Once Again, Fighting Abortion

Author: YouFound_Lxam


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John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
Early abortion is completely painless, as fetus then cannot feel pain.
The grievance against abortion set by the Supreme court is being changed after years of abusein civil liberty mid-stream. Simply said abortion is nothing more than an orderto be given to officially stop something said to official start, Citizen ship. The fact is in a medical procedure causing pain can be managed ending pain. People in States and Federal government are by criminal law creating a militia at a unknow cost of lives of American women as a United State of criminal law.
TheUnderdog's avatar
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But some do commit suicide, so their rape was worse than murder.
In that rare instance, you would be correct.  But for the vast majority of rape victims that don't commit suicide, their rape wasn't as bad as murder for them.

Some children do commit suicide.
Some do, the vast majority do not.

I dont know, maybe lack of desire to commit suicide.
So then you aren't suicidal.

Some people dont want to live, but also dont have enough will to commit suicide.
How could this be true?  If you don't have enough will to commit suicide, then you do want to live.

Early abortion is completely painless, as fetus then cannot feel pain.
It's not okay to kill somebody painlessly without due process without the consent of the person getting killed.

Best.Korea's avatar
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In that rare instance, you would be correct.
And the rare instance is enough to justify abortion, because you cannot guarantee that someone wont be in great pain that is worse than death.

Some do, the vast majority do not.
Since some do, abortion is justified.

If you don't have enough will to commit suicide, then you do want to live.
No. Thats just your assumption. One can lack will to live and lack will to commit suicide.

It's not okay to kill somebody painlessly without due process without the consent of the person getting killed.
Actually, its immoral to force a person to experience great pain. That is much more immoral than simple painless death caused by early abortion.

As explained by example, great pain outweights desire to live. When pain is great enough, person desires to die.
If I was given the option to:
1. Burn alive for eternity
2. Die painlessly

We see that option 1 is not desirable at all, despite that it doesnt include death, where option 2 is more desirable, despite including death.
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
"Human life begins at conception and should be treated as such. "
   No,the scientific fact is life begins at the female’s creation of egg not theconception of the egg. Conception is a change made as treatment to prolong thelife that has already been started. You are making an interpretation to justifyone form of murder over another form of murder. the united state is all peopletake part equally in not fertilizing the female egg which is the cause ofdeath. Whereas after fertilization only the women who creates the egg can beheld to blame for the death even if the egg is to be a source of lethal forceacting on the woman. 

Marriage and civilunions held by law go on to complicate the matter of the murder by negligence for they are instructionto limit the financial support a women may receive by not committing murder by attemptingto at least fertilize all eggs she produces.

"There aresafer and more productive alternatives to abortion". 

Female, specific amputations are safer alternative toabortion. FSA is also a United States Constitutional Right holding all womenequal under the same law Agreed of nature assigned to them, ambassador. It ismuch safer as we now can all see by the actions of Colonies of America actingas States of law. Trying to Amend Constitution by writing criminal law todescribe something as not a crime, that does not even make common sense. Wewrite United States Constitutional Rights to establish something as legal thevoter has presented no crime, to make and establish, crime a more perfectconnection to a perfect line on justice something that is perfect and right.

"Sexual abstinence issuperior." 

Sexual abstinence isnot superior in safety to female specific amputation. It ignores the UnitedStates Constitutional Right that is inherent to all women as a citizen of thisnation, America among all others. A woman is the border between America posterityin which life must leave her and cross into America, this does not translate inany way to entering the womb of a women to become a citizen of America.  Abstinence is only a more perfect state of unionwith a women’s control over her body not her commitments to posterity.  
Mall's avatar
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"No,the scientific fact is life begins at the female’s creation of egg not theconception of the egg."

Hey if that's the way you look at it, you stay in that box. Life existed before then so it didn't start there.

"You are making an interpretation to justifyone form of murder over another form of murder."

I think you have the wrong interpretation of what I'm saying.

"Sexual abstinence isnot superior in safety to female specific amputation. "

It is in terms of birth control. That's the point I was making.

Mall's avatar
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Doesn't matter the gender. Both can do the superior act of sexual abstinence.
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
It is in terms of birth control. That's the point I was making.
Itis not a form of birth control abort is an order a person gives another person. Abort, abortion aren't even a medical treatment it is something a person might say to stop as a medical treatment. The operation was aborted, a doctor had a procedure that was subject to abortion first thing this morning. Abortion is already a United States Constitutional right and is a Constitutional right conected to confession of a crime. It is said in a harder to understand way like calling sex fornication, but it is already a United States Constitutional right.

The United States Constitutional right can be described as female specific amputation for ending an immigration process from the ambassador of the expected citizen as posterity. We are to be looking for the most perfect state of the union with established justice. A conection which can hold all women in a united state or single group of people when addressing the judicial process. A United States Constitutional right cannot serve two master’s criminal law and Constitutional right as law.
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
Doesn't matter the gender. Both can do the superior act of sexual abstinence.
You do understand a women can never always know her pregnancy is life threatening before she is to participate in the creation of a nation’s posterity?

