Instigator / Pro

Women do not have a Constitutional right to abortion


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 4 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Two weeks
Max argument characters
Voting period
Two weeks
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

No information


okay sounds good.


I’m going to treat what he said here in the comments as additional information about his vote that will go along with his video.


Also, I wanted to point out that this one last thing. I only took issue with his vote. After he admitted in the comments that his reasoning was not based on the craiteria in which is vote was based and the comments prove that. Not just the video.




"You don't think swearing is an example of vulgarity?"

no ive never just heard that comment directed against Barney


I’m not here to police all accusations, particularly those directed at what you’ve said. Insulting your intelligence is distinct and against the CoC.


I never called your intelligence into question until you called me retarded and presumed to know what level of the spectrum I am at. I only pointed out that you were admitting to voting outside of the criteria that was required and you escalated it from there.


Now he is calling me a hypocrite.


I know you don’t need me to explain this. I get being frustrated, but try to be civil and direct what you’re saying at the points rather than the person. You might perceive them differently than he does, but that doesn’t change how it’s taken.


"particularly those aimed towards one person's intellectual capacities?"

As somebody who was in LD classes, I don't see it as being insulting to point out when I encounter a fellow on my intellectual level


You literally called my intelligence or my honor into question with your stupid take on my vote and you did not watch the video which outlines the voter better. So if you agree with whiteflame it makes you a hypocrite


I fully agree with you.


Can we please refrain from insults, particularly those aimed towards one person's intellectual capacities? This is an issue with the contents of the debate and a vote, it doesn't help the conversation along, and it's against the CoC.




I am a utilitarian, which means I value your well being over your feelings. It is important that you stay in your wheelhouse to get the best outcomes in life. I would hate for you to squander what little potential you have. I love you


Right, means lower IQ. Meaning you are claiming I am mentally stupid, and you do not know WHY that's offensive to me? And I am the "Intellectually disabled" one? Dude. You cannot be so stupid as to not understand why being called retarded is hurtful. What would I prefer? How about respect? Being treated like a human being? Any of that make sense to you?! Is that a SIMPLE enough concept for you?!


Retard is a medical term to mean lower IQ. Not sure why you would be offended by it. Would you prefer to be called special or Intellectually disabled? I do not intend to offend


You don't think swearing is an example of vulgarity?


You know nothing about me or my disabilities. You are just trying to be offensive while at the same time pleading ignorance and saying you meant nothing by it to goad me into an immature fight. You are not getting it. You insulted me with a highly offensive word wanting to upset me and you succeeded. And your reward is that I do not wish to talk to you anymore.

I think the real question is that who is the real, "retard" here? Is it me? the Highly autistic man who took the time to learn and understand my disabilities so that I can adapt and overcome said disabilities to the point that a know-nothing like yourself can't even tell without me spelling it out for you. Or is it you since you both can't play by the rules, and when called out on it, give a million different in-coherent stories to justify said toxic behavior, and you go around calling people names because you have the maturity of a five-year-old?

Think about that before you want to call anyone else, "Retarded." You can keep messaging if you want, but I am no longer replying or listening.


"The conduct point was given to Pro because Con included vulgarity and a highly emotional approach."

first time ive ever heard you having vulgar language lol


Autistic people are generally good with logic, reasoning and systemizing. I would hate for you to believe that you are high functioning and then lose a lot of money pursuing a STEM degree when a trade would be more suitable. I am looking out for your best interests. Maybe you are autistic but high functioning is incorrect. You are nowhere even close to being like Sheldon


For the last time, this debate is over. I am a highly functional autistic man, sir. I do not have the time nor patience to listen to you try to justify offending me by mocking the conditions that I had since birth by miscategorizing them as a mental disability that affects one's intelligence such as retardation. The fact you see, "nothing wrong" with calling someone an offensive word for disabled people, who by the way do not fit under the derogatory term known as retarded, shows just how deplorable your character truly is.

I have nothing further to add to you, sir, except you should be ashamed of your disgraceful ignorant self.

