The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 2 votes and with 6 points ahead, the winner is...

- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 4
- Time for argument
- One week
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- Two weeks
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Judges
The debate resolution is "Science is not objective."
This debate will follow the 3 rules of Civil Debate. -
Civil Debate - Rule One: You cannot redefine truth.
Civil Debate - Rule Two: Do not disqualify your opponent.
Civil Debate - Rule Three: Only your opponent can award points.
Each participant will award and/or deduct up to 6 points to their opponent per round with the stipulation that points can never go below zero. The judge will award "arguments" (3 points) to the participant with the highest points tally at the end of the debate. In the event of a tie, no vote will be registered by the judge.
First round will be PRO's opening argument and definitions and CON's opportunity to challenge definitions and present counter-arguments.
Second round will be PRO optionally awarding points to CON for round one and modifying arguments to address concerns identified by CON and CON optionally awarding points to PRO for their response and modifying arguments to address PRO's points.
Third round will be the same as the second round with the addition of closing arguments.
Fourth round will be for points assignment/deduction and tally only.
If points are awarded or deducted (including a note for "no points"), CON will note points in the same round and PRO will note points at the beginning of the round following the arguments/comments that are being judged.
However, I would argue that the nature of science itself transcends our mere thought.
For example, 1,000 years ago, we lacked enough effort in science to truly know whether the earth had Sun rotating around it or not. So in terms of our scientific thought, we believed that earth was in the center. However, the scientific truth was that Earth rotated around the Sun rather than the other way around. Our personal interpretation of science differs in stark contrast to the true ideals of what science precisely is.
Let me give you an example. Say we had a perfectly balanced coin on both sides with no bias towards either. We conduct a scientific experiment and postulate that it will resemble very close to 50% chance because that is how we designed the coin. If our result was close, with thousands of trials conducted and no outside forces enacted, it's clear to see that the perfectly balanced coin was designed extremely well. Now let's say we had very very bad luck, and it somehow landed 100 heads in a row.
This is a miracle. It's near impossible.
But as scientists analyze the result, they realize that 100 heads in a row is just as likely as exactly 50 heads and 50 tails, or the perfect 50% result.
They would continue doing more testing and see if anything has biased the result (perhaps some kind of magnetic field, gravitational force, etc.). The human interpretation is just merely the explanation for why the events happened the way they did.
The science of how balanced the coin is, is objective, because the coin has a certain level which it can be balanced at.
Even a baby could flip the coin over and perhaps recognize heads and tails if they were designed to attract attention from a baby. Even animals with lesser intelligence may be able to recognize this idea.
And there needs not to be recognition for something to occur either.
If we are not actually there to observe the coin fall to the ground, it will still fall to the ground, and it will still either be heads or tails, even if scientists say they changed their mind and maybe the coin was vaporized by some completely unexplainable event.
If Science was subjective, then the coin's results would only depend on what scientists interpret and it wouldn't matter if it actually landed heads or tails.
The purpose of science is to get rid of personal bias and false interpretations of events that occur.
If I take exactly one step, that is scientifically one step, scientists cannot call it 1,000 steps or 0 steps and declare it the truth.
No one will agree with the scientists. The result must be able to be produced time and time again.
As such, it is clear from events that actually occur, that science is objective rather than subjective.
I will stand by my original idea and extrapolate a scenario that can prove science is objective, not based on mere thought.
He had brought up to attention that even the most trusted studies are backed by only humans. I will note that he failed to refute that even other animals can understand a coin's heads and tails.
I will extend this further. It has been known with the Chinese Room Thought Experiment (CRTE) that Machines are merely processing tasks, not truly understanding anything. Let me explain.
In the CRTE, a man who does not know Chinese merely follows instructions to output a result matching an input. But he is not truly thinking at all. He does not understand Chinese. Even if the experiment was to scientifically "prove" if he actually knew Chinese or not, on the surface, we could not tell the difference of a native Chinese speaker and his actual self.
However, the lack of information here does not mean science is subjective.
