Instigator / Pro

Having a small penis is better than having a large Penis


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Contender / Con

Having a small penis is better than having a large penis. Con must argue that having a large penis is better. No semantics just debate me like a man. Like a well endowed man.


Round 1
I don't know why 95% of people claim to have a huge penis, but maybe they wouldn't if they knew how truly awesome having a small penis is. In this debate I will show that women actually prefer men with a smaller penis, that having a small penis is directly correlated with being smarter and many other fun facts. 
Here is some facts that you'll need to keep in mind and I'll be continually referring back to throughout the course of the debate. Recent studies and actually every single peer reviewed research I've ever looked at confirms racial stereotypes are true. 
The biggest penises in the world belong to blacks, Asians have the smallest penises, and crackers fall right in the middle. []( 
With that in mind we can find other shocking correlations between penis size, stereotypes and possibly how they relate to ELO. 
Blacks have on average the largest on average penis size and also commit the most crimes. Asians have really small penises and in comparison don't commit many crimes at all. Again the crime rates of whites fall right between those of Asains and Blacks. 
Despite the massive anger that people with small penises have, they surprisingly commit less crimes on average than those with big penises (aka blacks). 
If these maps aren't convincing let's look at average crime rate per race, which we know is directly correlated with penis size. If you look at the charts the FBI releases every year you can see that big penis people (blacks) commit a disproportionate amount of crime for them being a minority. Asains (small penises) commit a disproportionately small amount of crime. 
With that number in mind and taking into account that the FBI included Hispanics in it's white statistics, let's look at some of the findings of the FBI. 
_"The percentages of black adults and white adults arrested for murder were similar, with 49.3 percent being black and 48.3 percent being white. 
Black juveniles accounted for 51.5 percent of all juveniles arrested for violent crimes. White juveniles accounted for 61.6 percent of all juveniles arrested for property crimes."_ 
The people with the smallest Penises on the planet Asians are also the smartest people. The people with the biggest penises are also the dumbest, blacks. 
Do you see something interesting? That's right there is a distinct overlap between penis size and IQ. Surprise, surprise asain people are smarter than blacks. Who would've thunk it? 
Numerous research findings confirm that the races with bigger penis sizes are also dumber than races with smaller penis sizes. []( 
There is no debating the link between having a small penis and a high IQ. My opponent is going to have to somehow argue, being dumber is better. Good luck proving being dumber is better. Good luck showing it's better being black than white. You won't find a single black man on the planet that agrees with you, though. 
Studies have shown women prefer men with small penises. According to the journal of sexual medicine women prefer less girth on a man for long term relationships. []( 
So if you want a bunch of one night stands with slutty girls instead of a long, loving and healthy relationship with than by all means a big penis is for you, but I think that a longterm, loving relationship is superior. Even if a guy with a big penis does enter a longterm loving relationship somehow he is still probably going to get cheated on according to a study in Kenya with about 600 particapants. []( 
A recent study done on Korean dudes who likely all had small penises showed that the Koreans with penises that were less small or "huge" respectively, were more likely to get prostate cancer, be autistic, be alcoholics and to be Gay. 
Studies show that if you want to no be black, not be a murderer, be in a lasting monagamous relationship with a wife who doesn't fool around, not be retarded and just generally be happier in life than you should prefer to have a small penis.

All of your arguments are wrong and I have one counter argument for them all:

1 inch penis.

Good luck defending how that is better.

Because your side rests on "all small penises are better than all large penises", 

Your statistics dont apply, because not all people with small penises are smart and non-criminals, and not all people with large penises are dumb and criminal.

And the pain of a 1 inch penis is infinite for the one who wields it.
Round 2
As per the debate description Con has to defend large penises being superior to small penises. This means he has the same burden of proof this debate as me. If he has to argue that large penises are better, and I have to argue for small penises being better, it is clearly going to be a debate about what is better on average. Con hasn't made a single argument for Big Penises.

I extend all of my ignored arguments. Extend that penis sizes and crimes are correlated. Extend that people with large penises are more likely to be gay or autistic or have prostate cancer or be alcoholics. Extend that women are more likely to be satisfied with and stay in long term relationships with men who have small penises. Do not extend my penis. It's fine small as this debate has and will continue to prove.


All of your arguments are wrong and I have one counter argument for them all:

1 inch penis.
That's not a rebuttal. It's indicating that 1 inch penises exist and I have argued why a 1 inch penis would be better than an 18 inch monster cock already. clearly you would want to have a 1 inch penis so you have a reduced chance of autism, prostate cancer, turning gay and having an unsatisfied woman in your bed.

Because your side rests on "all small penises are better than all large penises", 
This is a perpetual myth on this site that if a debate does not specify some or most than it always means "Every instance". This is just not true and that is especially so when the description of the debate asks con to make the opposite point. Even if it were true, I think I have done more work to prove my case than con has to prove his case since he hasn't made a single argument for why somebody should prefer to have a big penis.

Your statistics dont apply, because not all people with small penises are smart and non-criminals, and not all people with large penises are dumb and criminal.
On balance it is better to have a small penis. maybe in every instance it is better. I made my arguments and con has even shown one instance of a small penis being worse other than bigoted statements against those of us wielding a 1 incher.


Con has failed to even make a case and he has ignored his burden spelled out in the description and has opted to play semantic games which is also forbidden in the debate's description.

I have won the debate on sources, on arguments and on conduct. Sources because I am the only one who provided them. Conduct because Con has disobeyed the rules and because he is being bigoted towards men with small penises. I should also win arguments because I am the only one who offered positive argumentation for my position in a split BOP debate.

Are your arguments true? 


You lose.

If 1 incher was better, all those with one inch would say

"I am so glad I have a 1 inch penis"

And all those with 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 inch would say

"I wish I had a one incher.

Now go ahead, show us the statistic which says that all those with 1 inch dont want to have a large penis, and all those with large penis want to have 1 incher.

You cannot even display such statistic, as no such world wide statistic was ever done.
Round 3
Are your arguments true? 

yes, I have citations and credibility as an expert in penises particularly small ones.

You lose.
the lie detector has determined that was a lie

If 1 incher was better, all those with one inch would say

"I am so glad I have a 1 inch penis"
I am glad I have a micro penis

And all those with 6 or 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 inch would say

"I wish I had a one incher.
well your dad has a 9 incher and he wanted my one incher so there is that

Now go ahead, show us the statistic which says that all those with 1 inch dont want to have a large penis, and all those with large penis want to have 1 incher.

I displayed stats proving small cocks were superior on average. On Average below average seems better. I win. I don't need to prove every case.

I am glad I have a micro penis
So you dont know whats it like to have a big penis?

My opponent basically conceded here to both being biased and lacking experience in wielding a large penis.

Round 4
So you dont know whats it like to have a big penis?

Wrong. I am a flaming homosexual.

My opponent basically conceded here to both being biased and lacking experience in wielding a large penis.
I am biased towards the correct t position in basically every debate and I had sex with your dad who has a large cock so you are lying about my experience with cock
I had sex with your dad
Thats a lie. My dad killed himself when I was born.