Why are you offended by the word retard. Its okay to be a retard. I am not trying to be offensive by letting you know that. You can confirm it with an IQ test if you want. It's not meant to be offensive. We are equal in God's eyes. I am no better than you just because I am a genius and you are a retard. Genius is not an insult towards myself either, just a word that means exceptionally high IQ

"ly, the government does not reimburse her, and this does not constitute slavery. To be considered slavery, one must be owned by another, and a state does not own a woman simply because she is pregnant. They merely determine the legality of the medical procedure of abortion. And not the 13th Amendment doesn't make anti-abortion laws unconstitutional. You have gone to great lengths to try to establish a connection that simply does not legally exist or apply on the matter of abortion because forced-kept pregnancies are not lawfully considered as slavery.""

He pointed out that she does work for the benefit of another and it is unpaid and pointed out that loopholes like "not officially owning people" are not objections to it being slavery. The definition you provided also does not say that you have to be owned by the people enslaving you. This stuff was addressed and shot down


The term retard is highly offensive, and I am not engaging with you on this subject anymore, The mods will decide. once again, good day.


I am not calling you a retard as an insult. There is nothing wrong with being a retard. I married one. It's important that you know if you are one so you know what is a waste of your time to pursue. I would urge you to learn a trade like plumbing or electrician and to avoid STEM degrees and since any degree that is not a STEM degree is a waste of money, you should not waste money on college. You can live a fulfilling life but only if you recognize your limits. Also entrepenuership, daytrading and other similar dreams that involve thinking well are also off the table.

It doesn't make you a bad person, but the quality of your life will be compromised by trying to use your brain to make money or even decisions. Trust the experts and please keep voting republican, we also welcome votes from the low end of the bell curve as well.


>but he said that mothers do work for the benefit of their unborn child without pay. You never contradicted that working for others for no pay and being forced to do so is slavery.

That is a lie, when said that, I responded with and I quote. " Firstly, the government does not reimburse her, and this does not constitute slavery. To be considered slavery, one must be owned by another, and a state does not own a woman simply because she is pregnant. They merely determine the legality of the medical procedure of abortion. And not the 13th Amendment doesn't make anti-abortion laws unconstitutional. You have gone to great lengths to try to establish a connection that simply does not legally exist or apply on the matter of abortion because forced-kept pregnancies are not lawfully considered as slavery."

I did not say, ""People don't mean abortion when they say slavery".

Debate is over, you are a liar, and you did not adhere to the rules. I have informed the mods and will inform them of your attacks on me. good day.


Oh, going to call me a retard, are you? Don't even worry about it. I'll let the moderators decide on this, so we do not have to worry about it.

"Why would I agree? Con's entire point was to say that Abortion has been legal for over 250 years. I, someone who is saying the opposite, can't agree with that point. Now you're digging a deeper hole for yourself. First, you said Con's arguments were shity but you gave it to him because I did not address his arguments. Now you're saying that just addressing a point was

Because you could have agreed with 90% of what he said and merely focused on his slavery syllogism and still win. You are not getting that Barney knows his arguments could be easily defeated. That is why he through out so many red herrings. Read his other debates. He defeated you because you allowed his red herrings to actually be effective

"gain, the criteria asks, "Better argument" Not, "Shity argument," For you to vote within the rules. you have either vote and explain how one side made the better argument to you and thats why you voted for them. What you said so far was that I made promising arguments and in contrast Con made bad ones but you voted for them anyway. Now your saying the opposite and the Con made the less "shity argument." clearly define who made the better argument or admit that your not convinced by either and do not vote."

No you dropped your own positive argument, allowed him to control the definition of slavery. That means essentially that his arguments were not thoroughly addresses and yours were not thoroughly made. I gave my full decision and you can watch the video but I summarized it below as follows;

"Pro dropped very promising arguments early that the supreme court decides what is considered constitutional . Con's arguments for abortion equalling slavery were stupid and wrong but ultimately stand as pro went for red herrings as opposed to adequately addressing con's arguments."

