I would like
to thank Rational Madman for accepting this debate.
I will be
using multiple lines of reasoning to demonstrate how evolution is not
scientifically tenable. If evolution fails at any one of these points then the
entire theory completely collapses.
I. Nothing Cannot Create Anything:The concept of the big bang directly
defies the Law of conservation of mass-energy. This Law states that, “the
total mass and energy in a system remain constant” [1]. Since the big bang
model is claimed to be the origin of mass and energy, the big bang model is in
direct violation of the Law of conservation of mass-energy. The big bang model
is so far out in left field, when tested scientifically, that it quickly
becomes clear that the big bang simply isn’t. Indeed a big bang would require a
big banger (God).
II. The
Impossibilities of Abiogenesis: Without
the, for lack of a better word, ‘creation’ of the first living organism through
random processes, the theory of evolution completely implodes. It is quite
interesting to note that the theory of abiogenesis (that life came from
nonlife) is in direct contradiction to the scientific
Law of biogenesis (that life comes only from life) [2]. As if that isn’t clear enough evidence
that evolution is not scientifically tenable, the plot thickens when we look
into the actual chemistry behind even the simplest organism. Natural processes
are utterly inadequate to explain the formation of life. As expressed by P.
Louis and K. Ruiz-Mirazo [3]:
The origin of life on Earth is still a mystery, one
of the greatest mysteries in science today … . Our ignorance about the origin
of life is profound – not just some simple missing mechanistic detail … . This
ignorance stems not only from our experimental difficulties with prebiotic
chemistry but is also conceptual, as we are not yet able to conceive on paper how
all these things came about.
Let’s consider some of the insurmountable odds
abiogenesis faces:
- The
Protein Formation Problem: In water, hydrolysis breaks the amino acids
down. In the peer reviewed journal, Journal of Creation, Alex Williams notes
that, “the thermal properties of liquid water are so destructive on the molecular
scale (briefly violating the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics) that life
could never have originated merely from organic chemicals, water, and energy” [4]. It is
clear that, abiogenesis could not happen in water. Since the amino acid joining
process actually creates water, the very same problem persists when joining
amino acids in an initially dry environment. As explained by Michael Behe, “The
major problem in hooking amino acids together is that, chemically, it involves
the removal of a molecule of water from each amino acid joined to the growing
protein chain. Conversely, the presence of water strongly inhibits amino acids
from forming proteins” [5]. Essentially the amino
acid joining process creates water which subsequently stops the joining process,
ending all possibility of getting even one complete protein.
- The
Even Less Likely RNA Theory:The alternate theory that RNA is responsible
for the formation of the first proteins is rough with even deeper problems. As
explained by Michael Behe, “Although a chemist can make nucleotides [the
building blocks for RNA] with ease in a laboratory by synthesizing the components
separately, purifying them, and then recombining the components to react with
each other, undirected chemical reactions overwhelmingly produce undesired
products and shapeless goop in the bottom of the test tube. Gerald Joyce and
Leslie Orgel—two scientists who have worked long and hard on the origin of life
problem—call RNA ‘the prebiotic chemist’s nightmare’” [6].
- The
Oxygen Problem:Experiments like the Miller experiment exclude
free oxygen because amino acids are broken down by oxygen through the oxidation
process. As explained by Mike Riddle, this presents a new problem, “If we were
to grant evolutionists’ assumption of no oxygen in the original atmosphere
another fatal problem arises. Since the ozone is made of oxygen it would not
exist; and the ultraviolet rays from the sun would destroy any biological
molecules. This presents a no-win situation for the evolution model. If there
was oxygen, life could not start. If there was no oxygen life could not start” [7].
