Could The White Race Survive Without The Black Race?
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
After 2 votes and with 7 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 4
- Time for argument
- Two days
- Max argument characters
- 8,000
- Voting period
- Two weeks
- Point system
- Multiple criterions
- Voting system
- Open
The title speaks volumes because it's a well-known fact that white people have used murder, theft, slavery & cultural appropriation to build and maintain wealth. Many historians have stated that whites couldn't have survived if it weren't for black people. Whether it's America or Europe or anywhere else in between, white people have never truly practiced what they preach.
I'll be taking the Con side of the argument. If you're an emotional person then don't accept this debate because I'll be bringing in-depth and documented information to the table.
The burden of proof here is clearly on con. To win, con must show an event, or time period in which “white people” or white civilization would be unable to survive without the intervention of black people. The only example pro gave was the Black Death - where con claims the moors saved all white people in Europe. Con claims they brought medicine, but doesn’t appear to claim that they cured the Black Death, or manages to support the contention that all white people would have died without the intervention of black people. As a result pros burden is clearly unfulfilled, and con wins by default.
However, pros rebuttal to this key point, explaining that the Black Death ended not by the moors but by everyone susceptible dying, is a better and more supported explanation.
Pros additional examples of white people being broadly successful before and since does far more to affirm the resolution than the sole half-point that con adds.
As a result, arguments go to con.
This debate can be summarized with a single statement from pro: "White people survived very well and thrived for many millennia without consistent contact with black people. They worked their own lands, they built their own towns, and they made many scientific and engineering discoveries. Unfortunate as the history of imperialism is, you don't conquer people by being weak and helpless."
Which con's counter boils down to this statement: "My opponent is simply in denial at this point because he isn't making any sense what-so-ever." Which is no counter at all, merely a denial.
If con was correct, it would be a very easy thing to prove. Instead they talked about things like music, which do not relate to survival.
Conduct for claimed powers of mind reading, as exemplified with accusing pro of being "short-tempered" for the very act of arguing the other side; which on a debate is what the instigator requested he do.
I have it on my list :)
Noticed voting is your goal... wouldnt want you to miss out :p
1 week of voting to go!
What does Germania AD have to do with American slavery?
I have heard some things about what you're saying with the fact/theory thing but I can't speak on it because I don't know too much about it.
Many scientists and philosophers of science have described evolution as fact and theory, a phrase which was used as the title of an article by paleontologist Stephen Jay Gould in 1981. He describes fact in science as meaning data, not absolute certainty but "confirmed to such a degree that it would be perverse to withhold provisional assent". A scientific theory is a well-substantiated explanation of such facts. The facts of evolution come from observational evidence of current processes, from imperfections in organisms recording historical common descent, and from transitions in the fossil record. Theories of evolution provide a provisional explanation for these facts.[1]
a thing can be both theory and fact
Wir sind Barbaren
Wir sind Barbaren
there were no textile mills in germania in 9ad
Naked savages and war mad...a trait that continues to this very day.
That sounds lovely, but the North's textile mills used free labor and depended on southern cotton. Without the cotton then there would be no need for the textile mills which is why both regions benefited. Slave plantations were also in the north if you didn't already know.
If whites didn't need anyone else then whites wouldn't have used slaves to build countries, wouldn't have accepted medicines from African Moors during the Dark Ages, wouldn't need Africa's natural resources to survive, wouldn't need a system to get ahead. wouldn't use African artifacts to generate income, wouldn't have failed with the first American colonies...You're the biggest welfare case in history. Peace!
white people did just fine before they even knew what a negor or a roman was and we proved we could kick ass in 9ad at the battle of tueterbourg forest we dont need anoyne but ourelves
the north did not benefit from slavery and this is a proven fact thats why the north did better than the south it was based on a superior econmic model south was stuck in fuedal times even further back "“The banks of the Ohio River,” wrote Alexis de Tocqueville in 1831, “provided
the final demonstration…[that] time and again, in general, the colony that had no slaves
was more populous and prosperous than the one where slavery was in force.” Tocqueville
described Kentucky as being a place where “society has gone to sleep…[where] it is
nature that seems active and alive, whereas man is idle.” The neighboring state Ohio, on
the other hand, “on all sides [has] evidenceof comfort; man appears rich and contented;
he works.” (Tocqueville, 1835)
Not to be mean, but cannibalism, waring etc, isn't doing just fine.