It just means our findings were insufficient. If we were to truly investigate the background of this man, we would find that he is, in fact, not Chinese. And when this man's own "scientific rigor" is put to the test, we find that he does not know Science either: he is just matching input to output.
As an extension, a machine, which merely outputs words and letters, can nevertheless verify the truth of things.
For example, Wolframalpha and various calculators can tell us the formula for gravity, through countless experiments and extrapolating data based on neural network. It is difficult to say for sure if this is "thought", as machines cannot match our creativity and have not passed for human during the turing test. As such, the machine is less likely to emulate actual "thought" and far closer to cold heart metal Truth. While our scientific results seem to be our passed down facts and opinions, other stronger sources can verify the objectivity of science.
Let me repeat that, if science was truly subjective, then merely our thoughts would change the truth.
But our thoughts have only changed our thoughts.
What we have discovered, truly happened, regardless of Einstein's Theory of Relativity.
In fact, if science was based on mere opinion, then I could hand wave away Con's entire argument.
I could say, you think science is based on everyone's opinion? That, whatever everyone thinks science is, becomes science? Then I could easily say "con's argument is not science", and invalidate his argument.
I could even say "Einstein's theory makes no sense and is garbage", throwing it away.
Finally, PRO has failed to tackle the ideals of science to get to the truth of the matter and reduce personal feelings and thoughts.
The only way he can win is to prove that even the most perfect machines, brainless and merely analyzing patterns, cannot emulate science. Because if something can prove science without using a real "brain", then science is objective.
6 v. 4
“The judge will award "arguments" (3 points) to the participant with the highest points tally at the end of the debate.”
Con won with 6 points to Pro's 4.
You're yet to prove how our senses are either
1. misperceiving reality
2. reality doesn't exist
If we agree on time, and that we can have something physical outside of us which acts different to us all differently (depending on both our physiology and location). I'm unsure why you keep saying this weird Quanta argument with overly complex jargon. If Science has admitted we can come to facts on physical things existing outside of us while them being both subjective to a perceivers phenonemelogical experience and it being a physical reality. You're still yet to prove your argument.
I'm not sure where Stephen Hawkins said we should value hawking radiation. It was simply an observation. What we do with that knowledge (applied science) is different from theoretical science (observational science). If he subconsciously believed we should value his discovery to worship him or what not, that still doesn't deny (from a non-applied science stance) his discovery wasn't objectively correct assuming materialism. Hence, you kind of have to assume solipsism in your argument.
> 'Statements of fact' ('positive' or 'descriptive statements'), based upon reason and physical observation, and which are examined via the empirical method.
> 'Statements of value' ('normative' or 'prescriptive statements'), which encompass ethics and aesthetics, and are studied via axiology.
but it is a category error to apply the term "objective" to "statements of fact" (QUANTA)
and it is an even more egregious error to apply the term "objective" to "statements of value" (QUALIA)
> Time is inseperateable from the fabric of space. Meaning it is a physical property, but acts on different perceivers differently through their own perception. Hence, both objective (real outside my mind) but subjective on each person.
time is not merely "perceived differently"
speed and gravity slow down time QUANTIFIABLY
a clock at sea-level runs slower than a clock at 40,000 feet
a clock at 40,000 feet runs slower than a clock in orbit
The fact–value distinction is a fundamental epistemological distinction described between:[1]
'Statements of fact' ('positive' or 'descriptive statements'), based upon reason and physical observation, and which are examined via the empirical method.
'Statements of value' ('normative' or 'prescriptive statements'), which encompass ethics and aesthetics, and are studied via axiology.
Regardless if I value an apple or what i think or percieve it to be (assuming materialism) it exists even if I don't. I'm unsure why you're not getting that.
"einstein made it exceedingly clear that time is ALWAYS relative to the observer
there is no "universal clock""
Time is inseperateable from the fabric of space. Meaning it is a physical property, but acts on different perceivers differently through their own perception. Hence, both objective (real outside my mind) but subjective on each person.
