Instigator / Pro

Transgenderism is Not Valid


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics
Better arguments
Better sources
Better legibility
Better conduct

After 1 vote and with 3 points ahead, the winner is...

Publication date
Last updated date
Number of rounds
Time for argument
Three days
Max argument characters
Voting period
One week
Point system
Multiple criterions
Voting system
Contender / Con

We are all born as either a male or a female. Males have XY chromosomes, and females have XX chromosomes. And with them comes a plethora of biological differences between the male and the female body. These exist as a mechanism for reproduction and therefore the continuation of the human race moving away from extinction. And yet, even though almost everything about you is biologically coded towards your gender, people will still try to change that. If they are born a male, but they want to be a female, because they feel as if they are one, then they might decide that they are now a female. And to accommodate this, they will do all sorts of things to their body to make it look like a woman's, and slowly, over time, permanently and irreversibly change their body, all for the purpose of pursuing to become a gender that they were not. The question is, is this change for the better, or for the worse? That is, is this really something you should be doing, and should you really be validated for this? Should someone really be considered an actual female just because they identify as one? That is the topic we will be debating here.


Well, I do have the motive.


I'll just assume it was you.


Thanks to anonymous reports, you will never know.


I wonder if Best.Korea reported Savant's vote xD


Exactly that. For the most part, we have vote handling standardized.

Of course more details may be added to the report, and my decision can be appealed to other moderators.


I get the impression somebody reported Savant's vote, so you responded by saying why the vote is valid.


Okay? What just happened here?


>Reported Vote: Savant // Mod action: Not Removed
>Voting Policy:
>Points Awarded: 3 to pro
>Reason for Decision: See Votes Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action:

The vote was found to be sufficient per the site voting policy standards.


You are so strange.


I hate winning. I dont hate winning. I am a Christian today, so Jesus commanded me to debate you. The way I see it, I dont need to put effort into arguments because certain number of my opponents will forfeit anyway so I win. I lose only when I face people who dont forfeit. Still, may Jesus bless you. You seem like a good person. Normally, I hate Jesus, but today I dont. I won lots of debates with Jesus's help.


I see your priorities are more towards tactics, and winning, rather than the actual logic and reason behind the debate. I'd prefer to have an actual discussion than to just win because my opponent wasn't above waiting for me to forfeit so he would automatically win because of their arguments, but I don't back down.


"This is gonna be quite possibly the quickest debate I've ever participated in."

Aw, thanks, you are welcome.


"Did you really think that just by using sources, any argument you make is irreverent and you'll just automatically win?"

Yes, that is the goal. Thats why I lose. I was hoping you will just surrender so I win.
Did you read Kokomi, the Art of War?

Welp I've been spelling cite wrong this whole time.


Did you really think that just by using sources, any argument you make is irreverent and you'll just automatically win? It doesn't work like that.

This is gonna be quite possibly the quickest debate I've ever participated in.


I am a hypocrite. Its one of my strategies, although not the only strategy. I prefer to call it shapeshifter strategy. I can tell you the details if you are interested.


So a hypocrite.


Its called contradicting yourself.


Considering what you just said, the fact that you're CON is strange. Have fun arguing for a side you are against I guess.


standard is unrated.


What do you mean unrated?


No thanks then, especially not wasting the effort unrated.


I'll define those two words in my first debate argument.


Make it rated, define the words 'valid' and 'transgenderism' in your description please.

Trans people are bad.

They should ask God to make them normal.

The person who joined my previous "Transgenderism is Not Valid" debate just said "nope, you're wrong pal" and then a series of forfeits. Not even the debate was valid. So, I'm remaking this debate so that I can actually have a discussion about this. If the same guy joins again, I will just make another debate until somebody else joins.