Arguments - Pro delivered a fleshed out argument, which essentially boiled down to identifying nifty interactions between nature and the human body and attributing said interaction to god. Although the basic structure of the argument is sound, in that a claim is made and points are given to support it, the substance of the argument is poor, in my opinion. Pro has a long way to go to convince me that silver regulates our body temperature because god wanted silver to regulate our body temperature (or that god's hand is behind any of the other phenomenon mentioned). In order to convince me of this, Pro would 1) need to explain why it is unlikely that some elements of nature have convenient reactions with our bodies, and 2) need to explain why it is likely an all-powerful supernatural entity would care if some elements of nature have convenient reactions with our bodies. In absence of these explanations, I am unconvinced.
Arguments - Con probably has a great seed of an argument here, but he puts in no effort to make it grow. Attempting to turn Pro's logic against Pro is a smart move, and it's quite possible I could have been convinced. But without putting in the legwork of explaining why god's existence should be considered analogous to Pro's proposed coincidences, and without fleshing out the implications of the supposed infinite regress loop (I don't think providing a definition of infinite regress is sufficient on this front, although it's a start), I cannot award arguments to Con.
Sources - I was not impressed with either side's sources. As far as I can tell, some of Pro's claims went unsupported by the sources he provided, and some of the sources he provided made claims that should have been sourced, but were not. See the Cure Joy pages for an example of the latter. Con dumped two sources in his last round, but they were just definitions. These were helpful but not game-changing.
S&G - I was very tempted to award S&G to Con, as Pro's writing is quite poor. However, it did not seem entirely fair to compare the two, as Pro wrote many words, while Con wrote very few. In a way, Con provided too small a sample size for me to feel comfortable awarding Con S&G. That, and I did note a few minor writing errors in Con's limited text.
Conduct - Since Con forfeited Round 1 and put in little effort Round 2, points go to Pro.
god does not throw dice with the universe - albert einstien
what does that even mean?
I think I finally figured out how to counter it. See posts 34 through 36...
that's concision- pretty much sums up the crossed philosophy in a single sentence