Instigator / Pro

[Tejretics Tourney] Resolved: After meeting their basic needs, individuals have a moral obligation to donate all remaining wealth to effective social causes (such as poverty alleviation).


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

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After 2 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...

Tejretics's avatar
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whiteflame's avatar
27 debates / 206 votes
oromagi's avatar
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WeaverofFate's avatar
4 debates / 10 votes
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Contender / Con

RESOLUTION: After meeting their basic needs, individuals have a moral obligation to donate all remaining wealth to effective social causes (such as poverty alleviation).


Basic needs: Everything needed to maintain the continued wellbeing of an individual and their dependents. Wellbeing includes physical, mental, and emotional health, as well as the opportunity for self-fulfillment.

Moral obligation: Something that one ought to do because it is morally right, but is not bound or required to do.

Effective social cause: An organized effort that efficiently and successfully helps to resolve societal issues, such as extreme poverty.

All other terms should be considered to have their commonplace usage, within the rational context of this debate.


R1PRO: Constructive

R1CON: Constructive

R2PRO: Rebuttals

R2CON: Defense/Rebuttals

R3PRO: Defense/Summary

R3CON: Summary


1. No Kritiks.

2. Arguments must (at least roughly) adhere to the structure provided.

3. Sources can be hyperlinked, either directly or in the comments section.

4. The burden of proof is shared between both sides.

5. The definitions, structure, and rules, are accepted upon starting the debate.

6. Penalty for breaking these rules is a conduct point, unless it is especially egregious or repeated.


As I said in my RFD, I thought the pieces were there for you to succeed with your arguments in the debate, though yeah, there were some errors in your approach to blamonkey's case. I think you did well given the circumstances, but I also think you handicapped yourself in that approach.


I'll admit I was a little bit peeved by that one.


"I just turned tail and dodged his impacts using a strategy that might have worked for less experienced judges, but certainly not ones on the caliber of whiteflame or oromagi."

Oromagi seems to have a hard time separating his bias from his judgements and I think the fact he even awarded source points in this debate does not reflect well on his ability to use reasoned judgement.


In retrospect, I do regret my arguments in this debate somewhat (and I don't quite think I really deserved the praise of putting up a good fight). I had a great chance to debate a deep, fascinating topic with a debater far better than me and I kinda blew it. I didn't have any self-confidence in my debating skills at the time and figured I would get smashed by blamonkey in a direct, evidence-based debate so I just turned tail and dodged his impacts using a strategy that might have worked for less experienced judges, but certainly not ones on the caliber of whiteflame or oromagi.

If I had a chance to redo this today, I feel like I would have put up a much better performance. blamonkey's arguments, while convincing, were hardly irrefutable. I can think of a lot of things off the top of my head:

-Outweigh via magnitude + delink: Loss of economic income from luxury industries is outweighed by substantial good being done, plus charity industries will replace jobs and economic activity from loss of luxury industries
-Outweigh via timeframe: People are starving now, we need to help them; industries don't disappear overnight, we have time to adapt
-Outweigh via probability: CON's impacts are hypothetical, my impacts are concrete;
-Propose a hypothetical plan: If CON treats it like policy, than so can I. Argue for a plan where economic industries gradually adapt to changes in spending patterns (people aren't going to donate wealth overnight, after all)

Or a combination of all of these.

I also find CON's national sovreignty argument less convincing now than it did back then: charitable funding could always be contingent on a country's respect for democratic and social norms. This would also turn the impact, as citizens would now hold their govt's even more accountable in order to retain access to international funding.


Pro you should have looked at the effective altruism movement. I just started reading the debate but a lot of his objections seem to already have been addressed by the effective altruism movement. We also have examples of people in the movement who no bullshit live in poverty off of 25% of their income and donate 75% to help the needy, and these are people happier as a result of doing so.


Let me make this explanation short and as understandable as possible depending on how much effort I put into it:

You must understand the situation here-- in addition to the situation:

You have created a relationship between moral theory and the real world conditions (creating any relationship between real world condition reflects the real world, to explain this expressively, you are "calling" out to the real world, or in other terms.. "the real world conditions" or "the real world condition" is a part of the real world, the part of the world itself has components that align with the rules necessary enough to be a part of the real world), you also have created a relationship between your argument and the real world, and all of these relationships created a contribution to the real world as well.

