Religion should stay out of U.S politics.
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 2 votes and with 5 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 3
- Time for argument
- One day
- Max argument characters
- 5,000
- Voting period
- Two weeks
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
No information
Round 1
Freedom of religion is a staple of the U.S. Favoring a religion (most likely Christianity) is unfair to the millions of people who aren't Christian. It creates legislation that oppresses people into conforming to religious laws that have nothing to actually do with public safety.
Laws should be created only through logic and what is actually best for the country.
Round 2
I'm still awaiting your response for my last argument.
This is another topic where you'll be encouraged to broaden your scope.
Religion is just a belief system.
People are religious about sports.
People do things religiously.
People say the separation of church (religion) and state.
There's no such thing. Why?
Even in government , people work according to their beliefs, what they believe is best .
That's why laws change, from country or nation to another, the governments vary, from time to time.
When you look at the states, the political parties are divided on what?
Beliefs. The liberals and conservatives are two different belief systems.
So folks who aren't "religious" such as atheists but vote , vote for what they believe in, believe in what should be practiced to run the society and or lifestyle of a citizen which what religion points back to.
The lifestyle in how you live and what you live by.
Round 3
Your entire argument is based off the fact that "religion is a belief system." You say that if someone is acting out of personal belief, they are acting out of religion. This, of course, is absurd. People believing in things strongly does not make it a religion. Look at any of the definitions. Religion is a theology people have to explain the world. Not simply just believing in something. Therefore, the entirety of your last argument is irrelevant. Incorporating religion into government is oppression.
Religion is a belief system.
Point blank.
So people in government legislate what they believe in whether they're theist or atheist.
See you just said religion in the topic. You didn't specify beyond that. In other words there's all kinds of religions out there.
Matter of fact there's so many that there are those that are personally exclusive. So you can dismiss someone's personal beliefs or religion.
Case closed.
Politics operates on belief systems. All that understand politics know this. They also know the dishonesty in politics. Everything concerning people is politics which includes this site as always.
"In god we trust"
yeah, america is doomed trust me bro
If I had a dollar every time someone said not having a religion is a religion….
I voted. Read my RFD; it contains useful information.
Of course that is true, I'm just saying that there culture probably wasn't correct with everything.
By the way, I would appreciate it you could take a moment to vote on this debate. It was unfortunately short.
This is true of them and their culture. If you were a white person alive in 1750 in the US South, then to believe that you would have been as hardcore anti slavery as you are today is naive and foolish. We are all products of our culture.
Let me revise my statement:
Racist homophobic sexist men
->That's why there are so many denominations of Christianity.
And most of these types of Christianity follow the democrat or republican party more than the bible. The bible says to sell all you have and give to the poor AND to stone homosexuals to death if they go gay sex. Left wing churches find the ladder hate speech and right wing churches find the former socialism.
->While I believe, I also understand that the people who wrote scripture were all racist white men.
The Bible was written by a bunch of Middle easterners. If you think they are white, then fine.
I should have specified; I completely understand that my religion may not be correct. I also don't believe, as you claim, that there is one way to follow a religion. That's why there are so many denominations of Christianity. While I believe, I also understand that the people who wrote scripture were all racist white men.
->That is a good point, but then how would we choose what religion is the right religion.
What if I were to say that religions are like jobs; it doesn't matter which one you pick; they will all keep you alive (whether on earth or in the afterlife), but you better have a job and you better do everything that job wants you to do (assuming atheism is false).
You said you are Christain, and the only people that get to make the, "How do we know which religion is the right religion?" argument are atheists. Everyone else assumes their religion is correct.
I just happen to believe atheism is true and if Christianity is real, then that means I would have to abide by all of the horrible bible verses which I don't want to do.
Realized I didn't tag you in the last one
That is a good point, but then how would we chose what religion is the right religion. There is no conclusive evidence for any of them. So, we could also be doing the opposite. For example, a Muslim theocracy takes people away from the Christian faith, and they might be right. And it's vice versa. Your argument can go both ways. We could be saving people, or just as well me damming them.
To play Devils Advocate, lets say god is real, heaven is real, heaven is eternal and intense joy, hell is eternal and intense torment.
A Pure Theocracy causes less people to go to hell and more people to go to heaven. Surely the eternity and the billions of years should matter more than the 75-85 years you live in this planet.