Mall's avatar
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Mall's avatar
Yes that's why abstinence is key . It does, not does not, it does prevent and control birth .
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
Yes that's why abstinence is key . It does, not does not, it does prevent and control birth .
It eliminates birth as a means of the public to create a united state constitutional posterity so in whole true it simply gives someonenothing to control about posterity, other than immigration from people of othernations and not their own. Another whole truth is it prevents life not birth abstinence prevents the creation of life and does nothing in portecting the child who will die during or after birth. Absolutly nothing. There is no united States Constitutional right of common defense for the child or the mother. Female specific amputations control only a united state of immigration found inside the American Constitution. There are simply to many veriables for the court to hold a order to stop as a United State of criminal law against all women within the bounds of legal formations of governing laws in gedneral.
Mall's avatar
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Mall's avatar
Sexual abstinence is superior.
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
Sexual abstinence is superior.
How is sexual abstinence a more perfect union withConstitutional established justice? Women who are married are not to consummate marriage. Women who are married are not to have children. Women who are not married are cannot contribute to America's posterity. Abstinence is an argument made for a woman to protect her body not for a woman to hold a united state between all women in relationship to the lives as one United States Constitutional Right.
Mall's avatar
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Mall's avatar
Got nothing to do with a union. In terms of birth control it is superior. In marriage all should be prepared to give birth, otherwise don't get married nor engage in sex.
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
Got nothing to do with a union
These are a few United States Constitutional connections in preservation of right.

 The moment it was used in a court of law it was made part of a state of the union with established justice Mall. In terms of birthcontrol, it is a great method of preventing birth, yet it has nothing to do with the controversial issue of Constitutional right, immigration, ambassadorhood, and American posterity, the idea has nothing to do with a connection to established justice other than a history of being Unamerican in its creation. The state of law has not filed murder charges against the child yet, another violation of many states Constitution. Instead, it followed voter advice that the child is a person, and a mother is to be criminally charged with abortion forcing her to say she is ordering lethal force. As a many statesConstitutional right, the child is an arm brought to bear against an ambassadorof the United States of America. Abortion was a violation of the person’s right to privacy in doing so the voter has found out the child is attempting to killthe mother. A governor of a state to follow many of the American states own constitutions should declare the voters in the respective states ambassador to unborn children who are now persons.
Sam_Flynn's avatar
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Sam_Flynn's avatar
We must accept the fact that 1:

Human life begins at conception and should be treated as such.
"...and should be treated as such." What does this even mean? 
Treated as [such], treated like....what, exactly??

The fetus that presides in the womb of a mother, is in no way part of the mother's body no matter what way you spin it.
That which is within, is a part of the whole. It is feeding off her, taking her nutrients to develop. Taking from her, makes it a part of her.

The fetus in the womb has different DNA, most times contains different blood types, half the time the child is a different sex completely, and inherently is not a product of only the mother's body, but a combination of the mothers DNA and the fathers DNA. 3:
It shares familial DNA, not independent DNA. DNA from both generations, mother and father, despite maybe having a different blood type, whatever. It is still of her and is within her. 

Abortion is 98% of the time never medically necessary for a woman's health.
I'll give you that, to an extent, since prior to RvW being overturned only 1.2% and less of ALL abortions were after 22-24 weeks gestation. 

There are safer and more productive alternatives to abortion, that involve benefit to both the mother and the child,
Pregnancy let alone birth wreaks havoc on a girl's/woman's body and lasts a lifetime. There is no benefit to the mother when pregnancy ages her body beyond years. 
And I doubt the over 90 million children who were unwanted and/or orphaned would disagree with your idea of how they are benefited. 

The risk of injury to the mother during pregnancy is extremely low.
Many women and little girls would unequivocally disagree with you. 

In fact, pregnancy can actually benefit the mother in many ways, such as reduced risks of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer, if the pregnancy is completed without major complication. Abortion takes away that benefit, and in fact in many cases abortions can cause severe mental health problems to women. And finally, 5:
A lot of women would disagree with you.

Planned Parent Hood's roots are inherently racist, and genocidal and while many organizations also have ugly backgrounds, we should take this into consideration while thinking about this legislation. 
"...this legislation." What legislation?

