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This debate is, in a sense, about the age old question of environment or the economy. I will defend the position that environmental protection is more important than resource extraction when the two interests clash. Acceptance of this debate constitutes the acceptance of the rules given in the debate's long description. Thanks to whomever accepts!
I’m going to define “better” as having resulted in making a better quality of life for all people, not just Americans.
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I'm going to piss people off, aren't I?
A debate about abortion and whether or not women should be doing it.
Proposition places BOP on Con by assuming any form of sentient being has moral value.
The United States Federal Government should repeal birthright citizenship
Debate between the world's two largest religions. I would like to clarify that rayhan16 will advocate Islam while Swagnarok will advocate Christianity. Let's aim for a civil and respectful debate.
A joke debate on whether or not Chuck Norris is the most powerful man in the universe
As China rises on the global stage, worries grow that the Asian autocracy will assert itself militarily by forcefully 'unifying' Taiwan with the mainland. For decades, the United States has maintained a policy of support for Taiwan, a policy which may one day bring us into direct conflict with China. The purpose of this debate is to investigate just how far US support for Taiwan's independence should go.
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