We must accept the fact that 1:
Human life begins at conception and should be treated as such. Anyone who denies that claim, even after hearing the substantial amount of research and evidence, cannot, and should not be taken seriously on the subject matter. 2:
The fetus that presides in the womb of a mother, is in no way part of the mother's body no matter what way you spin it. The fetus in the womb has different DNA, most times contains different blood types, half the time the child is a different sex completely, and inherently is not a product of only the mother's body, but a combination of the mothers DNA and the fathers DNA. 3:
Abortion is 98% of the time never medically necessary for a woman's health. There are safer and more productive alternatives to abortion, that involve benefit to both
the mother and the child, and the only cases where abortion is medically necessary, are extremely rare cases and abortion in those cases are not considered illegal no matter what laws are at hand. 4:
The risk of injury to the mother during pregnancy is extremely low. In fact, pregnancy can actually benefit the mother in many ways, such as reduced risks of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer, if the pregnancy is completed without major complication. Abortion takes away that benefit, and in fact in many cases abortions can cause severe mental health problems to women. And finally, 5:
Planned Parent Hood's roots are inherently racist, and genocidal and while many organizations also have ugly backgrounds, we should take this into consideration while thinking about this legislation.
Moral dilemmas.
- People who don’t want to be pregnant, and don’t want the responsibility of a child.
I think it is extremely important, as mature as we are, to talk about sex, and its effects on people. If an individual is scared of the possibility of getting pregnant, then they shouldn’t involve themselves in sexual relations, because no matter how much protection you give yourself, having sexual relations is by definition is consenting to the possibility of pregnancy. Just as you would get into your car, but you don’t want to crash, when you enter that car, you are consenting to the possibility of getting into a wreck. One of the ways you can defend yourself from getting an abortion, is by being smart about who you sleep with.
If you do find yourself in a situation where you are pregnant, and you do not wish to take care of the child, there are alternatives to abortion, such as giving the child up for adoption.
2. Abortion in cases where the child has a disability is necessary to save them from a life of struggle.
I believe in the proposition that no matter what hardships human beings endure, we always have the ability to not only survive, but to thrive regardless of the situation. There are many cases of this throughout not only today, but throughout history.
To make a bold statement such as that is in fact extremely offensive to individuals today who live with disabilities and developmental complications, because it implies that their lives are too hard, so they don’t matter. It takes away meaning from the lives of those most vulnerable among us.