Moral dilemmas.
  1. People who don’t want to be pregnant, and don’t want the responsibility of a child.
I think it is extremely important, as mature as we are, to talk about sex, and its effects on people. If an individual is scared of the possibility of getting pregnant, then they shouldn’t involve themselves in sexual relations, because no matter how much protection you give yourself, having sexual relations is by definition is consenting to the possibility of pregnancy.
Where did you go to school? Wherever it was, get your parents' money back. They failed you. 
If "an individual" is scared of getting pregnant? An individual? I think you mean a girl/woman. We all know ONLY females can get pregnant, so do not demean them by using BS language that would be used by the alphabet soup mafia. 
AND, consenting to sexual relations is just that and nothing more. Both parties, if they don't want to be saddled with the possibility of having a child, then precautions are taken. At the beginning of her period, contraception, I mean it is not that difficult to enjoy another's sexuality without worrying about an unplanned pregnancy. I mean really, how old are you? 16?

Just as you would get into your car, but you don’t want to crash, when you enter that car, you are consenting to the possibility of getting into a wreck. One of the ways you can defend yourself from getting an abortion, is by being smart about who you sleep with.
Oh FFS, comparing getting into a car to sexual relations...dumb comparison of no equal relevance on any level. 

If you do find yourself in a situation where you are pregnant, and you do not wish to take care of the child, there are alternatives to abortion, such as giving the child up for adoption. 
There are 90+ million unwanted children worldwide who would disagree with you. 

   2. Abortion in cases where the child has a disability is necessary to save them from a life of struggle. 

I believe in the proposition that no matter what hardships human beings endure, we always have the ability to not only survive, but to thrive regardless of the situation. There are many cases of this throughout not only today, but throughout history. 
And THIS is the choice of the individual family, not you or anyone else. You (nor anyone else) foots the bill for their lifelong healthcare, so you (nor anyone else) do not have any say in the matter that you're not a part of. 

To make a bold statement such as that is in fact extremely offensive to individuals today who live with disabilities and developmental complications, because it implies that their lives are too hard, so they don’t matter. It takes away meaning from the lives of those most vulnerable among us. 
Damn you are so naive. 

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
"...and should be treated as such." What does this even mean? 
Treated as [such], treated like....what, exactly??
A human being with inherent value. 

That which is within, is a part of the whole. It is feeding off her, taking her nutrients to develop. Taking from her, makes it a part of her.
It actually does the opposite. There are numerous medical benefits for having a child including: 
"Women who have had a first full-term pregnancy at an early age have reduced risks of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer. Furthermore, the risks of these cancers decline with each additional full-term pregnancy.
Pregnancies that are terminated afford no protection; thus, a woman who chooses abortion over continuing her pregnancy would lose the protective benefit.”
And yes, it is inside her body, but has separate DNA from her, is a distinct independent living organism, and is not part of the mother's body. It uses parts of the mother's body to grow and collect nutrients, but it is completely separate biologically. 

It shares familial DNA, not independent DNA. DNA from both generations, mother and father, despite maybe having a different blood type, whatever. It is still of her and is within her. 
Ok, with that logic, you are still part of your mom, because you have some of your mothers DNA still.
With that logic you are also part of your dad still, because you have your dads DNA.
And since you are part of their body, you are not independent, and if your mom wants to, she should be allowed to kill you right?

Pregnancy let alone birth wreaks havoc on a girl's/woman's body and lasts a lifetime. There is no benefit to the mother when pregnancy ages her body beyond years. 
It's actually a part of a female organisms maturing process. Look it up. 

And I doubt the over 90 million children who were unwanted and/or orphaned would disagree with your idea of how they are benefited. 
Wow. Thats a dangerous argument you're making there. 

I believe in the proposition that no matter what hardships human beings endure, we always have the ability to not only survive, but to thrive regardless of the situation. There are many cases of this throughout not only today, but throughout history. Every human life has value, even the orphans. 

To make a bold statement such as that is in fact extremely offensive to individuals today who live with disabilities, developmental complications, and people who have been unwanted or abandoned, because it implies that their lives are too hard, so they don’t matter. It takes away meaning from the lives of those most vulnerable among us. 

Many women and little girls would unequivocally disagree with you. 
Fully matured women shouldn't disagree with me. 
Now if we were talking about little girls, (which we weren't so Red Herring right there) I would disagree with me too. 

A lot of women would disagree with you.
Facts don't care about your feelings. 

Where did you go to school? Wherever it was, get your parents' money back. They failed you. 
A very liberal school actually. It wasn't pleasant. 

If "an individual" is scared of getting pregnant? An individual? I think you mean a girl/woman. We all know ONLY females can get pregnant, so do not demean them by using BS language that would be used by the alphabet soup mafia. 
Again, another Red Herring man. 
I wasn't even talking about that. 

And yes, only females can get pregnant. I agree with you. 

AND, consenting to sexual relations is just that and nothing more. Both parties, if they don't want to be saddled with the possibility of having a child, then precautions are taken. At the beginning of her period, contraception, I mean it is not that difficult to enjoy another's sexuality without worrying about an unplanned pregnancy. I mean really, how old are you? 16?
Another fallacy, talking about my personal being. (I'm not 16).

