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This debate will examine the basis for the Catholic Church's claims extending Mary from mother of Jesus to being Queen of Heaven / Mother of God to whom we can pray and who appears through history via apparitions. I Will argue against this Roman catholic position and argue this veneration is not of God and is a distraction
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I will argue that abortion should not have been a deciding factor in an individual's choice for president in the 2024 election
The Catholic Church is infallible
Life is sometimes not worth living.
Is there anything objective in the world?
The topic of this debate is whether or not appearance and attractiveness matter in general, with more of a focus on the context of a romantic relationship. I am in the pro position, agreeing that it does matter.
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I have made this post based on the man who recently won the Woman's Bicycle Championship.
The incoming administration is not Conservative.
Life is always worth living.
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