Junk Food Tax Group Debate
The debate is finished. The distribution of the voting points and the winner are presented below.
Winner & statistics
After 8 votes and with 8 points ahead, the winner is...
- Publication date
- Last updated date
- Type
- Standard
- Number of rounds
- 5
- Time for argument
- Two weeks
- Max argument characters
- 10,000
- Voting period
- One month
- Point system
- Winner selection
- Voting system
- Open
3 person team for each debate, please list out your teammates on first round. Write arguments via PM and forum. The people cannot vote.
Criterion Con Tie Pro Points
Winner ✔ ✗ ✗ 1 point
I'm fine with helping out either, or even both sides.
A few quick things:
1. While this debate need not be USA specific, for clarity it should pick one country for the framework.
2. There are various different types of taxes, but all of them ultimately raise the price consumers pay (Socialist countries have tried to get around this, it leads to collapse).
3. It is very easy for taxes to be regressive, in that they charge the poor a higher percentage of their earnings than the rich (AKA victimizing those who can't afford it). Cigarettes and alcohol are notorious for this.
4. What is under discussion is a Sin Tax. Sin Taxes in the USA cannot merely target something they opposes, but must also be written to be raising funds for some specific social good.
I'd be happy to debate you.
Sam_The_Kool_Kid has expressed to me via PM, that he doesn't want to do it anymore, I'll create a new debate, and make sure to vote for con
You don't want me on your team, boy?
Do you want corn chips to count?
-Sugary Drinks
-Things that have high calories but very little nutritional value
-Fast Food doesn't count
Corn chips do count
-Sugary Drinks
-Things that have high calories but very little nutritional value
-Fast Food doesn't count
Corn chips do count
I support pro, but sure, why not? Lol
What counts as junk food? Would corn chips count?
Want to join my team?
Do u want to join my team?
Can you guys, join my side?
I'd be up for either side of the debate if a further debater is needed
I would consider joining Pro's side. I don't feel strongly enough about the topic to be the person who joins, however.
yeah. well we can keep discussing in forum. If interest picks up I might still join or we might do a one-on-one version later on. I like the topic & the more I read about it the more it seems like a potentially good idea when implemented right- although I'd still argue that we should kick the Fed subsidies out first before taxing.
I'm pretty sure no one wants to join, so if you join pro side, and I "recruit" Ragnar or blamonkey, you'll get your rating hit.
If what is on offer here is a chance to debate with/vs. the likes of Ragnar & blamonkey without taking a ratings hit, count me in- just tell me which side I'm on
I really like the idea of this. I don't think people are engaged enough in the actual debate section of the website to care much. If some people want to volunteer, I wouldn't have a problem joining them though.