Also, it's completely fine if one wasn't to enjoy their sexuality. But you have to always take precautions, because biologically, sex is for pregnancy and reproduction. 
So, biology (facts) doesn't care about your sexuality or enjoyment of sex (feelings).

Oh FFS, comparing getting into a car to sexual relations...dumb comparison of no equal relevance on any level. 
It actually does. 
Maybe think about it intellectually next time bud. 

There are 90+ million unwanted children worldwide who would disagree with you. 
And you think all those 90 million children would rather die? 
Big assumption of you man.

Again, ALL human life is valuable, whether you like it or not, and that includes neglected children. They deserve life just like the rest of us. 

And THIS is the choice of the individual family, not you or anyone else.
Is murder the choice of a family or is it the law? 

 You (nor anyone else) foots the bill for their lifelong healthcare, so you (nor anyone else) do not have any say in the matter that you're not a part of. 
Great..........all I'm saying is that they can't kill a baby. Is that too harsh?

Sam_Flynn's avatar
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Sam_Flynn's avatar
"...and should be treated as such." What does this even mean? 
Treated as [such], treated like....what, exactly??
A human being with inherent value. 
It is not [a] human being. 
It does not have any 'inherent value" prior to fetal viablity. 

That which is within, is a part of the whole. It is feeding off her, taking her nutrients to develop. Taking from her, makes it a part of her.
It actually does the opposite. There are numerous medical benefits for having a child including: 
Huh? Your response makes no SENSE to the original claim. Try again, child. 

"Women who have had a first full-term pregnancy at an early age have reduced risks of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer. Furthermore, the risks of these cancers decline with each additional full-term pregnancy.
Pregnancies that are terminated afford no protection; thus, a woman who chooses abortion over continuing her pregnancy would lose the protective benefit.”
And yes, it is inside her body, but has separate DNA from her, is a distinct independent living organism, and is not part of the mother's body. It uses parts of the mother's body to grow and collect nutrients, but it is completely separate biologically. 
Separate DNA doesn't mean shit. A drop of blood at a crime scene results in DNA upon testing. Doesn't make that blood sample [a] human being.

It shares familial DNA, not independent DNA. DNA from both generations, mother and father, despite maybe having a different blood type, whatever. It is still of her and is within her. 
Ok, with that logic, you are still part of your mom, because you have some of your mothers DNA still.
No shit Sherlock. I have had a DNA test done that tells me a long about my mother's DNA and how far it goes back to know who my ancestors were. It's called Mitochondrial DNA, ignoramus.  

With that logic you are also part of your dad still, because you have your dads DNA.
Yeah, I am. That's how human reproduction words. 

And since you are part of their body, you are not independent, and if your mom wants to, she should be allowed to kill you right?
You make no sense here. Total sophomoric banal babble. 

Pregnancy let alone birth wreaks havoc on a girl's/woman's body and lasts a lifetime. There is no benefit to the mother when pregnancy ages her body beyond years. 
It's actually a part of a female organisms maturing process. Look it up. 

Uh, not it is not. Pregnancy has nothing to do with a female maturing, it has everything to do with altering their physiological maturation. Dumbass. 

And I doubt the over 90 million children who were unwanted and/or orphaned would disagree with your idea of how they are benefited. 
Wow. Thats a dangerous argument you're making there. 
How so? Truth is dangerous? Wow....

I believe in the proposition that no matter what hardships human beings endure, we always have the ability to not only survive, but to thrive regardless of the situation. There are many cases of this throughout not only today, but throughout history. Every human life has value, even the orphans. 
If only your dumbass would be tossed into a destitute situation that so many of millions of unwanted and orphaned children have endured would smack reality in your ignorant face...you might understand. 

Many women and little girls would unequivocally disagree with you. 
Fully matured women shouldn't disagree with me. 
Now if we were talking about little girls, (which we weren't so Red Herring right there) I would disagree with me too. 

Red herring on little girls?
You just defeated your own position right there; you callous little shit. 

A lot of women would disagree with you.
Facts don't care about your feelings. 
That is a non-sequitur. 

My feelings are not in play here, the women who disagree with you are. Dumbass. 

Where did you go to school? Wherever it was, get your parents' money back. They failed you. 
A very liberal school actually. It wasn't pleasant. 
Explains why you are so fucking daft.

If "an individual" is scared of getting pregnant? An individual? I think you mean a girl/woman. We all know ONLY females can get pregnant, so do not demean them by using BS language that would be used by the alphabet soup mafia. 
Again, another Red Herring man. 
I wasn't even talking about that. 

And yes, only females can get pregnant. I agree with you. 
No red herring.
Intellectual coward denialist. 

AND, consenting to sexual relations is just that and nothing more. Both parties, if they don't want to be saddled with the possibility of having a child, then precautions are taken. At the beginning of her period, contraception, I mean it is not that difficult to enjoy another's sexuality without worrying about an unplanned pregnancy. I mean really, how old are you? 16?
Another fallacy, talking about my personal being. (I'm not 16).
No, not a fallacy. A supposition. 
What age are you then, 18? 19?
You come across as a child. So... 

