a terrible model for his kids and grandkids. He'd prefer to believe in fairy tales rather than the truth.  but that's a matter for him. 

As for Jesus, I guess he probably is disappointed in me, for this and many other things. I am not perfect. I have never pretended to be. I make mistakes and I apologise when I do. The thing about Jesus though, is that he is also very forgiving. And extends his grace quite generously.  So, for the record, your comment is well, like water off a duck's back.  

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This video pretty much sims up my opinion on the subject

RationalMadman's avatar
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I have rarely related so much to a statement, it reminds me of something I said to FishChaser recently and explains a lot of the ways I operate here when people say 'oh you're such a crybully' or something at times.

The statement he makes at the end explains a concept I have understood that makes me wonder about some laws. However, you'd need to be against first amendment to support what he did Sadolite.
IlDiavolo's avatar
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So given what I said, the concept of "turning the other cheek" applies to Christians being persecuted for being Christians and following Jesus, are you suggesting that Stephen is persecuting me for being a Christian?  Is that what you are suggesting? And if so, do you condone such behaviour by Stephen or will you call it out? After all, I think if you suggest that - there is a case to suggest he has broken the rules of this site and he should well, be banned.

On the other hand, I don't think his bullish behaviour is to persecute me for being a Christian. I think he just is frustrated over a couple of things. Firstly, I have called him out for the fool that he is. In particular in relation to his gobbledly gook speculations about the Gospels. But more than that, he hates the fact that I am more educated than he is.  This is why he is constantly attempting to make me out to be a liar. And there are other matters too.  Exposing his crassness too.

I don't think my blocking has anything to do with being persecuted for being a Christian. I don't see there is a need here to turn the other cheek.  I blocked him because I can't be bothered with his nonsense. I'm not the only one on this site who has found his tactics stupid and unpleasant.  
Christians were not persecuted just for being christians but for being a danger for the stabiblity of other religions and cultures. There is nothing more annoying than a bunch of zealots trying to impose their beliefs, this is hardly tolerated by people. Think about Jehova's witnesses and why they are so "beloved", or why the state and church are separated today.

So, putting the useless victimization aside, I only see two adults (you and Stephen) discussing about a very controversial subject, and as any other controversial matter, it can get really heated and tense, turning the arguments into insults very easily. And from what I can make out, the insults come from both sides, the only difference is that you're hiding after throwing the stone, and don't say you don't. I mean, you can do it but this is called cowardice wherever you go.

I've also given him a way out if he really wants to talk with me. He can apologise and then engage with our discussions. I am more than willing to unblock him if he desires that. But I know that will never happen. He doesn't want to do that. So surprise surprise, he can sit back and pretend he's waiting for me to just unblock him and in the meantime he will have his lackeys, that's you and Brother, attempt to guilt me to unblock him. He's the coward. I have no intention of unblocking him until he does. 
You're free to block Stephen or whoever you find "unpleasant". The only thing I'm going to tell you is that yours is the typical behavior of the intolerant zealot that hates everyone that doesn't agree with you.  You say to be a christian but your attitude tells otherwise, insulting and calling the users that dissent from you "sons of the devil" (as if it existed, lol). Is this how christians address their enemies? Jesus not only turned the other cheek but also loved his enemies. You're an enbarassment of christianity, imho.

By the way, you blocked Stephen because you can't stand his arguments and how he exposes your endless contradictions. So, I'm not going to call anyone out because this is a problem between you and him that should be resolved like true men.
Tradesecret's avatar
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So given what I said, the concept of "turning the other cheek" applies to Christians being persecuted for being Christians and following Jesus, are you suggesting that Stephen is persecuting me for being a Christian?  Is that what you are suggesting? And if so, do you condone such behaviour by Stephen or will you call it out? After all, I think if you suggest that - there is a case to suggest he has broken the rules of this site and he should well, be banned.

On the other hand, I don't think his bullish behaviour is to persecute me for being a Christian. I think he just is frustrated over a couple of things. Firstly, I have called him out for the fool that he is. In particular in relation to his gobbledly gook speculations about the Gospels. But more than that, he hates the fact that I am more educated than he is.  This is why he is constantly attempting to make me out to be a liar. And there are other matters too.  Exposing his crassness too.

I don't think my blocking has anything to do with being persecuted for being a Christian. I don't see there is a need here to turn the other cheek.  I blocked him because I can't be bothered with his nonsense. I'm not the only one on this site who has found his tactics stupid and unpleasant.  
Christians were not persecuted just for being christians but for being a danger for the stabiblity of other religions and cultures. There is nothing more annoying than a bunch of zealots trying to impose their beliefs, this is hardly tolerated by people. Think about Jehova's witnesses and why they are so "beloved", or why the state and church are separated today.

So, putting the useless victimization aside, I only see two adults (you and Stephen) discussing about a very controversial subject, and as any other controversial matter, it can get really heated and tense, turning the arguments into insults very easily. And from what I can make out, the insults come from both sides, the only difference is that you're hiding after throwing the stone, and don't say you don't. I mean, you can do it but this is called cowardice wherever you go.I've also given him a way out if he really wants to talk with me. He can apologise and then engage with our discussions. I am more than willing to unblock him if he desires that. But I know that will never happen. He doesn't want to do that. So surprise surprise, he can sit back and pretend he's waiting for me to just unblock him and in the meantime he will have his lackeys, that's you and Brother, attempt to guilt me to unblock him. He's the coward. I have no intention of unblocking him until he does. 
You're free to block Stephen or whoever you find "unpleasant". The only thing I'm going to tell you is that yours is the typical behavior of the intolerant zealot that hates everyone that doesn't agree with you.  You say to be a christian but your attitude tells otherwise, insulting and calling the users that dissent from you "sons of the devil" (as if it existed, lol). Is this how christians address their enemies? Jesus not only turned the other cheek but also loved his enemies. You're an enbarassment of christianity, imho.
Thanks for the laugh. 

By the way, you blocked Stephen because you can't stand his arguments and how he exposes your endless contradictions. So, I'm not going to call anyone out because this is a problem between you and him that should be resolved like true men.
endless contradictions? LOL  
sadolite's avatar
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Why do you believe the first amendment was written so people can be fucking assholes and say vulgar things rather than being able to criticize govt without fear of persecution or free practice of religion with out fear of prosecution from govt?  Can I step into Congress and be an asshole and say vulgar things and not be prosecuted?

15 days later

Shila's avatar
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Politician have a first amendment right. It’s to protect them from the nonsense they say in public. Trump is a good example.
n8nrgim's avatar
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There's also something to be said about letting certain things slide. St paul said as Christians we have to learn to let things slide. 

The nonviolent resistance thing is a good point too.

There's not enough to go on that self defense isn't at least an option sometimes but like Jesus we have the option to let it all slide as a sacrifice out of love