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The debate is over the possibility that dreams have either spiritual or divine meanings to them. I, as con argue that they do not, while anyone who is pro must argue that they do.
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Whata faq is this lfmao why no one notice this, for this thousands years
We are spiritual beings having a human experience
Are women still considered the weaker sex? How significant is their contribution to technology and art, or do they continue to primarily fulfill the role of caretakers and homemakers?
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is really we need religious events or in other words joyful historical events to make this world loveable after all hate and violence is it okay if we forget every religion and make a new religion and everyone adopt this religion in replace of all previous religions
This debate is different than any debate you have seen before. This debate is a psychological experiment.
A debate over whether reparations for slavery would be good or not.
Nothing forces you to accept this debate.
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I’m going to define “better” as having resulted in making a better quality of life for all people, not just Americans.
Not anything violent, but it's getting ridiculous, just having any signs that relate you to a Muslim in any way is enough justification for some people to call you all the names under the table. I am against that, for I see it's wrong. If you have another view, I'd like to hear it!
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