Oh FFS, comparing getting into a car to sexual relations...dumb comparison of no equal relevance on any level. 
It actually does. 
Maybe think about it intellectually next time bud. 
Getting into cars and sex. Nothing to compare. You need to rethink it, dumbass. 

There are 90+ million unwanted children worldwide who would disagree with you. 
And you think all those 90 million children would rather die? 
Big assumption of you man.
Strawman fallacy. Never claimed what those children would rather do or not do. That's your ignorant retort. Speaks volumes. 

Again, ALL human life is valuable,
No, it is not. 
Hitler was not valuable. 
Charles Manson was not valuable.
Every violent human being throughout existence has not been valuable.
You lose this argument, child. 

And THIS is the choice of the individual family, not you or anyone else.
Is murder the choice of a family or is it the law? 
Your query makes no sense giving the fact that murder is against the law. Try again. Child. Only children argue points like this. 

 You (nor anyone else) foots the bill for their lifelong healthcare, so you (nor anyone else) do not have any say in the matter that you're not a part of. 
Great..........all I'm saying is that they can't kill a baby. Is that too harsh?

No "baby" is "killed" during an abortion. 

YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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YouFound_Lxam's avatar
It is not [a] human being. 
It does not have any 'inherent value" prior to fetal viablity. 
So, viability determines whether life is valuable or not? 
Also, by definition it is a living human:
A living organism that categorically falls under the species of human, aka living human. 
Huh? Your response makes no SENSE to the original claim. Try again, child. 
It does.

You are defining a fetus, as an organism that:
That which is within, is a part of the whole. It is feeding off her, taking her nutrients to develop. Taking from her, makes it a part of her.
You are defining as a parasite which it is not. 
Parasites actually are defined as:
an organism that lives in or on an organism of another species (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's expense:

But a human fetus, is biologically human by nature. So, it can't be a parasite.

Separate DNA doesn't mean shit.
It actually does. It's very important actually. 

A drop of blood at a crime scene results in DNA upon testing. Doesn't make that blood sample [a] human being.
That is again, a logical fallacy.
It has nothing to do with what I am saying.

I am saying that since a fetus has its own unique DNA, it is its own being. I never said that made it a human being. I said it makes it special. Destinct.
Why do we use blood samples at crime scenes? Because law enforcement wants to track down a person, and DNA helps to track down a bad guy, because the DNA can only belong to 1 unique person.  

You just helped me prove my point. 

No shit Sherlock. I have had a DNA test done that tells me a long about my mother's DNA and how far it goes back to know who my ancestors were. It's called Mitochondrial DNA, ignoramus.  

Yeah, I am. That's how human reproduction words. 

You make no sense here. Total sophomoric banal babble. 
I actually do. You just aren't rational and intellectually open minded to argue against my point. 

Uh, not it is not. Pregnancy has nothing to do with a female maturing, it has everything to do with altering their physiological maturation. Dumbass. 
When a young woman reaches puberty, she starts to ovulate. This is when a mature egg or ovum is released from one of the ovaries. The ovaries are the two female reproductive organs found in the pelvis. If the egg is fertilized by a sperm as it travels down the fallopian tube, then pregnancy occurs.

By definition, hitting puberty, (which is maturing) is literally preparing a woman's body for pregnancy. 

If only your dumbass would be tossed into a destitute situation that so many of millions of unwanted and orphaned children have endured would smack reality in your ignorant face...you might understand. 
I've been to places where kids are living in metal scraps. They are still valuable no matter what anyone says. 

Red herring on little girls?
You just defeated your own position right there; you callous little shit. 

That is a non-sequitur. 

My feelings are not in play here, the women who disagree with you are. Dumbass. 
Their feelings can't combat facts.

Strawman fallacy. Never claimed what those children would rather do or not do. That's your ignorant retort. Speaks volumes. 
No, but that's what you're proposing. You're arguing against my position of pro-life, which would mean you are arguing for pro-choice. 
The only other solution besides adoption to get rid of child suffering, is not have the kids exist at all. Therefore, you are claiming that these children would rather die. They wouldn't. 

No, it is not. 
Hitler was not valuable. 
Charles Manson was not valuable.
Every violent human being throughout existence has not been valuable.
You lose this argument, child. 
Hitler was valuable when he was a child
Charles Manson was valuable when he was a child.
Every violent human being was valuable when they were children.

Are you proposing killing children for the sake of violent people not being created? 

Your query makes no sense giving the fact that murder is against the law. Try again. Child. Only children argue points like this. 
Yes. Murder is against the law. Abortion is the murder of children. Therefore, Abortion should be against the law. 

