Christianity itself is a lie. We shouldnt teach lies.
Thats a lie.
In this debate, we will cover a completely good God, and I will try to explain why he doesnt exist. I will bring many reasons to support my case. In fact, I have some doubts about God and I hope that my opponent wins this debate by convincing me that my arguments are wrong.
God - All powerful and all knowing being who created everything.
1. The problem of evil
Completely good God would not create evil. It is possible for there to be world with only good people. God can easily remove all evil people. God can also prevent natural disasters, famines, animal attacks, diseases, and viruses. It would be ridiculous to claim that an all powerful being cannot create a world without evil. It would also be ridiculous to claim that a perfect being would create such an imperfect world.
2. The problem of purpose
The strongest argument against good God is not merely the problem of evil.
Its not "evil exists = good God doesnt"
Its the problem of purpose.
Think about it.
For what purpose would a good God create this world?
This world is full of evil that literally plays no purpose in anything.
It merely tortures good people.
Plus, there is no equal standard for anything in this world.
Some die in the womb. Some die from hunger at age 5. Some are born with disorders. Some are forced into crime at early age.
All live with different intelligence, different living conditions, different urges, different sexual orientation, different abilities, different life experiences, different available knowledge and education, different genetics, different parents, different starting point, different life expectancy, different emotions that affect their actions. Some experience lots of pain early in life, making them much more likely to be evil.
How is that an equal opportunity for everyone to become good?
There is simply no purpose in this world. No rational and good God would create such a world.
There is no explanation for what purpose all the human and animal suffering plays, and what purpose will suffering play in hell.
From this, only one can be concluded. God is not good. He exists, but he is not good
3. It is possible to imagine a world without evil
As long as it remains possible for us to imagine a world with less evil, good God cannot exist.
We can imagine a world with no evil. Good God would have created such a world, and not this world.
4. Its hard to be good and at the same time justify why people burning alive for all eternity is a good thing
There is simply no excuse to torment people for all eternity. First, one can easily not create such people in the first place and avoid all the trouble. Second, if they are already created, they can be destroyed. There is no point in tormenting them when destroying them will remove their suffering and prevent them from doing evil.
5. God can prevent all evil, yet chooses not to
God has power to prevent all murders, all rape, all hunger. The only question is: Why doesnt he? A good God would.
6. There is no justification for evil caused by God
Some religious folks have suggested that all evil is beneficial. All evil that we experience carries some benefit for us, they say.
However, with that idea, we reach a bit of a weird situation.
Lets say you have a rape victim. Can you seriously argue that being raped was beneficial for her?
Because then you would basically be arguing that the rapist was actually helping her, acting in her interest and in God's interest.
How can you condemn a rapist while claiming that rape is beneficial?
Now, some folks like to throw around "free will". However, that contradicts with God's omniscience.
If God knew that certain person will commit rape, why would God create such a person? Its God's action of creating a rapist that made the rape happen, which makes God guilty.
So God wasnt simply "letting it happen". He was helping to make it happen. Its like me opening a cage with wild bear in it, and then when bear attacks people, responsibility would be mine.
Its a lie. There are no good manners in teaching lies. Also, Christianity and islam are most violent religions in the world. Not good.
You might be agnostic.
Sometimes I am Christian. Sometimes I am not. I dont stick permanently. I change mind often. Its probably some curse.
Aren't you christian? Your profile states that you are christian but you aren't acting like it.
Thank you for the debate Best.Korea you brought up some very good points.