Instigator / Pro

Drinking age in the US should be lowered from 21 to 18


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Contender / Con

I (pro) argue that the drinking age in the US, meaning the age at which it becomes legal for a person to drink alcohol beverages should be lowered from 21 to 18. Con argues that the drinking age should remain the same.
Burden of proof is shared

Round 1

Argument #1: The situation as it is doesn't prevent people under 21 from drinking but it actually makes things a lot worse.
According to a research conducted by the University of Indiana, teens under 21, college and high-school students, are tempted to drink alcohol beverages just because of the thrill of doing something that is illegal. They think of it as rebelling against society.
As a result, they start drinking irresponsibly at parties and develop drinking problems.
You would be surprised to find out that underage drinkers are more likely to become binge/heavy drinkers than drinkers over 21. In fact, statistics show that 22% of drinkers under 21 become heavy drinkers and develop these problems compared to the 18% of drinkers over 21 that become heavy drinkers.
There has been a decrease in per capita alcohol consumption since 1987 when the drinking age limit became 21 but problems associated with heavy drinking have increased, among mostly college students. For instance, these students have reported vomiting after drinking as well as a decrease in their performance.
These problems can be found among drinkers over 21 aswell, it's not like younger drinkers are more vulnerable to alcohol, it might actually be the opposite and because the thrill is enticing to them they harm their health.
In addition, these teens eventually move from beer onto hard liquor which causes even more harm to their health. 
European countries where the legal drinking age is 18 experience fewer drinking problems because parents, teachers and adults close to them warn them about the health risks associated with alcohol and since they're 18 or 19, they are mature and responsible enough to hear what they say and take the advice. 
Nobody warns these teens in America because they think that just because the legal drinking age is 21, the problem with teens drinking irresponsibly is somehow automatically resolved when it actually isn't. 
Throughout the length of this argument, i proved that the situation and law as it is has proved to be faulty and counterproductive and i will continue to do so.
I'm sure con will come up (if they do and they aren't some troll) and say that people under 21 aren't responsible and mature enough to drink and face the consequences but it would be wiser to advise these teens about drinking rather than deprive them of a simple beer
**Argument #2: Lowering the drinking age to 18 increases the risks and negative consequences**

Lowering the legal drinking age to 18 carries serious risks, as it could raise public health and safety concerns. Current research and statistics show that 21 years of already drinking helps to reduce teenage alcohol problems.

The first 21 years is a protective barrier against alcohol-related accidents, especially drunk driving. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), more than 30,000 lives have been saved since a legal drinking age of 21 was implemented in 1984. Younger drivers are especially vulnerable to hands, and perhaps hands up the range - related to traffic deaths.

Moreover, adolescent brains are still developing until about age 25. Drinking alcohol during this critical period can hinder brain development and cause long-term National Institute on Alcohol Abuse cognitive impairment Treatment and Alcohol Abuse (NIAAA) shows that alcohol use in childhood increases the risk of developing alcohol dependence later in life Protects young people from consequences duration of the.

Furthermore, studies suggest that early alcohol use is associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors such as unprotected sex, drug use, and violence By age drinking establishing that above the age of 21, society reduces these risks of younger individuals.

Contrary to the argument that lowering the drinking age will reduce the pleasure of breaking the law, it is important to understand that it will increase the availability of alcohol to 18-year-olds it will certainly make it easier for younger teens to access as well. High school students often associate with 18-year-olds, and lowering the drinking age could inadvertently increase underage drinking, leading to underage drinking problems has been increased

Although younger drinking age groups in European countries are shown to have fewer drinking problems, cultural differences may play an important role in this outcome Many European countries have a drinking tradition hands in responsibility in families for a long time. Without the same cultural norms and protections in place in the United States, implementing a lower drinking age will not achieve the same results.

Finally, the current drinking age allows for the pull of these policies with comprehensive education and prevention programs aimed at young people before they reach the legal drinking age focuses on the risks associated with drinking and encourages healthy and safe practices.

In conclusion, the 21-year legal limit has proven effective in reducing alcohol-related harm among young people. Lowering the drinking age to 18 increases the risk of accidents, health issues and risky behaviors, ultimately to the well-being of young adults and society as a whole put at risk Maintaining the drinking age at age 21 is key to protecting public health and safety for themselves.
Round 2
Current research and statistics show that 21 years of already drinking helps to reduce teenage alcohol problems.
I just proved through the piece of evidence i provided that it actually doesn't. However, i will repeat my point. 
Teens find great amounts of alcohol at parties and can also pay people over 21 to buy it for them. Therefore, they have all the access in the world to alcohol and develop drinking problems.
According to this evidence, 22% of young drinkers are heavy drinkers compared to the 18% of drinkers over 21 that face the same problem.
The age limit doesn't prohibit these teens from drinking alcohol, it somewhat encourages them perhaps due to the thrill of doing something that is illegal and rebelling against society.

Drinking alcohol during this critical period can hinder brain development
Yeah well from the moment they turn 18, they become adults. That means that they are fully responsible of their actions and the consequences surrounding them. There are many 16 year olds who have major car crashes that hinder brain development the same way. What is different in this situation?
Should we maybe up the legal driving age? The answer is no.
In european countries where the legal drinking age is 18, there are considerably less people with drinking problems because in these countries adults and teachers are actually warning the children about the dangers associated with drinking in order to deter them from ever facing such problems.

Furthermore, studies suggest that early alcohol use is associated with a greater likelihood of engaging in risky behaviors 
Again, this is a problem that lies in the advice that teens receive from their parents etc. which is practically none.
Since they are 18, they are fully responsible for their actions.
They are responsible for if they drink too much and they are responsible for if they have unprotected sex and do drugs. 
However, the difference is that unprotected sex is legal while drinking isn't(i won't talk about the drug use and violence since they don't need the alcohol to do all that, they do it with or without alcohol in their system).

lowering the drinking age could inadvertently increase underage drinking
Heavy drinkers are already a higher percentage among teens under 21 rather than people above 21.
In addition, the article i presented highlights that drunk driving incidents have been decreasing since 1980 while the law which mandated states to have 21 year old alcohol purchase laws was established in 1987.
Are we just going to ignore these seven years?
Furthermore, the article also reads"while there has been a decrease in per capita consumption and motor vehicle crashes, unfortunately, during this same time period there was an INCREASE in other problems related to heavy and irresponsible drinking among college age youth. Most of these reported behaviors showed little change until AFTER the 21 year old law in 1987"

Many European countries have a drinking tradition hands in responsibility in families for a long time
I live in Europe and from personal experience i can tell you that the norms you mention don't exist.
It's simply the fact that teens are better warned and advised. 

The current drinking age allows for the pull of these policies with comprehensive education
Schools or even parents at home can provide all necessary education.
However, the years most suitable for this would be their school years since after those they tend to not give a shit about other people's advice.
Schools can provide a course like sex ed or could pair it up with sex ed since both courses will warn teens about the dangers of two actions that they will see all the time later on in life.

My argument is that drinking is a pleasure just like sex. The difference is that sex is not persecuted like drinking under 21 yrs.
I propose that the legal drinking age becomes 18 because the following years are years to experiment, try new things and everything that happens as a result is a part of life.
Why should we deprive teens of over 18 of the freedom to experiment and potentially lock them, their parents and those who sold them alcohol up?
They will learn from their mistakes and if those involve drunk driving, they will learn from them through punishment aswell just like how people over 21 are punished.
However, the difference is that through the education i mentioned, such incidents will decrease with no need for punishment like imprisonment and what's better drinking will become legal 

Sources remain the same