No "baby" is "killed" during an abortion. 
Yes it is. 
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
We must accept the fact that 1:

Human life begins at conception and should be treated as such.
"...and should be treated as such." What does this even mean? 
Treated as [such], treated like....what, exactly??

It means the we must accept that a arprtial truth is nough fact to base criminal law on.

Science describes as whole truth that life begins at the creation of two things independent from eachother an egg and sperm. In the law of nature as whole truth according to science men kill  more sperm then women kill eggs. A male female couple can practice medicine and exstend the life of one sperm and one egg in most aplications of sexual intercourse. Just as medical science can preactice marriage and produce life by having sex according to christain law without sexual intercourse.

This debate becomesa matter of equality under criminal law and United States Constitutional right.It is a United States Constitutional right to apply lethal force to a child of certainage when married and unmarried in one way. The parents must neglect the law ofnature they possess as share to save the child and not extend the length of anatural life of a child at this stage as fact. The scientific life expectancyis about 28 days or 1-month. The age is not set by absence of intercourse it isset by the mother of the child and the laws of nature; natures GOD gives them.In whole truth this is the connection Christianity is making as a proposedUnited States Constitutional state of the Union.

Now let’s look atthe United States Constitutional Right executive officer # 45 has made which isnot being placed in writing to be evaluated his abilities of preserving UnitedStates Constitution under House Impeachment. Remember this is not a criminal chargeand there is no presumption of innocence to be expected. It is to be given ornot give by all those under oath during impeachment. A man in attempt to preserveUnited States Constitutional right is use a very young child as a 2nd amendment right to bear arms to attempt to kill all women. Yes, as whole truththe odds of him killing all women is not very likely, though all women areplaced at risk of death randomly as a gamble. Simply said odds dictate not allwomen die simple because that try at creating what American United StatesConstitution describes as a nation’s posterity. The United States Constitutionalright that is created by all men’s independence from English law without women andcreation of men’s own equality is the future and the present are separated by aborder created by law of nature.

As a united stateconstitutional right the very young child cannot even be charged withaccidental use of lethal force it may apply allowing a woman to defend her lifeplaced only her at risk for presenting a nation with the most perfect posteritypossible for her to create. A woman is at War with the laws of nature and allconception or copulation ensures is she is not alone in that battle. Lifeliberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Female specific amputation is not abortion they may both share a use of lethal force but they are in no way equal.

Sam_Flynn's avatar
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Sam_Flynn's avatar
We must accept the fact that 1:

Human life begins at conception and should be treated as such.
"...and should be treated as such." What does this even mean? 
Treated as [such], treated like....what, exactly??

It means the we (sic) must accept that a arprtial (sic) truth is nough (sic) fact to base criminal law on.
Not how criminal law works, mehoe. 

Science describes as whole truth that life begins at the creation of two things independent from eachother (sic) an egg and sperm.
That's not how science works either. "whole truth"? Did you learn a new phrase there?
Biological criteria is met at conception. That's just a basic fact of life, irrelevant of your "whole truth" (it's not a whole loaf of bread). 
And when the zygote is formed, it is not "independent" of the mother. It feeds of her. It's takes her nutrients and genetic material in order to gestate to fetal viability.

In the law of nature as whole truth
"whole truth," yeah, a favorite new phrase learned that means nothing in this debate/subject matter. 

according to science
You've already demonstrated you do not understand, science, of this subject matter, that is.

men kill  more sperm then women kill eggs.
"kill" sperm? FFS. How old are you?

A male female couple can practice medicinesa (sic) and exstend (sic) the life of one sperm and one egg in most aplications (sic) of sexual intercourse.
Word salad. Bad grammar. Bad spelling. Bad everything.

Just as medical science can preactice (sic) marriage and produce life by having sex according to christain (sic) law without sexual intercourse.
Word salad. 

This debate becomesa matter of equality under criminal law and United States Constitutional right.It is a United States Constitutional right to apply lethal force to a child of certainage when married and unmarried in one way. The parents must neglect the law ofnature they possess as share to save the child and not extend the length of anatural life of a child at this stage as fact. The scientific life expectancyis about 28 days or 1-month. The age is not set by absence of intercourse it isset by the mother of the child and the laws of nature; natures GOD gives them.In whole truth this is the connection Christianity is making as a proposedUnited States Constitutional state of the Union.

Now let’s look atthe United States Constitutional Right executive officer # 45 has made which isnot being placed in writing to be evaluated his abilities of preserving UnitedStates Constitution under House Impeachment. Remember this is not a criminal chargeand there is no presumption of innocence to be expected. It is to be given ornot give by all those under oath during impeachment. A man in attempt to preserveUnited States Constitutional right is use a very young child as a 2nd amendment right to bear arms to attempt to kill all women. Yes, as whole truththe odds of him killing all women is not very likely, though all women areplaced at risk of death randomly as a gamble. Simply said odds dictate not allwomen die simple because that try at creating what American United StatesConstitution describes as a nation’s posterity. The United States Constitutionalright that is created by all men’s independence from English law without women andcreation of men’s own equality is the future and the present are separated by aborder created by law of nature.

