Instigator / Pro

Batman wearing Hellbat would most likely defeat base Thor in a fight.


The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.

Winner & statistics

After 2 votes and with the same amount of points on both sides...

It's a tie!
Publication date
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Number of rounds
Time for argument
One week
Max argument characters
Voting period
One month
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Contender / Con

No information

1 point(s)

At the end of the day, I would leave arguments tied, and give sources to con.

The videos overpowered it. I have a sense that Thor is a real fighter (including that he loses an eye in a fight). The most sense I had of Hellbat, was a guess that he's basically The Destroyer suit which we saw Thor beat. Even the abilities list of each were challenged, leaving me with little idea on the power level comparison.

I will say that I reject the Injustice evidence. I don't know the lore for that game, but I know in it Robin and Grey Hulk trade punches making them of comparable strenth, and they're likewise each a match for The Flash at speed. And of course Batman without that suit is just as capable against Darkseid (kinda the nature of the game). Sadly, this was the best hyping of Hellbat in this debate.

Pro: When making an argument about how strong Hellbat is, you're doing too many leaps into the transitive property. You should argue something like Darkseid's face is made of the material of nutron stars (I'm guessing), and here's an image of Hellbat cutting his head in half. Whereas you kept going on about how amazing Superman is, as if that's supposed to tell me if Darkseid cuts himself shaving or not.

Con: A little more focus on the tactics you believe Thor would use would have gone a long way. You didn't even challenge pro when he claimed that Batman's opening move is to murder whomever he's fighting.

Lifeforce: This was a mistake for pro to correct, since it initially sounded like Batman would have to watch his diet, not that he could die. At the same time, con did not leverage this.

The Final Batsuit: So Bruce wears the Batsuit to become Batman, and Batman wears Hellbat, and Hellbat wears The Final Batsuit... what or who is The Final Batsuit? I honestly got Powe Ranger vibes from this; is it a Zorg? Does Bruce morph into the Bat Ranger? ... It's just too far outside the scope, without telling the audience anything.

Immortality: Con really should have pushed this after pro brought it up.

1 point(s)

Good round, I vote Pro, here's why:

1. On strength, I buy that even if they are both in the same "category", I know that Darkseid, which can equally trade blows with Hellbat, can handle at least 5.97 sextillion metric tons and Thor can do 100 tons. He has also defeated Hulk, the ice giants, and Destroyer, but none of this is contextualized. All these characters could only life 5 lbs for all I know, especially for the last two. At the very least, I have no warrant that they compare to 5.97 sextillion metric tons.

2. On durability, I buy that the wings can be destroyed on the Hellbat suit and that Thor can easily be damaged my much weaker beings than Darkseid. I don't weigh the Loki example because it's in the last speech when it could have been in the second to last after the Hela and Thanos examples were given, but even if I did, I have no numerical strength to weigh this against 5.97 sextillion metric tons. I also buy that the source this originally came from is flawed, and therefore question the validity of anything Con says.

3. On speed, I buy Hellbat is 2400x faster. This was brought up in the first speech, so I'm not gonna evaluate something about the speed of perception since Pro didn't get a chance to answer it. You also didn't answer the AI warrant, so doing Pro a little work since Con didn't do the work earlier in the debate, It's probably already answered.

4. On the metabolism argument, I buy that Hellbat could at least defeat Thor once in time since he was able to go to Apokalips and defeat Darkseid.

In conclusion, Hellbat is stronger, faster, and more durable. Easy win.

Notes for Pro
1. The metabolism argument was mishandled in two ways.
A. Don't admit that Thor can resurrect and then outlast Hellbat. This literally is saying there is a possible out for Con to win the round semantically. Define fight as a single defeat definitively.
B. The final bat suit is probably not Hellbat and would be unfair, though this didn't come up.

Notes for Con
1. You are not answering warrants. For example, on strength, you don't answer 5.97 sextillion metric tons. You let Pro control the debate when they control the facts.
2. PRO GAVE YOU AN OUT!!! Pro said that Thor could outlast if it counts his resurrections! Why didn't your next speech talk about that specifically, instead of extending the generic outlast argument that was answered by the Darkseid fight?

Good round, if you have questions or comments, feel free to question, comment, or message me!