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The Big Bang didn’t happen
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I think that Jesus is the Prophet of the god
Debate me if you think the mass deportation in the US will be beneficial
I am of the opinion that white privilege is not a thing; I don’t think the American system inherently advantages whites over minorities. Con’s argument would be that white privilege does exist, and that American society does inherently advantage whites over minorities.
I believe Trump is one of the worst presidents in our nation’s history. Prove me wrong.
**For Hero1000 Only** God: a perfectly good, omnipotent and omniscient being that created the universe. Please note that neither side has to prove that god is real or not, you just have to make a case that your side is more probable than the other.
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This debate will be does racism effect the US in a major way. With the major shift in arguments between political groups, I think this debate will be interesting. I am arguing the Pro, which means that I will be arguing that racism affects the US in a major way that is detrimental to minority groups. I will be looking for an opponent to argue the opposite. The response periods will be one week due to me working multiple jobs, which means my opponent will have plenty of time to respond.
Debate over Religious Text’s Violence
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