As a united stateconstitutional right the very young child cannot even be charged withaccidental use of lethal force it may apply allowing a woman to defend her lifeplaced only her at risk for presenting a nation with the most perfect posteritypossible for her to create. A woman is at War with the laws of nature and allconception or copulation ensures is she is not alone in that battle. Lifeliberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Female specific amputation is not abortion they may both share a use of lethal force but they are in no way equal.
Nonsensical word salad. Not worth dissecting let alone replying to. 

Sam_Flynn's avatar
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Sam_Flynn's avatar
You lack the requisite education and experience to have this debate/discussion.
I made myself plain and clear with scientific and reality-based arguments. You're replying sophomorically. No facts, just subjective emotiveness.
Not going to waste my time replying to a child who lacks the sufficient life experience and education to have this discussion. 
Good luck with others on this.
And don't try to hammer me with a bunch of whining about this and that merely because I wouldn't engage you further. 
If you do, you only prove my point. 
I now agree to disagree.
YouFound_Lxam's avatar
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You lack the requisite education and experience to have this debate/discussion.
If you really think that, have an actual real comprehensive debate with me on the subject. I will be happy to make one for you or accept one from you. 

I made myself plain and clear with scientific and reality-based arguments.
Show me one resource you have provided. Not claim. Resource.

You're replying sophomorically. No facts, just subjective emotiveness.
No, I am replying ethically, logically, and scientifically. 

Not going to waste my time replying to a child who lacks the sufficient life experience and education to have this discussion. 
Ad Hominem

Good luck with others on this.
Thank you. 

And don't try to hammer me with a bunch of whining about this and that merely because I wouldn't engage you further. 
Well, you are getting pretty hammered when it comes to the argument. So, thank you for pointing that out. 

If you do, you only prove my point. 
What is your exact point exactly?

I now agree to disagree.
"I now agree to disagree" = "I can't make any more arguments to this comprehensive discussion"

Also don't try to take the moral high ground here. If anything, you have been ultimately disrespectful to me in this discussion, and I have tried my best to not retaliate with Ad Hominem attacks. 

For instance:
"You need to rethink it, dumbass."
"Intellectual coward denialist." 
".... you are so fucking daft."
".... you callous little shit." 
"If only your dumbass would be tossed...."
"Damn you are so naive." 

And those are just a couple from your arguments, so don't try to play morals with me.

If you want to have a proper debate on the subject, I will happily accept. Otherwise, good day. 
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
Not how criminal law works, mehoe. 
Criminal law is not a law of United States Constitutional Right, paesano. 

Biological criteria is met at conception. That's just a basic fact of life, irrelevant of your "whole truth" (it's not a whole loaf of bread).
 Literally fact science does harvest, store, and take donations of sperm and human egg keeping them alive so they can be used in the treatment of infertility. Biological material for additional medical treatments is grown after human conception as well as medical conception. Whole truth that is a way of say all the truth that might be gathered as a United State as a complete condition or principle. A medical professional can be found guilty of perjury for only describing a partial truth when giving an expert opinion in an official proceeding of inquiry. 

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.

Abortion is a foreign criminal law written by legislators outside American United States Constitutional Right before America had ever been established an independent state of two forms of law, Criminal law, and Law of Right. A United States Constitutional Right does not need to be ratified before it held before the Courts of America it is a power described to be held by “We the people.” With a condition of being a more perfect state of the union than what is in use at any given time in history.

John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
Word salad. Bad grammar. Bad spelling. Bad everything.

A load of crap can be explained in perfect Queens English...... which could be a warning sign right there……..Doesn't mean the taste is going to improve for anyone over a nice word salad. There is never any good news about how and why the use of lethal force is necessary. I do not have to personally like the more perfect state of the union to established justice made by United States Constitutional Right. We the people must only make them as so to give the people the liberties of choice. I am totally unconvinced that an offical order to stop a pregnancy is the best common defense between all women or between all men and all women as criminal law or medical treatment. So, the bar set for the height of any improvement is and was really quite low.
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It should be made clear that the child in Texas has been described by a witness to be attempting to kill the mother and is doing so right now and the Texas prosecutor’s office did nothing but take part in the murder under Texas Constitution. Female specific amputation is a separation process to preserve the Texan Constitutional right for a female who is tasked with the delivery of posterity to defend herself and all posterity as a UnitedState with other women.

Immigration and falsified admissions are both obligations toall United States of judicial Court.
Sam_Flynn's avatar
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Sam_Flynn's avatar
Not how criminal law works, mehoe. 
Criminal law is not a law of United States Constitutional Right, paesano. 
There is no such thing as criminal law being not of "a law of (sic) United States Constitutional Right (sic)..."