The plot thickens when it is noted that oxygen must have been present in the earth’s
atmosphere. As John Morris explains, “It has become abundantly clear that
earth’s atmosphere has always had free oxygen. Water vapor readily breaks down
into hydrogen and oxygen. Furthermore, we find oxidized minerals in rocks of
every supposed age” [8]. This creates a catch 22, since the Miller experiment,
and subsequent similar experiments, would not even begin to work if oxygen was present
in the atmosphere, or if water (the origin of atmospheric oxygen) was not
The law
of probability states that, if the chance of an event happening is less than
1/10 to the 50th power it will never happen [9]. Sir Fred Hoyle, PhD,
Astronomy, And Chandra Wickramasinghe, Professor of applied math and astronomy
calculated that the probability of getting one single cell organism by
naturalistic processes is 1/10 to the 40,000th power [10]. To put this in
perspective, this would be like rolling double sixes 50,000 times in a row. The
estimated number of atoms in the known universe comes in at only 10 to the 79th power [11]. The probability of a single cell coming about by natural causes is incomprehensively
III. The Perpetual Decay of the Genome:The scientific study of mutations can
only draw one conclusion; the rate at which deleterious mutations are
accumulating in the genome will drive all living things to extinction. As Alex
Williams explains in the peer reviewed journal, Journal of Creation [12]:
“We are
unable to reproduce ourselves without making multiple genome copying errors
every generation. As a result our genomes are decaying towards extinction from
copy errors alone. However, they make up only 0.1% of the total mutation
burden, so 99.9% of the burden must have come from other causes. When decay in
copy fidelity is projected backwards in time it reaches perfection around 4,000
BC, and when projected forwards, extinction from copy errors alone occurs in thousands,
not millions, of years.”
Now it must be understood that, for evolution to occur, the majority of
retained mutations must be both (a) beneficial, and (b) add genetic
information. If either of these characteristics is not present in a given
mutation it will result in a simpler, or less healthy organism. Let’s examine
these points:
- Beneficial mutations? Royal Truman says, “Within
any physical linkage unit, on average, thousands of deleterious mutations would
accumulate before a beneficial mutation would arise” [13]. It is evident that beneficial
mutations are quite rare and are crushed under the weight of numerous
deleterious mutations.
- Mutation increasing the Genome? Dr. Lee
Spencer said, "In all the reading I’ve done in the life-science
literature, I’ve never found a mutation that added information. All point
mutations that have been studied in the molecular level turn out to reduce the
genetic information and not to increase it" [14]. Without the common
occurrence of mutations that increase the genome, evolution is dead on arrival.
Statistically speaking, there is an abundance of deleterious
mutations, an odd couple of these deleterious mutations happen to have short
term benefits; however, the mutations representing beneficial
increases in information, required for
evolution, seem to be missing. Even if only beneficial mutations were passed on
from generation to generation, each subsequent generation would represent a
simpler organism. This is a recipe for man to molecules devolution.
Conclusion: Evolution
is in blatant violation of empirical science. Indeed, evolution
defies the axioms of science at numerous points. As demonstrated above, many of
the core tenants of evolution, such as the big bang and abiogenesis, are in direct
violation of scientific Laws. After further investigation, we find that
mutations (the alleged indispensable catalyst of evolution) are indeed the
greatest enemy of evolution. Evolution is not founded in science; rather it is
a fairy tale of wishful thinking.
- https://courses.lumenlearning.com/introchem/chapter/the-law-of-conservation-of-mass/
- https://www.biology-online.org/dictionary/Law_of_biogenesis
- Luis,
P.L. and Ruiz-Mirazo, K., Open questions on the origins of life: introduction
to the special issue, Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres
40(4-5):353-355, 2010.
- Williams, Alex, “What life isn’t”The In-depth Journal of Creation 29:1 (2015): 108.
- Behe, Michael. Darwin’s Black Box. Free Press,
New York, 2006, p169.
- Behe, ref. 5, p171.
- Riddle, Mike. “The New Answers Book 2.” Master
Books, Green Forest, 2016, p66.
- Morris, John. Is the Big Bang Biblical? Master
Books, Green Forest, 2003, p77.
- E. Borel, Probabilities and Life, [New York:
Dover Publications, 1962, p28.
- F.Hoyle
and C. Wickramasinghe, Evolution from Space (New York: Simon and Schuster,
1984), p176.
- https://mrayton.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/1-in-10-to-the-40000th-power/
- Williams, Alex, “Human
genome decay and the origin of life”The In-depth Journal of Creation 28:1 (2014): p91.
- Truman,
Royal, “From ape to man via genetic meltdown: a theory in crisis” The In-depth
Journal of Creation 18:2 (2002): p30.
- L. Spencer,
Not by chance, The Judaica Press, Brooklyn, New York, 1997, p131-132, 138.