Can you answer the time question? what we do with objective facts (such as 1 plus 1 equals 2) what i choose to do with these facts has nothing to do with whether or not they are facts. This isn't a moral objectivity debate, I'm unsure why i have to bridge any is-ought gap in this discussion.
> Time is subjective but objective at the same time, is it not?
einstein made it exceedingly clear that time is ALWAYS relative to the observer
there is no "universal clock"
for example,
you learn about physics and all the mass and velocity and geometry
why ?
to become famous ?
to make money ?
to make your family proud ?
or do you perhaps want to use that knowledge to BUILD SOMETHING ?
perhaps you want to build a missile system
or more likely, part of a missile system
why ?
why do you want to contribute to the construction of weapons-of-mass-destruction ?
is it because you are afraid of something ?
are you familiar with HUME'S GUILLOTINE ?
you still have yet to prove why something cannot be objective through a subjective perceiver. Science blatantly disagrees with you here. I've already said you've made of leap of logic and you're yet to explain why it isn't. You just keep saying the same thing over and over, which I've already admitted is true but I don't find too relevant.
Time is subjective but objective at the same time, is it not?
> Regardless of my motive for calculating mathematical equations, irrespective of how hard i press the chalk on the board or beg for a different answer, my answer will remain the same if im doing the maths correctly.
we agree on this point
why you are "doing the maths" is motivated by QUALIA
the specific "doing the maths" is sample biased
and the CONCLUSIONS (not the sums) you draw from "doing the maths" is also pure QUALIA
Materialism posits that matter creates the mind, hence when the mind ceases matter doesnt. That means regardless if you can see the oranges, grab, peel them etc. They exist. Your idea is predicated on the idea that this is wholly incorrect or we miss percieve so much to the point where doing maths on the outside world is also...incorrect.
Why is the way you feel about things the only thing that matters? I personally hate the number 666, does the number 666 now not equate to 666 separate pieces/parts of something?
Regardless of my motive for calculating mathematical equations, irrespective of how hard i press the chalk on the board or beg for a different answer, my answer will remain the same if im doing the maths correctly.
everything humans consider "important" is QUALIA
i'm not suggesting "if you have two oranges and someone takes one orange from you then you don't have one orange left"
that's QUANTA (but not technically "objective")
how you feel about the oranges and how you feel about the person taking one of the oranges is QUALIA
how you feel about things is the only thing that matters
perhaps i'm allergic to oranges and i'm unable to remove the oranges myself for some reason and i'm happy someone removed one of them and i hope they will remove the other one soon
perhaps i'm desperately hungry and i am enraged that someone took one of my oranges and will surely plot revenge
perhaps i didn't even notice that i had acquired two oranges, perhaps along with some number of other items, and thus "losing" one of them has no impact on my state-of-mind
scientific data may be considered "objective" (QUANTA) perhaps, but it is still SAMPLE-BIASED and the result of MOTIVATED-REASONING
there is no such thing as data that is "free-from-bias"
even if
we allow the data itself to qualify as "objective" (by twisting the definition a bit)
THE "SCIENTIFIC CONCLUSIONS" are never "objective"
the IMPLICATIONS of a "scientific study" are pure human speculation, colored by QUALIA (which is inarguably subjective)
Your personal experience or contact with something can be coloured by your subjective consciousness whilst it remaining an objective fact it exists outside of you. Time is the perfect example to this. If I have 2 oranges and take away 1 am i not objectively left with 1 orange?
Another example would be the way i view a lion is my own personal interpretation. yet assuming materialism a lion definitely exists regardless of how I choose to perceive it, or how it makes me feel or the impressions it gives me. Unless you want to go full blown solipsist, if you choose to go down that route you shouldn't fear a lion, as even if you die your mind shouldn't. All solipsists are hypocrites, they say one thing then do another.
This is why your philosophy is predicated on the idea of assuming either the senses wholly incorrect and incoherent or that reality doesn't actually exist.
