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Total debates: 3,731
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Resolved: On balance, iPhone/iOS is superior to Android
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The democrats have better ads
I strongly think that sock should be two words
Germany should keep the Iron Cross as it is full of history. You cannot change the past, at least honor the good parts it had.
Vinnie Paz vs Eminem (you represent Eminem)
I will be taking the position that President Trump does not understand what fake news is and instead uses the idea of fake news to go after unflattering reporting of him and his administration.
We will debate the different ways to colonize our solar system. My contender is not a Con we are debating different ways to do this.
This debate will be centered around the idea that philosophy should become a mandatory subject in lower and higher education institutions. In other words if you do not demonstrate an adequate understanding of the subject, you will not be able to progress in your educational career.
This is a debate on mandatory vaccinaiton policy
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