And this alone creates a fallacy when it comes to establishing a relationship between your argument and the real world, the reason is because of what your argument contains, what your argument contains is not relevant to the real world nor is it relevant in the real world regardless whether if it is a theory or not, a theory also has a place as a part of the real world.. The relevancy of how much moral theory matters as a part of the real world does not matter as much as how much the English matters as a part of the real world, specifically the point I've made is also supported by linguistics as well, and don't get me started on how many works of people should also support the point I've made, which also includes the reason I've made previously.

In addition to this explanation.. the point I've made is logical and your argument that you have made appears mostly illogical, or perhaps is also mostly illogical. You could say that the point I've made is more connected to the real world more than the argument you've made, and the reason for that you could say is because of the amount of evidence that supports the point I've made, by also considering what the definition of logic is itself.

In another addition to this explanation.. you could also say that my point weighs more logic than your argument.. due to how connected it also is when it comes to concluding how "ought to" does not equal "will do".

You simply need to consider what matters when you're establishing connections between things, including establishing a connection between the real world.
(Trust me on this part, I know how much I'm capable of establishing connections between things, Including verbal associations).


So, sarcastic embellishments and reddit-ness aside, the central thrust of your argument - that real world conditions are hard to link to moral theory, might be a legitimate concern if, and only if, one cannot see a clear causal relationship between theory and praxis. Neoliberalism prefers a capitalist social ontology (to live up to the market's expectations and requirements). Its central figures in the US and abroad were behind the push to deregulate the economies of the Global South. Therefore, the social or moral theory of neoliberalism can be said to have played a role in the Global South's deregulation. There is a clear causal connection.

But this doesn't at all relate to my argument. I argue for a weighing mechanism that, by determining the real-world effects of a plan, we determine its moral quality. You might disagree with my real-world effects, and had my opponent said so, I would have to contend with their version of events that would transpire after the passage of the resolution. But my opponent's version of events, as would Peter Singer's assumes that people actually donate. If they do not, then Singer/ my opponent has no access to their impacts (the drowning baby being saved). That's the argument. It's a double-bind. If donating to NGOs only alleviated poverty in theory, and not in practice, the entire syllogism that Singer works with collapses. How can "saving the drowning baby" be a defense of effective altruism if people don't actually save the baby?

If philosophy, theory, or criticism does not relate to the real world, it is essentially useless. I disagree with Peter Singer - a figure that Pro relies on primarily - but if Singer posed his argument without consideration of real-world conditions, it would a) not be persuasive, and b) not be published.

Incidentally, non-ideal theory is a branch of philosophy that tackles the real-world conditions people actually experience. Charles Mills is one such proponent of non-ideal theory:

"Ethics is concerned with the ideal, so it doesn't have to worry about the actual. But even for mainstream ethics this wouldn't work, since, of course, ought is supposed to imply can: the ideal has to be achievable by humans. 𝐍𝐨𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐥𝐲 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐦𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐬, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥 𝐢𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. If any ethicist actually said this, it would be an astonishing abdication of the classic goal of ethics, and its link with practical reason" (p. 171).

If theory can do away with the real world, then it is reduced to pseudo-intellectual masturbation. Theory is moving in the direction of actual people's lives (through ethnographies, for example, and one should look at Zacka, Bargu, Pachirat, etc., for this type of work) and it is doing so for the better.


In addition to your argument, I see that you are establishing a relationship between the real world conditions (which includes part of the "real world", reflecting "the real world") and the assessment of moral theory.. and you are also establishing a relationship between your argument and the real world.
If you do any of these establish this relationship, judging by your argument, I can conclude it a fallacy..

The reason is, "ought to" does not equal "will do", especially if you think that in a case like yours "ought to" equals "will do"..

Establishing relationships between the real world
with anything especially anything within human comprehension can be entirely difficult, if you are not aware of this. This in addition can be due to a result of multiple natural mechanisms (the laws of physics or pure logic acting "against" each other; this is an example set for you to understand what I mean and what this reason means as well) and more than one or more components of the real world.

But to explain this even more relevant to the case, "ought to" does not equal "will do" due to multiple reasons, which includes the language we ourselves are using in this current moment.. usually called "English".. and "English" has it's own fundamental usage that also applies to anything written by the English language.