"Again, you are demonstrating that you did not fully understand the arguments. My argument was the Abortion was not Constitutional because the Constitution did not include it and recent Supreme Court cases ruled in favor of that view. Con argued that Abortion was a legal practice for 250 years and that the supreme court is ruled by cultists who hate women, later on we argued over the rights women had and wither abortion is slavery or not. "

This is why you are a retard. Con says the supreme court is ruled by cultists, and you bite and argue against that irrelevant point, He argues that they hate women and you bite and argue against that relevant point. he argues that it was legal 250 years ago and you bite on that irrelevant red herring. He argues that it is slavery and you allow him to define slavery in a stupid way and your rebuttal is essentially "Nuh uh"

dumb just dumb, here is his argument

p1- slavery is unconstitutional

p2- abortion is slavery

C- abortion is unonstitutional

That's a precise logical argument. You agreed with premise one. You agreed with the structure of his syllogism. you challenged him on premise 2 but he said that mothers do work for the benefit of their unborn child without pay. You never contradicted that working for others for no pay and being forced to do so is slavery. You merely said shit like "People don't mean abortion when they say slavery". That's not good enough to defeat the argument. You have to challenge his definition of slavery and it's not particularly hard to do. I mentioned a thought experiment when reading the debate out loud that had the potential to counter his definition or understanding of the definition. You are being stubborn and refusing to learn from your mistakes. WHich is sad, it means that you will be defeated with somebody who merely just steals Barney's arguments.


>Providing a rebuttal for an irrelevant red herring is stupid. You could have agreed with him and it wouldn't make you any less likely to lose. If he said the best color was purple I could see you falling for that red herring and randomly arguing against it

Why would I agree? Con's entire point was to say that Abortion has been legal for over 250 years. I, someone who is saying the opposite, can't agree with that point. Now you're digging a deeper hole for yourself. First, you said Con's arguments were shity but you gave it to him because I did not address his arguments. Now you're saying that just addressing a point was

>Your rebuttals failed, and you have not watched my video to figure out why, so that is your problem. Slavery is relevant because both pro and con agreed it was unconstitutional

Oh, they failed now did they. You keep changing your story. First it was that I did not address Cons arguments. Then it was that addressing Con's points at all, which you call "red herring" was stupid. And now you say my rebuttals failed in an argument you said you do not agree with.


>You seem to be forgetting that the better argument can be shitty as though less shitty than the worst argument.

Again, the criteria asks, "Better argument" Not, "Shity argument," For you to vote within the rules. you have either vote and explain how one side made the better argument to you and thats why you voted for them. What you said so far was that I made promising arguments and in contrast Con made bad ones but you voted for them anyway. Now your saying the opposite and the Con made the less "shity argument." clearly define who made the better argument or admit that your not convinced by either and do not vote.

>After the early part of the debate you hinted at the correct arguments to defeat con, particularly by briefly mentioning that judges determine the constitutionality of something, not the document itself. Even with Barney trying to avoid addressing this argument you just didn't pick up on the fact you had the seeds of a positive argument that could defeat him and make no mistake you needed a positive argument to win in order to win the debate given the burden split.

Again, you are demonstrating that you did not fully understand the arguments. My argument was the Abortion was not Constitutional because the Constitution did not include it and recent Supreme Court cases ruled in favor of that view. Con argued that Abortion was a legal practice for 250 years and that the supreme court is ruled by cultists who hate women, later on we argued over the rights women had and wither abortion is slavery or not.

As far as positive arguments go, I made plenty and can quote them if challenged. Point is, your not complying with the rules and your vote is unfair and should be revoked.

"Uh, that may be what the topic is about. But the point I made about the law of 1820 is a counterargument to Con's claim that abortion was not illegal for 250 years. See, you do not even properly evolute the argument before you decide."

Providing a rebuttal for an irrelevant red herring is stupid. You could have agreed with him and it wouldn't make you any less likely to lose. If he said the best color was purple I could see you falling for that red herring and randomly arguing against it

"First of all, you don't know snoop Dog. Secondly, you just said that the topic is about abortion and its constitutional presence or lack their off. NOW, you are saying that your vote is based on how slavery was defined, which is both not the topic and a point you yourself said was, "Stupid and wrong." I clearly rebuttaled Abortion of slavery being the same withe abortion serveral times. This just confirms you are not voteing fairly."

Your rebuttals failed, and you have not watched my video to figure out why, so that is your problem. Slavery is relevant because both pro and con agreed it was unconstitutional


Do you see why I am taking such an issue with this? Not only does his reasoning not comply with the rules, but his understanding is based on false assumptions. He thinks he is supposed to vote on who won, not the criteria it is supposed to be on. He admits that his vote is based on something completely off-topic and is now showing he doesn't understand how rebuttals work.