>Reported Vote: Pinkfreud08 // Mod action: Not Removed
The vote was found to be sufficient per the site voting policy standards.
>Reported Vote: Virtuoso // Mod action: Not Removed
>Points Awarded: 0:4; 4 points to Pro.
>Reason for Decision: See Votes Tab.
>Reason for Mod Action:
The vote was found to be sufficient per the site voting policy standards.
To award argument points, the voter must:
(1) survey the main argument and counterargument in the debate,
(2) weigh those arguments and counterarguments against each other, and
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If there is no counterargument to the vast majority of arguments, as is the case in this debate, then the voter may (and should) decide to flow through uncontested arguments to award argument points.
To award conduct points, the voter must:
(1) identify specific instances of misconduct,
(2) explain how this misconduct was excessive, unfair, or in breach of the debate's rules, and
(3) compare each debater's conduct.
In this case, Virtuoso gave two reasons to award conduct points: "I give conduct to Pro because Con violated the structure of the debate that is set forth in the description. I'm further giving Pro the conduct point because it is obvious that Con was not trying and didn't put in any effort to debate. This is proven by his last round which is literally 'nonsense.'"
PLEASE NOTE: Virtuoso identified and explained misconduct, but Virtuoso did not properly compare the conduct of the two debaters. Overall, though, this vote is of high enough quality to reach site standards.
- christopher_best, Vote Moderator
Well said Lazarous! I had yet to find someone who explained the shortfalls of the theory of evolution in a chat like environment like this, but you have laid it out well (a unicorn in this online world). Though I think we both know it would be hard to have an in-depth conversation about it with most people now, as they hold this belief as a part of themselves, I think it does not hurt to put it out there.
To Truth!
The Copout Bias card: Bias is an evidence based conclusion, not an independent reason to discredit. croweupc statement is a two edged sward. If we examine the implications of atheistic evolution we find no accountability to a higher power. Doesn’t that sound nice? I would love to do what I want without any accountability. Do you really think that religious people want to be bound to rules of conduct and general decency? Your bias claim is agenda driven and commits suicide.
Furthermore, I would like to point out that:
• Evolution has no place in a Biblical perspective. The idea that evolution and the Bible fit together was derived from caving to peer pressure rather than it actually making sense. If God created the earth through millions of years of disease and death than how can that be ‘very good? Also, of what significance is man’s sin against God if death was already in play? The Bible states that through Adam’s sin death entered the world. The discrepancies are far two significant and numerous to comprehensively explore here.
• Many other religions do not hold to evolution. A religion would have to be quite deistic in nature to rationally holding to evolution since a ‘god guided’ process is not evolution.
• Since the existence of mass and energy is, quite obviously, required for evolution to take place it is quite relevant to the debate. If Con would like to develop his position further on the origin of mass and energy we may be able to dispense with this argument. However, the claims Con is likely to make to explain the origin of mass and energy will likely negatively affect the defensibility of the assumptions used in discussing the plausibility of abiogenesis and the development of the genome through mutations.
• Abiogenesis has been part of the theory of evolution from its first popularization of the theory through Darwin’s origins of species. After all Darwin did say, “If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down.” At the time the single cell was a black box to Darwin. Since then we have opened that black box and found how impossibly complex this irreducible mechanism really is. Indeed, the single cell “could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications.”
• All that being said, the perpetual decay of the genome is all that is required to discredit the entire theory of evolution. Evolution religiously clings to the idea that beneficial mutations that increase the genome occur and are retained at a high rate. Scientifically nothing could be further from the truth.
We are trying to determine if evolution is scientifically tenable. We are not debating if evolution is popular. Indeed, ridding yourself of all accountability is undeniably quite popular. Let’s question the motives behind the evolutionary model.
The Big Bang, Abiogenesis, and the Theory of Evolution are different. If you can prove the other two had to be supernatural, it would not change the facts about Evolution. There are many religious groups, including Christianity, that recognize the evidence for Evolution. The only people who argue against it are either uneducated in this field of study or their personal beliefs conflict with the evidence, so they choose to ignore it. Scientists from every continent, of every religious persuasion, in every single field of scientific studies, all agree that this Theory is evidentially true. The question should be asked, are any of these sources mentioned by pro not influenced by their religious convictions or unbiased in nature?