Black males were castrated and black women were raped during American slavery, which is why Black-Americans have at least 20% European DNA in their lineage. Did you not no this? Yankees were never disgusted with Southern culture because the entire country was benefiting from slavery. Christianity is a false and evil religion. If it wasn't, then why were the actual faces of the Biblical people changed to being white? Christians are in a constant state of sinning and forgiving. The biggest terrorists in history are Christians because all we have to do is look at your track record.
Islamic slavery was most often debt slavery, and in all the thousands of years they did not commit as much brutality as american slavery did in a few hundred years. It was likely the most brutal slavery of all human history.
All slavery is bad, but your first sentences contradicts the rest. Just as many were raped, and it may have not been castratation, but the mutilation inflicted on southern slaves may have been worse. Castration keeps them from.making you more slaves!
slavery in this nation was brutal and so wrong i do not dispute that, obejctively if you actually do a bit of research you can evaluate how islamic slavery was much much worse it killed more people catrated millions of black men and raped 10 of millions of black women chritna slavery was an obecenity, the differenc was and this is so important it was christian themselves that first came up with the idea that slavery was an obominaion, true many aouthern so called cheitians used the bible to justify their crimes, and might i say southerners are lazy, the reason that had slaves was they were too lazy to do hard work. northern yankke stock and the german stock of pensyllvania were hard workng and pure and were disgusted bythe degenracy of southern culture.. but again do a bit of research the atlantic slave trade in europe lasted 300 years, islamic slave trade lasted 1000 years and never really ended slavery is still a big part of islam salvery was not abolished in saudi arabia till 1967 did you know that? islam is the most evil relgion on earth even worse than the catholic church
You are wrong. Idk about most chirstians, but the chattel slavery of america is of the most horrific and brutal kind. They were not people, the were objects.
black moors had no sceince or mdeicine 2/3 of europeans died in the plague people who survied did so for one reason a strong immune system whch is why today euopeans have stronger immune systems
who would pick our cotton or shine our shoes? whites did just fine before we even knew there were blacks on the planet, sure we did bad things to them, the idea slavery was wrong came from us, before that black africa enslaved itself , but the worst offender is islam where slavery of blacks still exists, europan slavery as bas as it was wasnt one tenth as bad as islamic slave trade, black males were castrated and black women were used exclusively as sex slaves in harems youd have to be cazy to be a black muslim as bad as chritianity was to blacks islam was 100 times worse
Boy, you're about as sharp as a marble and have an ego larger than RM. You're pathetic.
You're turning into Dr. Franklin. lol
Nawww... did I hurt your fee fees by pointing out that you have no idea what you're talking about? How precious. xD
I can see that some of my easily defeated opponents are in the comment section trolling away as expected. I've flamed you all on repeated occasions and you're trying to do damage control. I simply take it as a badge of honor.
I discuss real topics with people that I will never meet in person. It's simply dialogue but I base my debates on factual information that no one has been able to debunk since I've started and that speaks volumes. Absurd ideas and documented facts are two different things.
If U can't stand the heat, then get your a** out of the kitchen.
Yeah, I'm just shy of a free speech absolutist, myself. I don't think any bans are in order. He makes a fool out of himself, and therefore nobody takes his ridiculous ideas seriously. Exposing his absurd ideas is the best way to deal with him.
so far he hasn't called to violence or declared anyone an imminent threat. I think the point of sites like this if for free discussion. the only way to negate his ideas is to counter them... unless he starts excessive spamming, but that not a hate speech issue.
I'm not excusing it, just saying this has been going on for months.
IMO that someone is repeatedly trying to use this as a platform to spread disinformation, does not excuse it, rather it compounds the problem.
Cut the BS. These are real-world topics. Nothing more, nothing less.
This seems to be on par with his other debates.
Troll debates can get into some ugly territory, but this debate seems to be intended to spread hate speech.