""Con's arguments for abortion equaling slavery were stupid and wrong but ultimately stand as pro went for red herrings as opposed to adequately addressing con's arguments." Okay, so that means, that at no point you found Con's argument convincing. and that is the better argument the Criteria vote is meant to be based on."

You seem to be forgetting that the better argument can be shitty as though less shitty than the worst argument.

". I don't get Wylted's claim of me dropping promising arguments."

After the early part of the debate you hinted at the correct arguments to defeat con, particularly by briefly mentioning that judges determine the constitutionality of something, not the document itself. Even with Barney trying to avoid addressing this argument you just didn't pick up on the fact you had the seeds of a positive argument that could defeat him and make no mistake you needed a positive argument to win in order to win the debate given the burden split.


>The vote is based on who won, not on my personal opinion. I don't have to be convinced to change my opinion on a topic just because the side who won, disagrees with me.

No, the person who won is decided by the amount of votes they get at the end. The vote itself is supposed based on what the voter thought based on the Criteria provided. Meaning you have to vote based on the questions I outlined. No one "wins" until the vote ends.

>The debate is about whether abortion is constitutional or not. It is irrelevant what people in 1820 thought.

Uh, that may be what the topic is about. But the point I made about the law of 1820 is a counterargument to Con's claim that abortion was not illegal for 250 years. See, you do not even properly evolute the argument before you decide.

>I had Snoop Dog read your arguments to me and I heard your rebuttals. What I was looking at is how slavery was defined. You didn't present a legal definition of slavery which had you done so, would have debunked him. You let him get away with a lot. I think it should reveal a lot to you that I disagree vehemently with his side and still was not biased enough to vote in your favor. I would recommend watching my whole video, but at least the last 10 minutes or so and then learning from it.

First of all, you don't know snoop Dog. Secondly, you just said that the topic is about abortion and its constitutional presence or lack their off. NOW, you are saying that your vote is based on how slavery was defined, which is both not the topic and a point you yourself said was, "Stupid and wrong." I clearly rebuttaled Abortion of slavery being the same withe abortion serveral times. This just confirms you are not voteing fairly.


Also to make it clear. I do not care if Wylted voted against me itself. Only that the vote complies with the rules. And while I understand that the subjective nature of what convinces a person can vary. I do not believe that it is subjective to give a reason for WHY you vote for either side and that vote has to be explained. Nor is it subjective on what Criteria you base that vote on.

But when someone says, "Con's arguments for abortion equaling slavery were stupid and wrong but ultimately stand as pro went for red herrings as opposed to adequately addressing con's arguments." Okay, so that means, that at no point you found Con's argument convincing. and that is the better argument the Criteria vote is meant to be based on.

I mean this reasoning is equal to saying, "Pro made a very good argument for why purple cannot be blue, and Con did not make a good argument for why purple is blue, but I am going to side with Con anyway."

That's not what the better argument vote is for. If WyIted believes Con made the better argument, then he should say so. In contrast, he said the opposite.

And lastly on a personal note. I don't get Wylted's claim of me dropping promising arguments. Since my argument did not change during the entire debate.


"Firstly, you should put that in your vote. secondly, what you said was vague and makes no sense. You admit that the argument Con made was, "Wong and stupid" in other words did not convince you, which is what the better argument is supposed to be about. Yet, you still vote for Con because I went for red herrings instead of addressing Con's arguments."

The vote is based on who won, not on my personal opinion. I don't have to be convinced to change my opinion on a topic just because the side who won, disagrees with me.

"By the way, claiming that I did not address the cons arguments is false. When he said Abortion was a traditional legal practice for over 250 years. I countered with sources proving that anti-abortion laws had existed since 1820. When Con tried saying that A woman can be sent to jail for the rest of her life for abortion, I pointed out that only applied to a specific state."

The debate is about whether abortion is constitutional or not. It is irrelevant what people in 1820 thought.

