Total debates: 16
Drugs are not the cause of the opioid “epidemic” and are inanimate objects that have never hurt anyone.
some practice for MisterChris
(RationalMadman: You aint on my level. We never rap battled as each other, btw. Try it.)
This debate will be over abortion and whether or not it should remain legal. The debate will take place over a matter of three rounds, with three days each to make an argument. The voting will then take place over a two week period to decide the victor.
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I, PRO, believe that, on balance, the Christian doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is ethically tenable. As CON, you believe that the Christian doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is ethically indefensible.
Hall of Fame winner! An actual deep-dive into both the issues at play, as well as the people swept up in them. Along with serving as fine examples of two underused debating stratagems.
Required rating=1000 Anybody is welcome to accept this debate
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The contender will be for the resolution.
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Debate on Abortion Rights. We will be covering the reasons to have a complete ban on abortion or have it legal for all stages of pregnancy, nothing in the middle. Pro = Pro Choice, Con = Pro life
Firing Squad vs Nitrogen Gas Execution
Jury nullification is a fascinating phenomenon, and the significant level of controversy surrounding it makes it ripe for debate. Hence, this challenge--it should be fun. For the full debate topic, definitions, the debate's rules, consult the "full description." Acceptance of this debate constitutes acceptance of these rules and definitions.