My point is that, "ought to" does not equal "will do".

I mean, sure.. your argument makes sense, illogically as well. But I don't think that your argument makes enough sense to even be considered logical.


My argument is that if we are going to assess any moral theory, it ought to be tested in accordance with real world conditions. When a moral system is adopted, it will produce moral or immoral results (perhaps amoral too), and thus directly bear on the moral system itself. If I support that the death penalty is good because of some a priori logical reasoning (the government has an obligation to protect us, and so it ought to put dangerous people to death), but I ignore a posteriori facts pertaining to the number of innocent people executed, then I have to contend with the product of the moral principle (the number of innocent people executed) to determine whether it holds that the death penalty ought to be put in place/ is moral.

In this case: Pro uses a syllogism to establish, a priori, that there are moral reasons for supporting effective altruism (the moral proposition). I argue that if people actually adopted and acted on this moral proposition in practice, there would be devastating economic effects (a posteriori facts). That's my first contention.

So, it's not "ought to = will do" but "whether we ought to do something can be determined by the real-world effects it produces a posteriori assuming that this moral principle is put in place." Hence, I have access to impacts. Otherwise, Pro and Con are both divested of impacts (Pro cannot claim that he will save "the drowning baby" since people can choose not to - obviously the drowning baby standing in for international poverty).

I'm not saying that this isn't a contestable framework, I just don't see what your point is.

Or, to put it more simply, "ought to do does not equal will do."

Okay, I'm beginning to think that these simplifications are just simply insults getting smacked against each other in a very unclear manner or behaviour at this point.

Mistaking such matters are very childish.. how could you mistaken "ought to" for "will do"? That would be hilarious, haha. These are very simple basic verbal terms to reason with.


Thanks - that's quite generous, considering I deliberately dropped 80% of your arguments - a decision some might call questionable.


Good debate! You put up a really good fight.


Good debate :)


Thanks for voting (or voting soon) on this debate. I really appreciate the feedback.


Happy to do it. Well done to both debaters.


Thank you judge and opponent alike! This was a fun debate and tournament. I'm glad I participated.

Congratulations blamonkey!

Hi guys! Unfortunately, I’ve fallen sick, and was unable to complete my RFD in time.

I’ll be sure to post my RFD by tonight even though I can’t vote, but the tournament results will be based on cast votes.

R1PRO: Constructive

PRO presents Peter Singer's logic:
P1: Donating to effective social causes can prevent very bad things from happening.
P2: Individuals have excess wealth that can be used for donations.
P3: Excess wealth is of comparably minimal moral significance.
C1: Individuals can prevent very bad things from happening without sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance.
P4: If individuals can prevent very bad things from happening without sacrificing anything of comparable moral significance, they have a moral obligation to do so.
C2: After meeting their basic needs, individuals have a moral obligation to donate all remaining wealth to effective social causes.

PRO uses an analogy of a drowning child to demonstrate the consistency of the moral obligation to donate,
even if it inconveniences the observer.
The author argues that this obligation should be extended to donating to charitable causes.

The objection is summarized as the idea that an unreasonably demanding moral theory should not be accepted.
PRO counters by highlighting the perspective of those in need and the fulfillment of basic needs before donations.
PRO argues that even if the moral obligation is demanding, it should not be rejected based solely on intuitiveness.
Overall, PRO advocates for individuals to donate their excess wealth to effective social causes after meeting their basic needs, based on the principles of preventing harm, moral obligation, and consistency with established ethical values.

CON addresses the proposition that moral obligations, specifically the obligation to give up all wealth to the poor, are impractical and would have negative real-world consequences. CON argues against the proposition by outlining two main points: the impact on poverty and the issue of national sovereignty.

CON claims with good evidence presented that luxury industries primarily employ the lower and middle classes. These industries contribute significantly to the economy, and a reduction in luxury consumption would lead to unemployment and an increase in poverty. CON points out that even the poor contribute to luxury industries, and a rapid reduction in luxury purchases would have devastating effects on employment and the pool of people requiring aid, even extending internationally. Additionally, the author argues that as luxury industries decline, so will donations to international NGOs, further decreasing resources available to the poor.

