"So Jesus came to give people eternal life. But, as we all know, no initial follower of Christ in the first century has survived to the modern day, so they don't even live to the age of 2000, which would still be a far cry from eternity. Thus, it is fair to assume that the life these verses speaks of is not the literal type of life here on earth. "
This still doesn't mean God is not for life . He is the "life" giving spirit. Abortion means death, not life.
We read in John 5 about those that'll resurrect to eternal life. The book asks the question I believe death where is thou sting?
See those in the graves whom you see in the natural sense as dead , the book calls asleep. See when we're talking about God of the Bible we have to get to the spiritual reality. Just because you go to sleep, doesn't mean God is not for life. He gives those who he gives life see .
Got to deal in spirit and truth. See people that commit abortion aim to end a person permanently. God will give you life permanently. While those that destroy the body via abortion can't destroy both that and soul according to scripture.
"Again, this is definitely not meant to be taken literally. This type of life is more metaphorical and spiritual, or referring to life after death."
Yes so not the second death as I believe taught in Revelation. What I want you to understand is that abortion is death from the view of the natural side. Now God according to the Bible can give life to those that have been aborted so how can this God not be for life as being a life giving spirit?
I think if you reject believing in the spiritual reality which is what you're dealing with when discussing God, you can't really see life other than the first death that we know about.
Being immortal and being resurrected is one part of it. Remember I mentioned about the command of "thou shalt not kill". There's that aspect too from God given to Moses to give to the people.
" This verse from PRO does not show in any way how God has a strong preference for life. "
I never said it did. I never said anything about strong preference. Let me actually quote what I said as to why I brought up Deuteronomy. Please actually go by what I say versus trying to reinvent an interpretation.
"My side and the opposing side can find texts to support our position, so what are we left with?
Well this verse comes to mine."
If you don't know what I mean by this, please don't be afraid to ask.
"Again, God never specifically forbids the termination of a pregnancy, the murder of an infant or of children. And actions speak louder than words. PRO has not disputed my evidence that God commits himself as well as commands the same Israelites to commit countless genocides where he specifically targets the children, infants and pregnant women for slaughter. I also proved that God tortured to death the newborn son of David by sickness, as a punishment for David. Either God views their deaths as a net postive, or he doesn't care about it at all. If he did care about the life of the fetuses he would not have had their mothers slaughtered mercilessly."
I think you have to refer back to that Deuteronomy passage I offered. Read over that again and if you still miss the point, I can help you out.
The rest of what you had to say just boils down to opinion. I don't debate opinions. I have no business or entitlement to that.
I would just argue for you to focus on the Deuteronomy passage, bottomline.
At the end of this I believe we just break even.
>Reported Vote: Best.Korea // Mod action: Not Removed
>Voting Policy: info.debateart.com/terms-of-service/voting-policy
>Points Awarded: 0
>Reason for Decision: See Votes Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action:
The vote was found to be sufficient per the site voting policy standards.
There are three types of tied votes:
(1) Ones which allot zero points. They have no meaningful impact on the debate outcome, and are thus only moderated if warranted for other reasons.
(2) Ones which cancel themselves out. While the category assignments may serve as feedback to the debaters, there is no still meaningful impact for moderation consider. These are in essence the same as the previous type.
(3) Votes which leave arguments tied, but assign other categories. While these need not meet the sufficiency standards for an argument vote, they must still evaluate arguments enough to justify no clear winner. There is however an exception for repeated forfeitures allowing conduct only with no further explanation.
"but you didn't justify why both sides have arguments and sources of equal quality. "
"My side and the opposing side can find texts to support our position, so what are we left with?
Well this verse comes to mine.
Deuteronomy 32:39 ... “See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make ALIVE; I wound, and I heal: " "
Kudos to those who were honest about that. Shame on those who ignored it.
You do realize that you both used sources? And I dont see any problems with conduct, so really, I dont know what you are going for here.
Ah, I see. So you know that my vote changes nothing, and yet you still go around being upset because you assume that I didnt justify the arguments.
I am pretty sure that plenty of unknowns justify a tied vote, and you saying it doesnt would just be your assumption.
Yes, I am bothered by bad votes, even if they don't change the outcome. I also do realize that arguments are tied in your vote, but you didn't justify why both sides have arguments and sources of equal quality. I don't understand why you would vote at all if you are not going to put in enough effort to make a sufficient vote.
"Also, you wrote something about the debate that is simply untrue. PRO never claimed that fetuses are people"
I was talking about your claim, but yes I can see the source of confusion.
"explain why one side has better arguments."
You do realize that arguments are tie in my vote?
Really? You are bothered by a vote that doesnt affect anything?
I think our guidelines say that no sufficient vote can contain zero usefull analysis of the debate, and I think that description applies to Best.Koreas vote.
What you have written is not sufficient according to our guidelines to be a vote. You don't provide any justification for leaving sources, conduct and legibility tied. Also, you don't weight the arguments and counterarguments from each side against each other and explain why one side has better arguments. You don't even make any reference to the resolution of the debate. Also, you wrote something about the debate that is simply untrue. PRO never claimed that fetuses are people, so how could that possibly be a claim of his that went mostly unchallenged. I even wrote that "God doesn't count fetuses as human beings" in underscored and bold text, so I don't get how you missed that.