Biological criteria is met at conception. That's just a basic fact of life, irrelevant of your "whole truth" (it's not a whole loaf of bread).
 Literally fact science does harvest, store, and take donations of sperm and human egg keeping them alive so they can be used in the treatment of infertility.
WTF is this grammatical mess!?! Clearly common English is not your first language. 

Biological material for additional medical treatments is grown after human conception as well as medical conception.
More grammatical nonsense - i.e., word salad. 

Whole truth that is a way of say all the truth that might be gathered as a United State as a complete condition or principle. A medical professional can be found guilty of perjury for only describing a partial truth when giving an expert opinion in an official proceeding of inquiry. 
Wow. Word Salad from fucking HELL here!!!! JFC!!! 

The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
What in the FLYING FUCK does any of this have to do with the price of tea in China, let alone the abortion debate!?!

The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two thirds of the Members present.
Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law.
Again, what the FUCK does this have to do with the price of tea in China, let alone the abortion debate!?!

Abortion is a foreign criminal law written by legislators outside American United States Constitutional Right before America had ever been established an independent state of two forms of law, Criminal law, and Law of Right. A United States Constitutional Right does not need to be ratified before it held before the Courts of America it is a power described to be held by “We the people.” With a condition of being a more perfect state of the union than what is in use at any given time in history.
OMG!!! This text needs to be right next to the definition of WORD SALAD!!!! 

Sam_Flynn's avatar
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Sam_Flynn's avatar
Who the fuck let this "John_C_87" in here!?!

What a mess. Completely incoherent. 

Waste of space. 

Will block and scroll on past this dweeb. 
Sam_Flynn's avatar
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You lack the requisite education and experience to have this debate/discussion.
If you really think that, have an actual real comprehensive debate with me on the subject (sic) 
Cannot because you "lack the requisite education and experience to have this debate/discussion."

That statement of fact was pretty precise and crystal clear.
John_C_87's avatar
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John_C_87's avatar
There is no such thing as criminal law being not of "a law of (sic) United States Constitutional Right (sic)..."

Criminal law " is not a law of United States Constitutional Right", paesano. 

Law of United States Constitutional Right. Not only are you wrong about criminal law is in no way to be abridged in writing or when spoken but you are in violation of the 1st Amendment in its entirety, meaning the whole 1st Amendment. 

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. ( this style of writing is different)

a formal written request made to an authority or organized body (such as a court)
a written request or call for change signed by many people in support of a shared cause or concern
:especially to make a formal written request to (an authority)
This is not a criminal law it is a law of United States Constitutional right. It describes a series of things which can be performed in the correct way as right not crime.

Crime of murder
§1111. Murder
(a) Murder is the unlawful killing of a human being with malice aforethought. Every murder perpetrated by poison, lying in wait, or any other kind of willful, deliberate, malicious, and premeditated killing; or committed in the perpetration of, or attempt to perpetrate, any arson, escape, murder, kidnapping, treason, espionage, sabotage, aggravated sexual abuse or sexual abuse, child abuse, burglary, or robbery; or perpetrated as part of a pattern or practice of assault or torture against a child or children; or perpetrated from a premeditated design unlawfully and maliciously to effect the death of any human being other than him who is killed, is murder in the first degree.
Any other murder is murder in the second degree.

(b) Within the special maritime and territorial jurisdiction of the United States,
Whoever is guilty of murder in the first degree shall be punished by death or by imprisonment for life;
Whoever is guilty of murder in the second degree, shall be imprisoned for any term of years or for life.

(c) For purposes of this section—

(1) the term "assault" has the same meaning as given that term in section 113;

(2) the term "child" means a person who has not attained the age of 18 years and is—

(A) under the perpetrator's care or control; or

(B) at least six years younger than the perpetrator;

(3) the term "child abuse" means intentionally or knowingly causing death or serious bodily injury to a child;

(4) the term "pattern or practice of assault or torture" means assault or torture engaged in on at least two occasions;

(5) the term "serious bodily injury" has the meaning set forth in section 1365; and

(6) the term "torture" means conduct, whether or not committed under the color of law, that otherwise satisfies the definition set forth in section 2340(1).
( Then this style of writing)

What in the FLYING FUCK does any of this have to do with the price of tea in China, let alone the abortion debate!?!

Have you been living under a rock for the last 50 years. Women are trying to turn a criminal law into a law of United States Constitutional right and have failed horribly. Female-specific amputation is a Constitutional right which shares an endgame of abortion, the endgame is a type immigration of a constitutional described member of America, women. The name of all the children unborn in the American Constitution are identified as " Posterity" It is their United State.
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Cannot because you "lack the requisite education and experience to have this debate/discussion."
Then it will be an easy win for you right?
Any way you twist it, you are just trying to get out of a debate you know you can't win.