CON references Hannah Arendt's concept of citizenship as "the right to have rights" and argues that sovereignty is undermined by the proposition, reducesing a state's accountability to its citizens and increasing dependency on external sourcess uncontrolled by democratic oversight. CON further argues that aid can hamper the development of domestic institutions and infrastructure when overdependency on external sources of funding may promote instiutional dependency, weakness, or neglect. CON gives examples of how aid has led to brain drain and a lack of citizen accountability in healthcare services which , in turn, undermines the expression of political sovereignty and places power in the hands of NGOs and int'l orgs.

Overall, CON asserts that the proposition's implementation of moral obligations would have unintended negative consequences in terms of increased poverty and reduced national sovereignty. The argument aims to demonstrate the impracticality and potential harm of abstract moral obligations when applied in the real world.

In, R2, PRO's counterargument wrecks his own case utterly. PRO argues that the resolution refers to individual obligations, not collective obligations, and each individual's moral obligation is independent of others. PRO therefore argues that humans should pursue individual morality even at the expense of the collective good. This VOTER considers the individual's highest obligation as to the next generation and is not interested in moral plans that undermine that collective good.

Then PRO strangely argues that the collective harm might not be so harmful if nobody paid attention to PRO's argument- if few or none acted on PRO's moral obligation. This VOTER considers this argument in favor of CON's plan.

Then PRO argues that the current moral obligation might be transient in the future which is unknowable and has no impact on this discussion.

This VOTER disagrees that CON's framework was missing or flawed. CON's framework of collective good is objectively superior to PRO's framework of individual good. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

CON effectively quotes SInger to undermine PRO's impracticality. CON illustrates the contradiction in PRO's argument nicely, "
Pro is stuck in a double bind. If they admit that the moral obligation is a mere “suggestion,” they cannot derive any impact from their moral obligation. If they admit that the concrete analysis of moral obligations is a necessary to assess the value of the obligation, they must cede to my impacts."
CON also slices up PRO's expansive conception of basic needs to lessen the hardship of charity on the rich while failing to recognize the concurrent expansion of basic needs for the poor, making a bottomless pit of need and a fuzzy line of demarcation for the poor.

This VOTER agrees that PRO presented a pretty hard fast moral line of obligation in R1 and then spent R2 trying to make his radicalism more palatable by fuzzying Singer's syllogism wherever possiible.


SOURCES also go to CON. Yes PRO's sources were more sporadic and less scholarly but the most stand-out difference was the way PRO used sources to define terms and echo his argument while CON used to support speciific practical claims and predictions based on real world data. CON's sources gave his argument the credibility necessary when making claims about future impacts and illustrated the lack of such supporting data for PRO's claim.

Nicely argued by both sides. Particular kudos to CON for the clarity and command of his English.


2 hrs to vote. (Sorry for forgetting you in my first message, Weaver.)


Less than 5 hours remain to vote, btw. Thanks in advance if you choose to do so :)

I’ll be done with my RFD in about ~10 hours! Started on it yesterday.

That's good news. Of course, I never doubted that the Doctor would come through in time.

This is effectively a truism. I mean, is helping oneself to get cool clothes and luxurious food not an effective social cause?


I promise, I will get a vote up in time. Got about halfway through the RFD a couple of nights back and just haven't gotten back to finishing it yet.

I hope this gets some votes...

Cool topic!


The description gives Pro a lot more leeway than that.

That is not possible, highly implausible at best. You would have to donate clothes, food, your kidney even, etc., to arbitrarily good causes. What does that left you with? Exactly.

Will vote on this in the next couple of days!


This was a treat to read live. I've got thoughts on this, but I won't give my opinion until voting is over.


I’ll start reading through this today.



I believe people should be limited in what they own. Legally limited, not just morally demanded from them by nice asking.

Of course, I already follow such law, but many others dont. Which is why they should be forced to.


Ok, that makes more sense.


Nope, moral obligations only make sense if we apply them to practice. If people actually internalize them.


"Moral obligations only work in practice."
Wait, did you mean to say in theory?


R1 Sources


Some might be inaccessible. Let me know if you need access. I can send over via PM.


I won't say too much before voting begins, but it's a very solid opening.


What do you think of my first argument (in general)? Just curious :}


Thx for the reminder. Been working intermittently throughout the week and should have it out by tonight.


10 hrs to deadline


Either Austin finally gets a profile picture, or he pulls off an amazing win (or draw) against blamonkey. This will definitely be a good one.