"Most damming of all, when Con tried saying abortion was slavery thanks to the 13th Amendment, I quoted and referenced several sources debunking this very idea. "

I had Snoop Dog read your arguments to me and I heard your rebuttals. What I was looking at is how slavery was defined. You didn't present a legal definition of slavery which had you done so, would have debunked him. You let him get away with a lot. I think it should reveal a lot to you that I disagree vehemently with his side and still was not biased enough to vote in your favor. I would recommend watching my whole video, but at least the last 10 minutes or so and then learning from it.


Understood. But I think that WyIted's comment is very alarming because he just proved he's not voting based on the criteria. Cause saying that Con made and unconvincing argument and then saying hes still voting for his favor anyway is a blatant disregard for the rules.


Firstly, you should put that in your vote. secondly, what you said was vague and makes no sense. You admit that the argument Con made was, "Wong and stupid" in other words did not convince you, which is what the better argument is supposed to be about. Yet, you still vote for Con because I went for red herrings instead of addressing Con's arguments.

By the way, claiming that I did not address the cons arguments is false. When he said Abortion was a traditional legal practice for over 250 years. I countered with sources proving that anti-abortion laws had existed since 1820. When Con tried saying that A woman can be sent to jail for the rest of her life for abortion, I pointed out that only applied to a specific state.

Most damming of all, when Con tried saying abortion was slavery thanks to the 13th Amendment, I quoted and referenced several sources debunking this very idea.

Overall, the problem I have with what you said is that you are going against the rules. You are supposed to vote based on 5 categories. 1. Who presented the better argument? 2. Who provided better sources? 3. who wrote better, and 4. Who provided better conduct?

In contrast, you made a YouTube video, that doesn't explain anything to those who don't follow the link, including the moderators. And have now admitted that Con's argument did not convince you, but you voted against me anyway. If neither side convinced you, then you should not vote at all.

@whiteflame Now that we have heard what WyIted said, I believe his vote should be stricken since he has made it clear his not voting based on the criteria.


We can review the vote by listening to it. If the vote is reported, then I don't see the harm in listening to it instead of reading it so long as the reasoning is clear.

Also, while I appreciate the reminder, I did mean by this coming weekend. I am in the process of reading through this debate.

I have no problem ever shrinking my main points down for feedback from judges or anyone who cannot use youtube. I will ask that they ask for reasoning shortly after my judgement as my memory is shit and I could forget why I placed even a recent vote


Also you asked us to remind you to vote if you did not this weekend.

reasoning; Pro dropped very promising arguments early that the supreme court decides what is considered constitutional . Con's arguments for abortion equalling slavery were stupid and wrong but ultimately stand as pro went for red herrings as opposed to adequately addressing con's arguments.


I have a question, So, WyIted likes to make YouTube videos to explain when he votes. And while I have no problem with the videos, he makes himself. Should he not also have to write out his official reasoning for his vote so the Moderators can better be informed of the basis since all he provides is a link? I am just asking because we as the participants have no way of knowing if you moderators reviewed the video to see if his reasoning or way of decoding the vote complies with the rules of the site. Just a question.

"This debate was a long one",


"I commend both sides for putting a strong front."

I feel like this has been the most vulnerable I have ever seen Barney and american patriot still failed. I spit on both

"There were many times where I changed my position and agreed with the other side. "

terrible. I never agreed with either side.

"I can very well see other voters siding with Barney."

You will

This debate was a long one, it took a while to get through it. I commend both sides for putting a strong front. There were many times where I changed my position and agreed with the other side. I can very well see other voters siding with Barney.


I am reading through this, but if I haven't posted a vote by then, someone remind me this weekend to get on this.


I saw your post on the vote requests thread. I've been slacking a little bit on this site. I have a round of arguments due in a debate I'm participating in, and there are a couple other debates I've been asked to vote on but haven't done so yet. I'm going to write my arguments, then vote on the other debates I said I'd vote on, but after that, I promise you, I will vote on this one.


I'd prefer it if abortion did not occur (barring exceptional circumstances; those I'd also prefer did not occur, but we have to deal with the fact that they do).

I view it as generally a wrong, so I would personally not get an abortion. However...
1. Pineapple on pizza is far more often viewed as wrong, and nothing about it merits legal enforcement.
2. Abortion cannot be a pure wrong, because God is good, and God carried out literally countless abortions (not even talking about miscarriages).