All of what you said is true, but I'm unsure why it debunks anything i claimed. Simply saying qualia is personal and emotionally meaningful doesn't mean you've now proven just from that you cannot come to objective facts of the outside world. There's a unjustified leap of logic there. Time is subjective to me, does time not exist outside of me? your idea is predicated on the idea (once more) that we cannot accurately assess the outside world due to our own subjective perceptions. I brought up the point of WHICH perceptions are subjective?
The definition you use is a very philosophical one and not used in general lexicon. Its a very philosophical tern coined from materialism vs idealism, and has literal basis in a general discussion on what constitutes "objectivity" in everyday use. We assume the outside world exists when we do science, and once we assume such a thing there's little reason to assume we interpret it wrongly wholly wrongly (outside of things we know are illusions created by the brain, such as colours).
That definition is never used in eveyday life outside of descartes meditations and emmanuel kants critique of pure reason.
> matter objectively exists
there are two categories
QUANTA is empirically demonstrable and or logically-necessary (or what you might call "material reality") = emotionally meaningless
QUALIA is personal, experiential, qualitative, GNOSTIC, unfalsifiable, qualitative = emotionally meaningful
everything humans consider "important" is QUALIA
This essentially just became an argument for solipsism. You just picked a (debateable) definition which says that things that happen in the mind are subjective with no elaboration or proof as to why. Your argument is based on the premise that our experience of reality is not in alignment with what reality actually looks like, making our observations incorrect. How else could our experience be subjective if not for the fact that we misread or miss-experience the real reality? What's subjective? What colours we see? Whether or not matter exists? assuming materialism, matter objectively exists (the hadron collider proves it). You would have to prove materialism incorrect, or that our senses misread the outside world to a massively skewing degree for this to be fully fleshed out in my eyes.
I'm flattered by your attention.
Yeah I think I'm gonna pass on this one. Sorry for all the questions.
I'm gonna think about it for a day or two and if no one else accepts it, I probably will
And furthermore, I guarantee I will give you at least 1 point for participation.
So, if I fail to present an argument that you personally consider convincing, all you have to do to "win" the debate is to NOT grant me any points.
You really can't lose.
This is not some sort of trick.
I'm willing to openly negotiate based any definition you personally prefer.
That's why simply saying "science" isn't objective is just a bit too broad
The scientific method is a construction by people. But the findings of that method aren't dependent on the personal feelings of the people employing the method.
Feel free to propose your own personally preferred definition of "the methodologies of science".
Well, the scientific enterprise and the findings of science are pretty fundamentally different in the context of this topic. I would be willing to accept a debate titled "the findings of science are not objective." But the methodologies necessitate humans to enact them to arrive at objective conclusions.
Feel free to propose your own personally preferred definition of "science".
The broadness comes from the definition of the word science meaning different things here not from the word objective
Feel free to propose your own personally preferred definition of "objective".
So the resolution could be restated as: Science is dependent on the mind for existence/Science is not influenced by persona; feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts?
Yeah, too broad, think I'll pass.
Also, the way you want people to vote, yeah I'm not for that, no offence but I don't trust you to be objective about that...
See what I did there?
(1) Proposed definition: "science"
(s.1) "Science is systematic knowledge acquired by the application of logic to observation."[2]
Please let me know if you provisionally agree to allow common definitions of words contained within these definitions.
(2) Proposed definition: "objective"
Objective: (o.1) (of a person or their judgment) not influenced by personal feelings or opinions in considering and representing facts. (AND/OR) not dependent on the mind for existence; actual.[3]
(o.1a) antonyms: biased, partial, prejudiced[3]
(o.1b) antonyms: subjective[3]
For contrast, I would like to present a common definition of "subjective":
(IFF) (sj.1) Subjective: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. (AND/OR) dependent on the mind or on an individual's perception for its existence.[8]
(sj.1a) antonyms: objective[8]
And (IFF) "subjective" is an antonym of "objective" (THEN) "objective" can not be "based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions. (AND/OR) dependent on the mind or on an individual's perception for its existence."[8]
Hmm, I don't see a definition of objective here....
Mmm, seems a little too broad
I'm interested but are you saying that the scientific enterprise doesn't exist without humans , or that the findings of science aren't objective?